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Show 60 SECRET SOCIETIES. FORESTERS OF AMERICA. Court Wasatch No 2—Meets at I O O F Hall on the 1st and 3d Wednesdays of each month. L B Ramsey, C R; P A Garner, Sec. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. Sego Lodge No 138—Meets at 226 Eccles Bldg the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. P A Cook, Fraternal Master; Mrs Clara B Cook, Sec. FRATERNAL ORDER EAGLES. Meets every Sunday evening at Eagle Hall. J C Gasberg. W Pres; D T Tracy, Sec; Paul W Stecher, Treas. I O O F. Grand Lodge of Utah for 1905—G M, C A Walker, Salt Lake City; Deputy G M, T M Stringer, Park City; G W, F M Ulmer, Salt Lake City; G Sec, P A Simkin, Salt Lake; G Treas. A M Pendleton, Salt Lake City; G Reprs, J J Thomas, W O Carbis. Grand Encampment of Utah for 1905—Meets I O O F Hall, Salt Lake City, third Tuesday in November. Patriarch, P A Simpkin, Salt Lake; High Priest, H N Standish, Bingham; G Sen Warden, W J Rosewear, Park City; G Jun Warden, W W Cook, Milford; G Scribe, A T McCanne, Salt Lake City; Grand Treas, Edward Pearce, Salt Lake City; G Repr, H E Hubbard. Park City. Ogden Lodge No 5—Instituted by Grand Lodge of Utah. Oct 14, 1874, charter restored November 14, 1890. Regular meetings Tuesday of each week. Joseph Perry, N G; A B Graft. V G; Henry Kissel, Sec; A C Shoemaker, Treas. Junction City Lodge No 36—Meets in I O OF Hall even-Thursday evening. E A Littlefield, N G; C C Nowlin, V G; J J Driver, P G; Walter Richey, Sec. Queen City Rebekah Lodge No 4—Instituted Nov 19, 1890. Meets 1st and 3d Saturdays in each month, I O O F Hall. Mrs C A Zimmerman, N G; Mrs Florence Woodbury,-V G; Mrs Emma Mead, Sec; Amanda Lansing, Treas. Uintah Encampment No 5, Ogden—Instituted Feb 22, 1888. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each month in Odd Fellow's Hall. H C Wardleigh, C P; Henry Kissel, Scribe. 2 61 SECRET SOCIETIES. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Ogden Lodge No 2—Meets in K of P Hall every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Earl R Geiger, C C; C A Huss, V C; Benjamin Marriott, Prelate; W G Kind, M W; L N Meid, K of R and S; A T Wood, M F; James Ballard, M E; W I Underwood, I G; J H Shafer, O G. Rathbone Sisters—Meet every Saturday evening at K of P Hall. Mrs Tillie Robb, M E C; Mrs Isabel Wiant, M of R and C. Uniform Rank—Meets the first Thursday of each month at K of P Hall. H C Wardleigh, Col and A D C. Lincoln Co No 2—A M Hodge, Capt; L T Booth, Rec. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Ogden Branch No 777—Meets every Monday at A O U W Hall. David Hickey, G K; Wm J Moran, Fin Sec. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. Silver Tent No 1—Meets first and third Fridays at 8 p m in A O U W Hall. Commander, Joseph Willet; Lieut Commander, Geo E Cross; P C, C M Flewelling ;RK,RT Harris. Ogden Tent No 24—Meets every Wednesday evening at I O O F Hall. George Halsey, Commander; F F Bond, R K. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Silver Hive No 1—Meets the second and fourth Tuesdays at 2:30 p m, at Eagle Hall. Mrs Laura Averill, L C; Mrs Lucy Nelson, R K. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Utah Camp No 9990—Meets every Tuesday at 8 p m at Eagle Hall. Geo C Worton, V C; J A Shafer, Clerk. NATIONAL UNION. Wasatch Council No 520—340 25th. Regular meeting third Monday of each month. A A Wenger, Pres; A W Putnam, Fin Sec; A F Richey, Treas. ORDER OF WASHINGTON. A Ogden Union No 172—H A Sims, Pres; Walter Richey, Sec. Meets every Thursday evening at I O O F Hall. |