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Show 46 POST OFFICE—BANKS. Third Class—Printed matter in unsealed wrappers, corrected proof sheets, and manuscript copy accompanying the same, business and visiting cards, address tags and labels, printed maps, plans and charts, paper valentines, blue prints, lithographs, engravings, heliotypes, hektograph prints, lithographs and similar articles of print, one cent for every two ounces or fraction thereof. Seed, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions and plants are now sent at this rate, but subject to fourth class regulation. Fourth Class—Envelopes, blank bills, letter heads, blank and playing cards, paper sacks, wrapping paper with or without printing, and blanks of any kind, merchandise, samples, drawings, and other matter not included in the first, second or third classes, one cent per ounce or fraction thereof. Letters and packages may be registered for a fee of eight cents each in addition to postage. Re-forwarding—Letters may be re-forwarded without payment of additional postage. Unmailable—Matter injurious to the mails, explosives, poisons or exhaling bad odor, or liable to decomposition, ardent, malt, vinous, spirituous or inflammable liquids. All matter is limited to four pounds, except single books and first and second class matter, which may weigh more. Whenever any packet of matter other than first class, offered for mailing to any address within the United States is sealed or otherwise closed against inspection, or bears writing not permissable by law, it is subject to postage at letter or first class rates, and treated as a letter. Registered Matter—First, third, and second class matter may be registered at an expense of eight cents on each package, in addition to the proper postage. BANKS AND BANKERS Commercial National Bank—Washington av s w cor 24th. Incorporated March 29th, 1884; capital, $100,000. J. W. Guthrie, Pres.; Patrick Healy, Vice-Pres.; A R Heywood, Cashier. First National Bank—2384 Washington av. Incorporated 1881 ; capital, $150,000; surplus, $30,000. David Eccles, Pres.; John Pingree, Cashier; James F Burton, Asst. Cashier. Ogden Savings Bank—2384 Washington av. Incorporated 1891; capital, $75,000. David Eccles, Pres.; Joseph Clark, Vice-Jres.; John Pingree, Cashier. Ogden State Bank—2500 Washington av. Incorporated September 20, 1889; capital and surplus, $150,000; deposits, $800,000. H C Bigelow, Pres.; A P Bigelow, Cashier; R A Moyes, Asst. Cashier. 2 BANKS—CEMETERIES—CHURCHES. 47 Pingree National Bank—2487 Washington av. Incorporated July 1, 1904; capital, $175,000. Job Pingree, Pres.; Joseph Scowcroft, Vice-Pres.; James Pingree, Cashier. Utah National Bank—2400 Washington av, Chartered Feb. 13, 1883; capital, $100,000; J E Dooly, Pres.; H A Peery, Vice-Pres.; R E Hoag, Cashier; A V Mcintosh, Asst. Cashier. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Ogden Building and Savings Assn.—Geo J Kelly, Receiver. Basement Reed Hotel Building. CEMETERIES Mountain View Cemetery—Office 206 Eccles Bldg. E O Krook, Sexton; Cemetery located bet 33d and 35th, Jefferson and Madison avs. Ogden City Cemetery—W L Porter, Sexton; bet 19th and 20th, Madison and Adams avs. Union Cemetery, North Ogden—Union Cemetery Assn, Proprs. James Storey, Secretary; Greenleaf Blodgett, Sexton. CHURCHES ADVENTIST. Seventh Day Adventist Church—177 24th. Services Saturday,11 am; Sabbath school, 10 a m. Rev W A Alway in charge; res 518 17th. BAPTIST. First Baptist Church—2359 Grant av. Services Sunday, 11a m and 8p m; Sabbath school, 12 a m; B Y P U, 7pm; prayer meeting, Thursday, 8pm; Sacred Literature class, Friday, 7:30 p m; Junior Literature B Y P U, Sunday, 3pm; Rev H B Blood, Pastor; res 2357 Grant av. CATHOLIC. St. Joseph's Catholic Church—24th n e cor Adams av. First mass, 8:30 am; Catechism, 9:15 to 10 a m; high mass and sermon, 10:30 a m; Vespers 7:30 p m; Rev P M Cushnahan, Pastor; res 510 24th. |