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Show W. J. DALLIMORE LICENSED PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER Tel. Bell 518-X. Ind. 518. 2352 WASHINGTON AVE. 226 R. L. POLK & CO'S HOAG RALPH E, Cashier Utah National Bank, res The Virginia, Ind Tel 732. Hoag Mrs R E, china painting, 409 24th, res The Virginia. Hobbs Arthur E, clk U P R R, res rear 300 21st. Hobbs John F, brkman U P R R, res 725 23d. Hobbs Loray, student Inter Mtn Bus Coll, bds 157 23d. Hobert Lee F, clk S P Co, rms 262 24th. Hobson, see also Hopson. Hobson Eulalia, bds 826 23d. Hobson Mrs Margaret C, res 826 23d. Hobson Samuel H, moved to Tuscarora, Nev. Hobson Samuel V, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, bds 826 23d. Hobson W Raymond, stenog Z C M I, bds 826 23d. Hodge, see also Hoge and Hogge. Hodge A Marvin, clk P O, res 255 29th. Hodge George F, painter, bds 255 29th. Hodges Orville W, res Adams av n W cor 38th. Hodgkins Louisa, bds 437 28th. Hodgson Leslie S, architect, res 3005 Washington av. Hodson, see also Hudson. Hodson Franklin, bds Marriott. Hodson George, farmer, res Marriott. Hodson Leonard, bds Marriott. Hodson Luella, bds Marriott. Hodson Wm, farmer, res Marriott. Hoff, see also Huff. Hoff Mrs Eldora, bds 256 Harrisville av. Hoffman Adam, moved to San Francisco, Cal. Hoffman August W, messr W F & Co Exp, rms 2540 Lincoln av. Hoffman Charles E, moved to San Francisco, Cal. Hoffman Frank Jr, collr R M Bell Tel Co, rms Idanha Hotel. Hoffman George, clk Ogden Packing Co, res 558 22d. Hoffstetler, see Hufstetler. Hoge, see also Hodge and Hogge. Hoge George W, lab, res 963 21st. Hoge Parley, farmer, res Marriott. Hoggan, see also Hagen. Hoggan Alexander, carp, res 271 W 12th. Hoggan James, driver Knudsen & Doon, bds 521 16th. P. ERNSTROM HORSESHOER. 417-419 23rd St. We Are Especially Prepared For Shoeing Mean Horses. OGDEN FLORAL CO. Choice Cut Flowers, Palms and Ferns, Bedding Plants Store, 2313 Washington Av., Ind. Tel. 326. Greenhouses, Opp. Glenwood Park, Bell Tel. 636-X 2 Chas.J.A.Lindquist Reliable Undertaker & Embalmer 2620 Washington Av. Both Phones OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 227 Hoggan Jeanette C, bds 3055 Wall av. Hoggan John S, Clk J L Moore, bds 521 16th. Hoggan Joseph S, emp Continental Oil Co, res 3055 Wall av. Hoggan Joseph S Jr, bds 3055 Wall av. Hoggan Robert M, trav agt, res 521 16th. Hoggan Robert M Jr, student High School, bds 521 16th. Hoggan R Ellis, student, bds 3055 Wall av. Hogge, see also Hodge and Hoge. Hogge Charles E, emp Amalgamated Sugar Co, res W Weber. Hogge Joseph, Fish and Game Warden, res W Weber. Hogge Roy, emp Amalgamated Sugar Co, res W Weber. Holbrook Eugene E, mgr Capitol Hill Green House, 458 25th, res same. Holbrook Herbert H, cigarmkr, res 2668 Wall av. Holbrook Mrs Mary E, propr Capitol Hill Green House, 458 25th, res same. Holbrook Walter L, clk Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, res 3217 Washington av. Holden John, switchman O S L R R, res 225 30th. Holden Mrs Nettie, rms 362 24th. Hole Jennie L (wid John N), bds 2644 Sheridan av. Holibaugh Orlando W, eng S P Co, res 2236 Madison av. Holland Cephas H, boilermkr S P Co, res 2348 Jackson av. Holland Willis N, asst supt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 38 First Natl Bank Bldg, res 3290 Washington av. Hollander Amy J, bds 2269 Jackson av. Hollander Hulda C, dressmkr, 2269 Jackson av, bds same. Hollander John A, wiper, bds 2269 Jackson av. Hollander Josephine J (wid John), res 2269 Jackson av. Hollands Vivian, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2248 Lincoln av. Holley Ezra, farmer, res Slaterville. Holley Henry, farmer, res Slaterville. Holley Henry E, farmer, res Slaterville. Holley Horace, student Weber Stake Academy, bds Slaterville. Holliday, see Halliday. HOLLINGSWORTH CHARLES R, Attorney-at-Law, 303 Eccles Bldg, Bell Tel 295-K, Ind 720, res 2442 Monroe av, Bell Tel 412-Y. Hollingsworth Fred P, clk S P Co, bds 2442 Monroe av. Hollingsworth Howard J, bkpr, bds 2442 Monroe av. Utah Knitting Works 1701 Washington Avenue The Knitted-Wear House of the State OGDEN STEEL & IRON WORKS REAR 2265 LINCOLN AVE. ALL KINDS OF GENERAL IRON WORK |