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Show Model LAUNDRY ROYAL AVE. NEAR 22ND ST. OGDEN CLEAN TIDY NIFTY WORK 154 R. L. POLK & CO'S Fifth Ward Amusement Hall, 2570 Madison av. Fifth Ward Meeting House, 2580 Madison av. Filmore H, brkmn U P, r 2622 Wash av. Finch Mrs Ellen D, cook Greenwell Confy, r 478 Chester. Finch Henry E, moved to Los Angeles. Finch Max, rancher, r 478 Chester. Fire Department Headquarters, Grant av ne cor 26th. FIREMANS FUND INS CO (of San Francisco), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. First Baptist Church, 2359 Grant av. First Church of Christ Scientist, 780 24th. First Congregational Church, 2464 Adams av. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Rev Geo F Rass- weiler Pastor, 454 24th, Tel 1816. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, M S Browning Pres, John Watson, L R Eccles and R B Porter V-Prests, James F Burton Cashr, Sumner P Nelson Asst Cashr, 2384 Washington av, Tel Exch 54. (See back cover). First National Bank Building, Wash av ne cor 24th. First Presbyterian Church, Adams av se cor 24th. Firth David W, appr S P, rms 139 W 27th. Firth John T, clk P O, r S Weber. Fish Andw T, mgr Yan Noy-Interstate Co, r 853 26th. Fish Eliz M, student, b 853 26th. First National Bank U. S. Depository OGDEN, UTAH M.S. BROWNING PRESIDENT JOHN WATSON VICE-PRES L.R. ECCLES VICE-PRES R.B. PORTER VICE-PRES JAMES F. BURTON CASHIER SUMNER P. NELSON ASST. CASHIER Capital $ 150,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 209,126.18 Deposits 3,348,687.27 WESTERN CREDIT ASSN. COLLECTIONS No Advance Fees. We remit as soon as money received Bonded for $5,000.00 to the State of Utah 2d Floor Col. Hudson Bldg. TEL. 971 EVERETT LIVERY Successors to Corey Livery Co. FEED AND SALE STABLES 2219 Washington Ave. Tel. 876 Funeral, Party and Wedding Calls OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET PHONE 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 155 Fisher Chas, jan, r 2636 Harrison av. Fisher Chas E, grocer, 2516 Monroe av, r same. Fisher Chas H, lab, rms 2409 C av. Fisher Chas L, motrmn O L & I, r 2842 Madison av. Fisher Corstian, student, b 2636 Harrison av. Fisher Dorothy, b 24-4 17th. Fisher Edwin F, brkmn, r 161 Poplar av. Fisher Mrs Eliz, b Farr West. Fisher Florence E, b 1762 Pacific av. Fisher Forren, b Farr West. Fisher Fred, formn G A Lowe Go, r 3069 Wall av. Fisher Geo F, lab Amal Sugar Co, b 244 17th. Fisher Henry, clk, r 1762 Pacific av. Fisher Henry, lab, r 244 17th. Fisher Iona, b 244 17th. Fisher Mrs Isabella, r 2036 Quincy av. Fisher John T, mach Western Fndry & M Co, b 471 27th. Fisher Jos, farmer, r Farr West. Fisher Mrs Leah, b Farr West. Fisher L Roy, tmstr Edwin Williams, r 562 28th. Fisher Mrs Martha M, r 471 27th. Fisher Morris, supvr B & B S P, rms Reed Hotel. Fisher Viola, b Farr West. Fisher Violet, clk S J Burt & Bros, b 1762 Pacific av. Fisher Ward, farmer, r Farr West. Fisher Wm, carp, rms Reed Hotel. Fisher Wm G, slsmn A Schilling & Co, r 2359 Van Buren av. Fishier Philip L, cigarmkr Max Davidson, r 2909 Wash av. Fitzgerald Chas P, eng, r 3024 Grant av. Fitzgerald Clara, tchr Pingree Schl, r 2534 Brinker av. Fitzgerald Coleman F, bkpr, r 2679 Jackson av. Fitzgerald Gertrude, tchr Cent Jr High Schl, b 2534 Brinker av. Fitzgerald Jas G, mach S P, r 871 24th. Fitzgerald John, rms 427 24th. Fitzgerald Katherine D, b 2424 Jackson av. Fitzgerald Kathryn, b 2536 Adams av. Fitzgerald Lloyd, student, b 3024 Grant av. Fitzgerald Mary E (wid Thos' E), r 2536 Adams av. Fitzgerald Thos J, cond, r 2424 Jackson av. Fitzgerald Wendall T, b 2424 Jackson av. Fitzhugh Arch J, linemn, rms 2567 Grant av. Fitzhugh Pearl, waiter Angus Kennedy, rms 2567 Grant av. Fitzsimmons Eliz M (wid John L), r 1070 Oak. Fitzsimmons John M, driver Williams & Smith, b 1070 Oak. FIVE POINTS DRUG CO (Sanford Harrop, Christopher Aadne- son), 200 Washington av, Tel 249. Five Points School, 506 3d. Flaherty Danl M, brkmn, rms Marion Hotel. Flanders Isaac E, r 331 35th. Flandron John, pkr, rms 3276 Stephens av. Flaner Chas B, driver Williams & Smith, b 589 12th. Flaner Harry E, clk U S Forest Service, r 1504 Wash av. Planer John P, carp U S Forest Service, r 589 12th. Flanery Hunter, mach, r 2120 Royal av. KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS MAKE OUR FACTORIES LARGER Increase Our PAY ROLLS BUY UTAH MADE GOODS Royal Cleaning & Pressing Co. 431 24th St. Opposite Court House Phone 987 |