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Show Model LAUNDRY ROYAL AVE. NEAR 22ND ST. OGDEN CLEAN TIDY NIFTY WORK 250 R. L. POLK & CO'S LLOYD'S PLATE GLASS INS CO (of New York), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Washington av. Lobello Theresa, b 2002 Wash av. Lobello Virgil, grocer, 2002 Wash av, r same. Lobenberg Benj, moved to Salt Lake City. Lochhead Angus T, trav agt, r Harrisville. Lochhead Geo, weighmstr, r 721 26th. Lochhead Geo jr, r 2740 Jefferson av. Lochhead Isabella M, opr M S T & T Co, b 721 26th. Lochhead John S, student, b 721 26th. Lochhead Pearl (wid Wm S), r 835 26th. Lochhead Robt S, cashr G A Lowe Co, b 721 26th. Lockhart Oliver C, survr U S Forest Serv, rms 2422 Adams av. Lockwood Frank N, b 652 26th. Lockwood Nelson A, cons eng Amal Sugar Co, r 652 26th. Lockyer Wm, blrmkr S P, r 247 W Patterson av. Lodato Jos (Strevay & Lodato Co), r 2001 Wash av. Loewenstein Eliz (wid Donegal), r 2105 Madison av. Loewenstein Henry, r 2159 Jefferson av. Loewenstein Lee F, ctr Emil Keller jr, r 2104 Jefferson av. Loewenstein Pearl, clk Wright's, b 2159 Jefferson av. Lofgreen Louis, chf insp Water Dept, r 530 17th. Lofquist Fred E, hlpr J M Larsen, r 1558 Wash av. Lofquist Mary, tchr, rms 528 24th. Logan Harry W, cond O S L, r 1127 25th. Logan Herbt V, emp Shupe-Williams, r 630 W 20th. Lohlein Fred, formn J G Read & Bros Co, r 14 Corey Apts. Lois Ellen, clk Wright's, b 447 33d. Lombardi Michl (Western Bar), pres Western Imptg Co, r 544 24th. Lombardi Pauline, steno Western Imptg Co, b 544 24th. LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION (of London), Preferred Ins Agcy Agts, 814 Eccles Bldg. London Clarence O, carp, r 1163 Rushton. London Geo T, carp, r 1159 Rushton. LONDON MEAT MARKET (Leroy Sessions), Fresh and Cured Meats, U S Inspected Steer Beef Only, Quality and Service Guaranteed, 616 24th, Tel 136. London Seymour, ptr B F Thomas, b 1159 Rushton. Lone Star Barber Shop, Ogden Barber S Co proprs, 318 25th. Lone Star Lunch Room (Harry Ford), 2352 Wash av. Long Chas H, eng S P, r 422 31st. Long Dorothy B, student, b 555 27th. Long Edwd, lab, r 3655 Ogden av. Long Geo D, waiter Fred Harvey, rms 2631 Hudson av. Long Herbt, clk Crystal Bottling & Mfg Co, r 2047 Adams av. LONG JOHN (Inter-Mtn Vulcanizing Wks), r 142 W Patterson av. Long Levi, eng S P, r 3585 Colorado av. Long Margt, student, b 555 27th. Long Martha, emp Goddard P & P Co, rms 2069 Jackson av. Long Mrs Mary, rms 224 26th. Long Milton, slsmn Consumers Whol Gro Co, r 555 27th. Long Robt, stoker Utah P & L Co, r 2761 Pacific av. EVERETT LIVERY Successors to Corey Livery Co. FEED AND SALE STABLES 2219 Washington Ave. Tel. 876 Funeral, Party and Wedding Calls WESTERN CREDIT ASSN. Bonded for $5,000.00 to the State of Utah. 2d Floor Col. Hudson Bldg. COLLECTIONS No Advance Fees. We remit as soon as money it received TEL. 971 OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET PHONE 174 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 251 Long Wm B, carp, rms 336 18th. Long Wm P, real est, r 555 27th. Long W Gillette, hlpr S P, b 555 27th. Longmire Edwd H, blrmkr S P, r 365 22d. Longmire Jos E (Longmire & Carlisle), r 3217 Grant av. Longmire & Carlisle (Jos E Longmire, Russell Carlisle), groc¬- ers, 439 28th. Loomis Gardner O, signwriter Utah Billposting Co, r 2027 Adams av. Looney Thos Y, electn, rms 879 21st. Loop Chas, lab, rms 2235 Wash av. Loos Wm H, bkpr Utah Const Co, rms Reed Hotel. Loosmann Freda H, tchr Mound Fort Schl, r 850 23d. Loper Robt, farmer, r Riverdale. Lorance, see also Lawrence and Lowrance. Lorance Lloyd E, clk, r 713 29th. Lorin Farr School, 22d sw cor Harrison av. Losasso Michl J, clk Western Imptg Co, r 2233 Madison av. Losch Margt (wid August), r 2832 Quincy av. Losee Aaron, swehmn S P, r 201 33d. Losee Ludlow H, chfr Washington Mkt, b 203 33d. Lotz Henry, brewmstr Becker B & M Co, r 1960 Lincoln av. Loudon Eliz, rms 2928 King av. Loughlin, see also McLaughlin. Loughlin Jas W, lab, r Wilson la. Loughran Danl E, brkmn, r 2719 Lincoln av. Loughran Jos, insp S P, r 2758 Lincoln av. Loughran Jos A, student, b 2758 Lincoln av. Loughran May, opr Scowcroft's, b 2758 Lincoln av. Loughran Richd M, b 2758 Lincoln av. Loughton Alfred H, hlpr S P, r 184 17th. Louie W, waiter Newport Cafe, rms 218 25th. Loustan Peter, farmer, r 856 12th. Louther, see Lowther. Love Wm J, r 2516 Van Buren av. Lovett Henry C, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 2854 Wash av. Lovin Scott, pipeftr, r 328 33d. Low Mrs Marie, rms 566 22d. Low Wm A, brtndr C S Potter, rms 2468 Wash av. Low Wm J, r 2839 Lincoln av. Lowder, see Lauder. LOWE MRS ANNA M, Pres Geo A Lowe Co, r Salt Lake City. Lowe Francis A, clk Turner's Smoke House, r 2641 Wall av. LOWE GEO A CO, Mrs Anna M Lowe Pres, J W Abbott V-Pres, George Gray Sec, J R Cooper Treas, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Wholesale and Retail, 2326-2328 Washington av, Tel Exch 7. (See front cover). Lowe Rev Geo F, pastor First Baptist Ch, r 2624 Jefferson av. Lowe Irwin W, clk Ogden Whol Drug Co, b 146 Tracy av. Lowe John E, student, b 2624 Jefferson av. Lowe Jos D, driver, r 1795 Center av. Lowe Lily E, r 3117 Jefferson av. Lowe Lorna E, clk, b 3117 Jefferson av. KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS MAKE OUR FACTORIES LARGER Increase Our PAY ROLLS BUY UTAH MADE GOODS Royal Cleaning & Pressing Co. 431 24th St. Opposite Court House Phone 987 |