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Show Thomas C. Foley Co. WINES AND LIQUORS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DISTRIBUTORS FOR Becker's & Eastern Beers 2410 Wash. Ave. Phone 303 326 R. L. POLK & CO'S Plummer Ray R, steno S P, b 2443 Adams av. Plyer Charlotte (wid Thos), r 306 23d. Plyer Charlotte A, clk Scowcroft's, b 306 23d. Plyer Edwin P, b 306 23d. Plyer Percy C, solr Metro Life Ins Co, r 2646 Monroe av. Plyer Percy C jr, student, b 2646 Monroe av. Poate Wm, trav agt, rms 2767 Grant av. Pocotus Gust, rms Grant Hotel. Poff Claude A, dist coml agt M S T & T Co, r 2540 Gramercy av. Polak Gust J, shoemkr Oscar Rinderman, rms 268 1/2 25th. Poland Ernest, electn, rms 2468 Wash av. Police Department Headquarters, Hudson av bet 25th and 26th. Polk Edwd H, store kpr, r 644 27th. POLK R L & CO, R L Polk Pres, F W Sudbury Sec and Mgr, Office and Library with Carnegie Free Library, Wash¬- ington av bet 25th and 26th, General Offices 613-616 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City, Tel Wasatch 39. (See adv). R. L. POLK, Pres and Treas. F. W. SUDBURY, Sec and Mgr. R. L. POLK & CO. DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS Ogden City Directory Cheyenne City Directory Laramie City Directory Logan City and Cache County Directory Provo City and Utah County Directory Salt Lake City Directory Map of Salt Lake City Utah State Gazetteer and Business Directory Boise City and Ada County Directory Pocatello City and Bannock County Directory Reno and Sparks City Directory Nevada State Gazetteer and Business Directory Trinidad City and Las Animas County Directory Colorado Springs City Directory Pueblo City Directory Grand Junction City and Mesa County Directory Salida City and Chaffee County and Boulder City Directory We Address Circulars and Advertising: Matter of All Kinds. Furnish Trade and Professional Lists, Publish Maps, Atlases, etc. Write for Rates. General Offices, 613-614-615-616 Dooly Bldg., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Telephone Wasatch 39 Branches at Ogrden, Boise, Pocatello, Colorado Spring's, Pueblo, Cheyenne and Reno. JOGALONG TRANSFER CO. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE 328 1/2 Twenty-Fifth Street MOVING VANS Telephone 283 "YOU DON'T KNOW BEANS" 'TIL YOU'VE TASTED PIERCE'S Office and Factory 29th Street and Pacific Ave. Telephone 995 BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES PHONE 2777 OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 327 Pollis Wm, lab S P. Polos Gust, emp Amal Sugar Co. Poison, see Poulsen and Poulson. Pomeroy A Loretta, student, b 435 28th. Pomeroy Hattie J (wid Alfred), r 435 28th. Ponas Geo, emp Ogden P & P Co. Pons Alex, farmer, b Marriott. Pons Esther (wid David C), r rear 339 Patterson av. Pons John, farmer, b Marriott. Pons John F, farmer, r Marriott. Pons Philip, farmer, b Marriott. Pool Isabelle (wid Wm), rms 527 7th. Pool Jos E, r rear 230 W 22d. Pool Merinda (wid Wm), r rear 232 W 22d. Poorman Cecelia J, b 2659 Lafayette av. Poorman Jas G, swchmn, r 317 32d. Poorman Thos J, swchmn, r 2659 Lafayette av . Poorman Thos K, eng disp S P, b 2659 Lafayette av. Poorte Grace, laund O S L, b 2018 Madison av. Poorte Herman, plmbr A W Meek, r 2018 Madison av. Poorte John H, clk Grand Union Tea Co, b 2018 Madison av. Pope Geo D, rms 139 W 27th. Pope Violet, emp Ogden Steam Lndry, b 139 W 27th. Poplar Heights (Romanza Beck), bdg hse, 437 24th. Port Hyrum, farmer, r W Ogden. Porter Amy, rms 1080 Oak. Porter Arthur P, clk R M S, b 2523 Adams av. Porter Carrie E S, died Mch 1, '15, age 40. Porter Chas, wchmn U P & L Co, r Ogden Canyon. Porter Chas A, rms 3032 Adams av. Porter Clarence E, tmstr, r 3021 Ogden av. Porter Cleveland, elk, r 2523 Adams av. Porter Dean B, formn J G Read & Bros Co, r 857 30th. Porter Earl, clk Boyle Furn Co, b 470 30th. Porter Edgar, mach H C Hansen & Go, b 470 30th. Porter Irvin J, student, rms 2642 Monroe av. Porter Jas W, student, b 2001 Douglas av. Porter John T, oiler S P. Porter John W T, clk, r 717 26th. Porter J Gilbert, teller Utah Nat Bank, b 470 30th. Porter Landon R, blrmkr S P, r 1933 Wall av. Porter Lee L, opr Utah P & L Co, r 3281 Lincoln av. Porter Mamie, student, rms 2550 Monroe av. Porter Martha (wid Luther G), r 470 30th. Porter Mrs Maude D, sec-treas Dee Hosp, r 800 Wash av. Porter Parley, hlpr S P. Porter Pearl E, cashr Weatherby Drsd Meat Co, rms 2032 Farr av. Porter Rebecca R (wid Saml), b 2523 Adams av. PORTER RICHARD B, Pres Western Foundry & Machine Co, V-Pres Utah Canning Co and First Nat Bank, r 800 Wash¬- ington av, Tel 725. Porter Ross, b Ogden Canyon. Porter Roy, lab, b 2001 Douglas av. KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS MAKE OUR FACTORIES LARGER Increase Our PAY ROLLS BUY UTAH MADE GOODS CIRCULARS ADDRESSED R.L. POLK & CO. MAILING LISTS OF ALL KINDS WRITE SALT LAKE CITY |