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Show The Eccles Lumber Co. Mantels, Grates & Tile WHOLESALE & RETAIL 156-164 24th St. Tel. 128 252 R. L. POLK & CO'S Lowe Lyla L, student, b 2624 Jefferson av. Lowe Marion C, wchrnn S P, b 3117 Jefferson av. Lowe Nannie M (wid Wm), r 884 23d. Lowe Raymond G, lab, b 3117 Jefferson av. Lowe Thos M, farmer, r Hooper. Lowe Zadok, farmer, r W Weber. Lowenstein, see Loewenstein. Lowery Mrs Ella, cook Kern's Catering Co, r 136 Shorten av. Lowery Isaac R, waiter Weber Club, r 136 Shorten av. Lowes E Leon, comp, rms Arlington Hotel. Lowlander Arie, r 1031 22d. Lowlander Juanita, b 1031 22d. Lowlander Margt, b 1031 22d. Lowman Mrs Eva, rms 2234 Lincoln av. Lowrance, see also Lawrence and Lorance. LOWRANCE SAMUEL F, Mgr Eli Dix, Salary Loans, 218 Col Hudson Bldg, Tel 871-J, r 2643 Brinker av. Lowther Geo H, gripmn Alhambra Theatre, r 1965 Grant av. Lowther Jane (wid Geo), b 1965 Grant av. Lowther Jos S, cementwkr, r 1743 Riverside av. Lowther Robt, lab, r Adams av ne cor 38th. Lowther Wm, clk D & R G, b 1743 Riverside av. Lubeck Anton I, emp U S Forest Service, r 2849 Nye av. Lubeck Ernest A, ptr U S Forest Service, b 2849 Nye av. Lubfin Harry S, clk RMS, rms 429 26th. Lubin Morris, moved to Blackfoot, Ida. Lucas Albt, emp Lucas Auto Livery, rms rear 432 26th. LUCAS AUTO LIVERY (Wm Lucas), 241 25th and rear 432 26th, Tel 55. (See adv). LUCAS AUTO LIVERY WM. LUCAS, Propr. Auto Livery, Baggage and Express OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Tel. 91 141 25th St. and Rear 432 26th St. Ogden, Utah Lucas Edgar, chkr, r 2744 Grant av. Lucas Florence I, tchr Dee Jr High Schl, rms 1144 24th. Lucas Geo, pickles, r 351 Franklin. Lucas Geo, eng U P, r 528 24th. Lucas Geo, runner Marion Hotel, rms 427 25th. Lucas Matilda (wid John G), rms 1144 24th. LUCAS WM (Lucas Auto Livery), r 3519 Ogden av, Tel 1439-W. Luckey Jas W, lab S P, b 3012 Adams av. VOLKER LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 24TH ST. PHONE 612 KELLY & HERRICK Fire and Accident Insurance Real Estate and Loans 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE TELEPHONE 76 WRIGHT'S STORE GENERAL DEP'T STORE LINES Cor. Washington Ave. and 24th OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 253 Luddington Edna M, clk Paine & Hurst, b 598 12th. Luddington Fuller C, driver J L Moore, b 598 12th. Luddington Wm H, lab, r 598 12th. Ludwig Barbara (wid Jos), r 2311 Lincoln av. Ludwig Edna, clk Scowcroft's, b 2311 Lincoln av. Ludwig Mrs Ida, rms 2053 Douglas av. Ludwig Kathryn, clk Leader, b 2311 Lincoln av. Lueaton Apartments, 231 27th. Lueker Paul H, bkpr Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co, r 437 24th. Lund Andw L, farmer, r Plain City. Lund Anthon H, pres Amal Sugar Co, r Salt Lake City. Lund Aurelius L, barber C E Carlile, r 154 Poplar av. Lund Carl W, appr, b 330 Adams av. Lund Edwd H, brklyr, b 30 N Wash av. Lund Eli E, botlr Becker B & M Go, r 856 22d. Lund Esther V, steno Utah Knitting Co, b 30 N Wash av. Lund Francis M, farmer, r Plain City. Lund Gustave, farmer, r W Weber. Lund Heber, firmn, r 245 Patterson av. Lund Heber C, farmer, b Plain City. Lund Hyrum E, floor mgr Wright's, r 843 21st. Lund John G, flymn Alhambra Theatre, b 330 Adams av. Lund Jos W, painter, r 2772 River av. Lund Mollie M, steno, b 30 N Wash av. Lund Otto E, contr, 330 Adams av, r same. Lund Raymond E, b 330 Adams av. Lund Sadie B, emp Shupe-Williams, b Plain City. Lund Victor C, farmer, r Plain City. Lund Walter E, brklyr, r 369 Adams av. Lund Wilford, b 2772 River av. Lund Willard R, farmer, r Plain City. Lund Wm A, brklyr, r 30 N Wash av. Lund W Russell, bkpr, b 30 N Wash av. Lundberg Andw, farmer, r Taylor. Lundberg Lynne, elk Schade Bros, b 204 23d. Lundberg Mrs Martha B, furn rms, 204 23d. Lundberg Richd H, motrmn O L & I, b 264 24th. Lundergren Wm N, hlpr S P. Lundquist, see also Lindquist. Lundquist August, brtndr, rms 663 7th. Lundquist Carl, r 663 7th. Lundquist Henry G, clk R M S, r 547 7th. Lundquist Jos, emp Ogden P & P Go, r 657 7th. Lundy Mrs Hilda, r 1114 24th. Lundy Lalla M, druggist A R Mclntyre Drug Co, b 1114 24th. Lundy Thos, City Coal Oil Insp, r 330 28th. Lundy Wm H H, drftsmn S P, b 1114 24th. Lunt, A Oscar, slsmn G A Lowe Co, r Nephi, U. Lunt Chas H, eng S P, r 427 29th. Lusk Grant, brtndr Blue Ribbon Bar, r 2511 Lincoln av. Lusty Wm, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Luty Martha J (wid Edwd), r 662 22d. LYCEUM THEATRE, S B Steck Propr, Motion Pictures, Open 11 a m to 11 p m, "5c Always 5c," 271 25th, Tel 231-W. We Believe UTAH PEOPLE Should WEAR UTAH Clothes EAT UTAH Foods USE UTAH Mfrd. Products Mfrs. Assn. of Utah Lambert Paper Co. THE PAPER HOUSE BEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR PRINTING WRAPPING PAPER ——— AND BAGS ——— Wall Ave. & 24th St. Phone 151 |