OCR Text |
Show fercom Wyo. Cheyenne, died ‘ ST. 4, June . q furnish 7 4 11. P, V-Pres ‘Badger Coal & Lbr Co, r 987 12th. BibCeR oneed Badger O Winfield, lime, r O17 12th. Co, Db 987 12th. Badger Preston, hrnsmkr J G Read & Bros see also(widBair.Andrew S), I 9554 Lincoln av. Baer, Baer Hattie Baggs shoemkr, Andrew, @ Bages Edwin S, student, b 199 W 21st. 199 W 21st. W, student, Bages Weber b ‘eoadet( Wm, student fagas James Bagley Harry B, cond S P BAGLEY JOHN E, Lawyer, r 436 Herrick av. r 202 Co, 313-314 28th. First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 566, Bailey H, agt, r 1405 24th. Tay 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE 722 q q 3 4 . a 4 Baird Baird Baird Baird Baird Baker, Baker John, lab, b Slaterville. Monroe, hlipr, b 2212 Wall av. Raymond, fireman, b 160 23d. Robert, farmer, t Slaterville. Walter, r 2348 Lincoln av. see also Backer, Bakker and Becker. Alonzo F, tinner, r 2329 Jackson av. 7 av. Alvin ie D, F, elk coe okt, eee carp, r 160 S P. Co, 20d. b 180 W 27th. aker Clarence, b Burch Creek. meee hier C, moved to Balt Make Oy. ee DS ee ee FRANK W, Dentist, 2479 Washington AKER 2 : i a . 1188-J, r 2633 21st. George H, stage mgr Lyceum Theatre, b 4101161 25th, Tel 541-W, ts0n av, Tel av, Tel 492-J. . Fred C, hlpr O S L, b 659 21st. er Fred G, insp O S L, r 659 21st. ER GEORGE W, Physician and Surgeon, Office Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 P M, r 462 27th, Tel 7-J. mereememy | OReon Snort LIne RAILROAD TELEPHONE 76 ; RE SEE PAGE 3 AJ101 “0 SVWOHL anuUaAY ‘USPA O12 EOE aloud la. Barlow’s a SSNIM Grant Baird, see also Beard. @ Bailey Annie M (wid Joseph M), r 757 Washington av. r Bair John §, repr, r 1971 Wall av. Benjamin Bailey Mrs Agnes, moved to Salt Lake City. Albert b 3191 b 1971 Wall av. lyr Smith Bros, Baird Florence H, student, b 160 23d. Baird Jane (wid Robert), r Slaterville. 7 Bages Andrew T, student, b 199 W 2ist. W 2Ist. Bages Arthur C, fireman D & RG, r 158 Co, Knitg Utah emp Baird 4 r same. 21st, 199 W W, 4 4 AVE. WASHINGTON AND George Benjamin F, agt, Frank R, carpet Hotel. Broom GNV a Bair Bair fruit grower, Percy M, clk Oregon Turf Exch, rms Verna O, student, b View. Volney, rms Lincoln Hotel. r N Ogden. farmer, Wm, Wm, painter, r 3600 Jefferson av. Wm H, waiter, b 3035 Washington av. Bair, see also Baer. av. r N Ogden. seu4 Bain, ay. Quincy 2070 r Nicholas), Washing- AYO 2 4 Grades Superior TWENTY-FIRST : 4 4 Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey Bailey : We Guarantee to save you money and COR. 3 a (wid 2378 Co, JO PNGIUISIG Us Nathaniel, Bailey Requirements on Your Figure Minnie A Bailey A O. er um Od er a 4 aoe Lincoln _ton av,I ee same, Tel 211. rkman, rms 2409 Bailey Marion, JO} 43. ’ q © fruit grower, b N Ogden. W, Supt. Ogden Rapid Transit Bailey Joseph T, BAILEY JOSEr® ‘Auaaiyag ct. James av. Lincoln 2452 rms Bailey Jobn B, fireman U PRR, Bailey John M, farmer, r View. SWaHNeq b 135 Co, Pullman agt Academy. Weber EH, student Bailey James A, farmer, r N Ogden. [!2}9y pue ajesajOUuM 12 SHONOI!IN = tkt Irma Bailey | a ay, 25th. 6638 eee Hyrum 8, terer 2) peo 7 Druggists, Yr 973 E 12th. Badger Archibald, ydman Badger Coal & L Co, Pres, Orson P Badger D RyanSec and Mer, 2069 WashTDraney CO, LUMBER & COAL BADGER H Ww Treas, Farr v-Pres, T B (See right top lines.) ington av, Tel 865. Nev., —_ headla!! asst Bailey Grace L, b N Ogden. ay. rms Ajluey 86. Box P. O. Edwin Bader Sparks, Decors C, q q P O Station No. 2 and U S Weather Bureau, 2421 Washington Phone 228-J. (See adv at classified Druggists.) Badcon Sidney W, r 668 24th. Branches: — | = Propr, Prescription A R Mcintyre PHARMACY, BADCON — | oe av s e Cor city Bacon Walter L, painter, r Washington Oe Cs ae av s e cor city Hyaitg, limits. Bacon Nellie P, stenog, b Washington av s e cor citylimits. School, High pue Bacon Charles L, b Washington tchr W, Bailey epeuy . George 3 UyeIsey S Let Cc farmer, b View. Bailey Cyrus, Edward, rms 2346 Washington Bailey 4 Buckway. see 1912. DIRECTORY, CITY OGDEN 4 R. L. POLK & CO’S Backway, om Cc! 3 ————— GrantMeatav. Co, b 99240 Grant av. b 2240 Juanita igA Backer Ogden driver Roy, M, Backer Le Cc Cc om AVENUE WeHINGTON ae eee as” pevHoyOG . ee COMPANY FURNITURE BOYLE RANGES -URNITURE. CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, _ Su90qg TELEPHONE Phone OF IMPORTERS AND IN DEALERS x : SATISFACTION FURNITURE OF STORE THE . O ( RY E | VV @ FY R : O > €0 JAPANESE GENERAL PROVISIONS AND MERCHANDISE ‘ |