OCR Text |
Show | { , ROYCROFT CLOTHES | } i } STETSON HATS S H. BROWNE 1 r : 4 : : ; j ' } Pin } a ' | \ | ue i ie ia ° \ t ian Wek wet ait } of \ t | || ; \i ' i + lit |hit t } r i 1 mo \ Ha i Pine it ‘a | , 1ay |i| unt | i}y at 5 . , Fk; | ] was m ip It i PRET it ree ; PE | ti Py | j } ht wh ot ty ' Hi hy | ah it anaes : i} { 358 i i) 4m ty Pei) } ' q aut ae i me Bt E i , 4 }; i iy 1 il Pip) | iy meet \ eet i‘ te Tatt : | i } Ke ' | th t ‘ a a ‘28 Se a me ty wei i : Bis Pia) ‘ ah} f a ji . +} teh e | ets th 1 fs Hy \ ¢ Wy i inp ik eta | 1} } hh a 1 cae it i in | ; : | iti ite t Wee ate et ; Sat Sia Pit ; 4 ine We y le lie ih i \i ie thI : } ik ' a) iait f ' i | i ie it i | r i } i i i | f j y e i } ‘; BE Meet ret a } | i | ae <3 { | aa ‘ li if) moi RS | t ue ; t i j | | ‘mb i # f i ; { ‘ | ret ji |hia tt ; 5 , i . | } her 3 me i{v { } a } meek| t |} - i Se i “7 | i RY be WW e ime ’ ‘ het| Gy ie i ee ’ vee at ine { c ce =ies ( e . ty ‘ ! 4 | i 2 a eihy wk A | ¥ piet l he iy1 iV | beh : | +) ie |i ; eit ie | j Fy iP i Vy ie | Ae int } aah } Beit) }i nH a Ay 4) } r ¥ uo 1. ' lt | ie t BR ; } HRI ti) wit iW } bby a a) aly ae bit : Halt iiHN | t ae +i i} a Bi} tay | 7, hi; } oh } Mt }f i} | Fil a a i { ‘7 | i Pit , | i | | | (oip | { ' 4 | - | Oh i Hi | - ues | | ' : .i 5 : on it ' a Ei | 5 4 it wet \ Bi BE e eh i} | i| 5 ! | ; | } ine i ONE | ei ii a il H } fi} |i | et | Gt } ; 5 . | } : ; } ; f i f i J. G. KIHLSTROM t nt GENERAL t \ 3 | Shop Rear 339 23rd St. ' | : ; ' i | CONTRACTOR a in | - . {' j AND a . BUILDER Telephone 599-M Residence 1736 Gibson Ave. Hill || THE SPECIAL BOYS’ TOGGER UNDER :: :: COMPANY DEPARTMENT ARLINGTON Pra mail can Ueeae 7 OGDEN R. 84 L. POLK CO’S & rms Windsor Hotel. Bradley Fred L, pool 182 25th, S§, r 1144 21st. Bradley Thomas, clk RM 22d. Bradshaw Edward, cook, b 1118 r 2160 Royal John Scowcroft & Sons Co, Bradshaw Emanuel J, emp avenue. b Slaterville. Bradshaw George A, farmer, ville School, b 328 32d. Bradshaw Jessie, tchr Harris 2627 Jefferson av. Brady Austin, messr, b rear r rear 2627 Jefferson av. Brady Julia E (wid Owen), son ay. & Moser Co, b rear 2627 Jeffer Brady Wm J, clk Hemenway 26th. 651 Yr baker, J, Bragger John Lbr Co, r 215 -31st. Bragonje Albertus, bkpr Volker r 2350 Lincoln av. Brahmst Theodore J, slsmn, ore G), b 2348 Monroe av. Brainerd Elizabeth (wid Theod e av. First Cong Church, r 2348 Monro Brainerd Rev Frank G, pastor rd. n Bros & Co, b 268 Harrisville Cardo clk E, ce Claren ell Bramw av. Bramwell Bramwell Bramwell Bramwell Bramwell Bramwell Frank 8, trav agt, r 3286 Washiyngton av. George W, bkpr, r 2627 Quinc Co, b 268 Harold, clk Cardon Bros & my. H! Lisle, student Weber Acade rd. ville Harris John E, bkpr, b 268 John S, pres Cardon Bros & Co, r 968 Harrisville rd. Harrisville rd. Quincy av. Bramwell Leland, clk, b 9627 av. Bramwell Leslie H, b 2627 Quincy all, b 268 Harrisville rd. Bramwell Mabel, stenog J M Forrist o0ll) Foerter ay. Wie George Bramwell Mary A (wid Hitec. Bramwell Mrs Mary, b -349 33d. & Bros, r 3181 Adams av. Bramwell Mrs Myrtle, clk S J Burt 30th. 307 Bramwell Sarah (wid Harry), b nery Co, r 2685 Quincy av. Bramwell Wilford L, mgr Utah Statio r 349 9th. Bramwell Wm P, clk OS L, ld, rms 307 24th. Branford Alonzo, porter M M Schofie r 551 Bod. Branning Charles B, cigarmkr, 20th. Branson Eliza J (wid Wim), r 1035 Branson John, cook, rms 427 24th. R, rms 2667 Wall av. Branstetter Wesley, eng U P R n Hotel. Branthoover Mrs Eva L, rms Lincol Davidson, b 2837 Lincoln av. Branting Charles B, cigarmkr Max Sewing MaV, Dealer in All Kinds of New CHARLES BRANTING = Supplies and Needles, 415 23d, e Machin Work, Repair chines, 2837 Lincoln av, Tel 2338-W. b 2837 Lincoln av. Branting Frank P, brkmn S P Co, 2837 Lincoln av. Branting Myrtle R, manicure, b Lincoln av. Branting Percy P, fireman, b 2837 2837. Ligedin av. Branting Ray, fireman a. Pp. Co, b 2368 Grant av. rms Co, Brasfield Russell, electn S P W Patterson av. Brashear Charles, student, b 148 on av. Brashear James H, r 148 W Patters L, b 148 W Patterson av. Brashear Robert HE, oiler O S 7 3 = 4 7 a . WRITE SALT LAKE ALL KINDS W Patterson av. Brashear Wm, farmer, b 148 , 410 Real Estate, Loans and Notary BRATZ EMIL F, Fire Insurance, av, Tel 1555: 95th, Tel 1960, r 2640 Jefferson Braun, see also Brown. mfr, 542 Canyon rd, r same. Braun Gustav A, soda water F), b 542 Canyon rd; Braun Pauline (wid August School, b 2728 Lincoln av. Breech Mary E, techr Lewis Lincoln av. Breen Patrick F, carp, T 2321 b 464 Warren’s la. Bremer Charlotte S, student, n's la. Bremer Fred J, hipr, r 464 Warre n’s la. : Warre Bremer Fred W, hipr, b 464 Co, b 252 23d. Drug n Brennan Gordon A, clk Hutto T & T Co, rms 2333 Adams av. Brennan Russell F, slsmn M S b 464 22d. Brenner Frank, mach OSL, $, b 548 25th. Bresnean Joseph M, clk R M Co, r 1051 Capitol av. Brett James H, clk C W & M Co, b 1051 Capitol av. John & J G Read A, hrnsmkr Bros A L Brewer Pres and Supply r 2131 F Mgr, W A L DAIRY SUPPLY CO, es, Mgr, Dairy and Creamery Suppli Rudiger Sec Treas and Asst 334 24th, Tel 338. Jefferson av. Brewer Beatrice C, student, b 2131 b 2715 Wall av. Brewer Edith L, clk Last & Thomas, Jefferson av. Brewer Frank W, student, b 2131 Jefferson av. Brewer Herbert W, student, b 2131 Brewster Fred, r 211 Tracy av. Brewster James, rms Creston Hotel. & Sons Co, r 427 24th. Brewster Mrs Mary, clk W H Wright BREWER Brian, see also O’Brien. Brian Daniel G, trav agt, r 1764 Washington Brian Douglas G, student Weber Academy. SAMUEL BRICK Hours 985-W, Bridgford Briem Briem Charles and Oculist L, 10 to 12.a Aurist, 460 2 to 4pm, r m, C, moved av. | to Salt Lake Briggs John H, clnr S P Co, r 336° 2d. 24th, Tel Tel Blk, 251-W. City. Kate, b 1908 Odell av. Mamie, b 1908 Odell av. Briggs Joseph, truckman O S L, r Farr Briggs Joseph jr, farmer, r Farr West. Lewis 32-33-34 Briem Maximillian, maltster Becker B & M Briggs James, farmer, r 51 Harrisville rd. Co, r 1908 Odell av. West. lle av. Briggs Pearl E, clk E P Charlton & Co, b 51 Harrisvi Briggs Wm, hipr O S L, r Farr West. eehton Harry D, barber Lone Star B S, r 259 29th. 4 s 23 & CO. Lists HY | CITY 1912. DIRECTORY, CITY Brett l av. Brett Kate, student, b 1051 Capito Dairy L, Pres and Mgr A L Brewer ALEXANDER BREWER Burton Implement Co, V-Pres Co, Pres Edgar Jones Co, Jefferson av. i Crates RL. POLK COMPANY FURNITURE BOYLE | PLAN PAYMENT EASY WE SELL ON 7 a — Na John G, motorman O R T Co, r 2013 Liberty av. eo rimhall Mrs Anna L, rest 2468 Wall av, r same. ST TE WASATCH ICE COMPANY e sb a G. A. Horn, Manager Telephone 1421 |