OCR Text |
Show R. L. POLK & CO’S OGDEN Silverthorn Henry J, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, r 924 22d. Silvey Joseph, hlpr O S L, rms Lincoln Hotel. Simandal Paul, fireman D & R G, r 2953 Childs av. Simcoe John A, brkman D & R G, b 184 22d. Simister Hortense M, musician, b 2239 Van Buren av. Simister John H, cond D & R G, r 2239 Van Buren av. Simister Stella, opr M S T & T Co, b 2239 Van Buren av. Simister Susie E, student, b 2239 Van Buren av. Simmons Archibald C, emp Eccles Lbr Co, r 2781 Grant av. Simmons Ethel C, clk J G Simmons, b 220 Washington av. Simmons John C, hdware 220 Washington av. r same. Simmons Lillian M, student, b 220 Washington av. Simpson Allison Ww (wid Robert), r 484 Canyon rd. Simpson Arta M, clk Paine & Hurst, b 484 Canyon rd. Simpson Charles D, brkman D & R G, rms 336 24th. Simpson Hugh, brkmn S P Co, b 2966 Adams av. Simpson James, farmer, r W Weber. Simpson James B, carp, r 138 31st. Simpson James P, fireman, b Wi Weber. Simpson Mrs Jane, b 259 30th. Simpson Jesse W, musician, b W Weber. Simpson John G, farmer, b W Weber. Simpson Mrs Louise, clk Last & Thomas, b 2966 Adams av. Simpson Nettie, stenog E F Bratz, b 138 31st. Simpson Robert, died May 7, ’11.. Sims Edna R, clk Reese Howell & Sons, b 2752 Pacific av. Sims Fred C, blksmith § P Co, r 2752 Pacific av. Sims Fred W, candy mkr Shupe- Williams C Co, b 2752 Pacific av. SIMS HARRY A, Mgr Globe, Isis and Oracle Theatres, 2530, 2510 ant 2476 Washington av, r 2348 Jefferson av, Tel 48. Sims James, hlpr O S L, b 2752 Pacifie av. Sims Mrs Lucy M, nurse rear 545 23d, r same. Sims Marguerite, student, b 2348 Jefferson av. Sims Milton Z, b 2569 Monroe av. Sims Myrtle E, student, b 2752 Pacific av. Siner Abraham, 2d hd gds 179% 25th, furn 2510 Lincoln av, r 189 27th. a Sing Lee, laundry 2509 Lincoln av. Singer Emil W, carp, r rear 291 Harrisville rd. Singer Sewing Machine Co, O T Odney mer, 2338 Washington av. Single Gold Standard M & M Co, Frank Moore pres, 2425 Washington Anne (wid Charles), b 342 Bernard. # Singleton Christina (wid Thomas) b Plain City. an ; spelen Be Singleton Jesse T, farmer, b Plain City. Singleton Joseph, farmer, r Plain City. Singleton Joseph B, farmer, r Plain City. Singleton Thomas T, farmer, r Plain City. Siprelle Burton §S, fireman O S L, rms 2155 Lincoln Siprelle Elisha S, farmer, r Wilson Wd. av. DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD —=— SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD =~ CITY DIRECTORY, 1912. 383 Sisman Ethel, student, b 348 20th. Ssiman George J, carp, b 139 22d. Sisman Lemuel G, mach, r 348 20th. Sisman Maude, stenog Shupe-Williams C Co, b 348 20th. Sisson Arthur EH, clk S P Co, r 2341 Quincy av. Sisson Ole, insp O S L, b 2341 Quincy av. Sisters of the Holy Cross, conducting the Sacred Heart Academy, 940 25th. Sixth Ward Meeting House (L D 8), 680 23d. Skeen Alexander, farmer, r Plain City. SKEEN BROS (J D, W R and D A), Lawyers, Under First Nat Bank, Tel 171. Skeen Caroline (wid Wm P), r Plain City. Skeen Charles, farmer, r Plain City. Skeen David A (Skeen Bros), r Salt Lake City. Skeen Elmer, student, b Plain City. Skeen Frances, clk Last & Thomas, b 2170 Jefferson av. Skeen Friend D, farmer, r Plain City. Skeen Iva, student, b Plain City. Skeen James M, farmer, r Plain City. Skeen Jedediah D (SKeen Bros), r Salt Lake City. Skeen Joseph, farmer, r Warren. Skeen Joseph H (Skeen Realty Co), r 758 26th. Skeen Katherine L, r Plain City. Skeen Land & Live Stock Co, D A Skeen sec, base First Nat Bank Bldg. Skeen Lyman S, farmer, r Plain City. SKEEN MORONI (Skeen Realty Co), Real Estate, Loans, Hedeinee,; Notary and County Commissioner, Under First Nat Bank, r 2170 Jefferson av, Tel.1259-J. Skeen Realty Co (J H and Moroni Skeen), base First Nat Bank Bldg. Skeen Willard A, farmer, r Plain City. Skeen Wm D, farmer, b Plain City. Skeen W Riley (Skeen Bros), r 2436 Jefferson av. Skellington Martha (wid Arthur), r 269 W 21st. Skelly Jacob R, b 2634 Grant av. Skelton Claude M, clk R M S, rms 2341 Adams av. Skelton Maude M, rms 2341 Adams av. Skinner Anna, cashr Isis Theatre, b 2503 Adams av. Skinner Edward, pictures, r 2503 Adams av. Slade Ada M, clk J C Slade, b 1030 Capitol av. Slade Jefferson C, transfer, 408 25th, r 1030 Capitol av. Slade Jefferson C jr, clk J C Slade, b 1030 Capitol av. Slade Marie, student, b 1030 Capitol av. Slade Pauline M, opr, b 1015 Farley’s la. Slater Arnold E, missionary, b Slaterville. Slater Carl, hipr Brown’s Ice Cream Co, b 306 23d. Slater Charles C, cook Falstaff Cafe, r 306 23d. Slater Charles E, houseman Fred J Kiesel Co, r 628 12th. PI} LL W. J. WOLFINGER, Proprietor MAN BAR Telephone 117-J The Best of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Mexican Chili Parlor in Connection 270 Twenty-fifth Street [e]12;e~ Bulpiing jo spuyy Tv 382 av. yn TWENTY-FOURTH —— Singleton waew 429 Auedulo) Jaquiny] deujag umady N N INSURANCE B. H. GODDARD sa" INSURANCE QIN, 7-AVUAEM,L GTZ S - 7°,2tth Strest | 32903S 876 TELEPHONE iT ~ z LJ > < z O oO z = ” < J, F. EVER ETT & CO, Funeral, Party and Wedding Calls Proprs. Ogden Livery, Feed and Sale Stables J. M. FORRISTALL SURETY BONDS, FIRE, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY AND BURGLARY |