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Show Monroe av. P. O. Bo 43. CONTINENTAL SUPPLY Co, Arthur, Kuhn A sec, & Bro, treas and mgr Abraham Kuhn A Kuhn pres, & Bro, Oscar : 2 av. r 536 Jack, student, b 2404 Madison Laird 24th. v-pres, Arthur ay. av. 8, b 739 22d. Kuvalis John, clk Harry Govros, see also r 2348 Madison av. sec and treas C | a ae a — , J Herrick & Co, = a. 4 —— aa Gilbert, CAMBERT r 2346 Quincy av. U PRR, b 2811 messr S P Co, b 2853 ene eS rd. Washington PAPER Mrs Annie EH, r 1014 25th. Peter J, contr, rea r 1014 25th, r same. Peter J jr, carp O S L, 0. a oe : Madson Propr, MILLINERY, Dorothy : ee Gare and Styles, 2438 Washington Lamont Benjamin B, b 2429 Jefferson Av. Lamoreaux John L, cptlyr Boyle Furn Oo, Lampert, see also Lambert. Lampert Mrs Lampros George, Lampros Wm, Baca Karl. Catherine, rest, r 2962 Wall 115 25th, rms candymkr, rms watchman Latest 2029 .f § P Co, r 2768 River av. mere nea Labrum Labrum see 225 pages Mrs Amy, furn rms Joseph H, trav agt 33d, r same. = 45-46. 302 25th and 2419 Grant av. Utah Kntg Co, r 302 25th. Ladd George B, fireman D & R G, b 2213 Lincoln av. LADD JOHN V, Agt American Express Co, Union mercy ay, Tel 350-R. La Freniere Adolph T (American Hair Dressing ein ny. WASHINGTON r 2546 Gra- AVENUE eee | = Parlors), r TELEPHONE 2478 7 «© Ls wm 8, ae eo i , biksmith mee hooJohn,ong.contr, Langan aa eee TEM 2500 Depot, vecar Oe hens Lane Thomas, switchmn § P C0, © 4 R a eo av. Landes Wm R, : mason, r 2645 Lafayette and Cement Co, ; b 219‘ 28d : ion Portland Cemen pendgral Antoinette, steRoe M72 Lane, see also Layne. — grocer, Liberty av. 4 Sophia, Up-to. same. Labor Organizations, tBee (Se® 2313 Washington. av. La Bell Mrs May, rms 225214 Washington av. Baume and av., Tel 738-J. Hotel. Club, rms Helena Columbia C E .clk Lane Lane Noah §, lab, r 3636 Washington av. se Wah La 5 CO, Frank A Rose Mgr, 380 28d, Tel 15. = a f L av. electr, rms Arlington b 2314 Grant av. mgr Orpheum Theatre,Hotel. vet surg, 2314 Grant av, r same. Lampert. right bottom lines.) av. Lambourne Frank, clk Ogden Union Ry & D Co, r 2826 Grant Lammers Lammers Lammers | - Baie Arsene: ; fee ; 468 ek ; Be S 155 same. Kyle Mae, tchr High School, b 2416 Madison ay. Mair Ee a Kyes F, Co, Lambert Emily (wid John T), rms 573 28th. a rms 112 25th. av. §S aaa : Keyes. fireman Lamb Arthur W, Lamb Earl O, stge Lamb Elkanah §, Lambert, see also 24th. Kyes Asel, clk C J Herrick & Co, r 2348 Madison Mrs S P ae. Line Morgan J, missionary, b Harrisville rd. Wm B, carp Amal Sugar Co, r Harrisville = Kunz Lottie H (wid Christian W), tchr Weber Academy, r 2031 Jefferson av. cos ; Ege Seisaku, pres Utah-Japanese Industrial Co, r Sacramento, al. : : Kyes, §S, clk av. : Joseph, La av. Cal. Cal. Kuroshumi Y, b 739 22d. Kusche Herman P, uphlistr O § L, r 226 Kushiyama Y, moved to Stockton, Cal. i inca ee Lake Lake a Kuroshumi Fremont Lincoln Lake Lisle L, student, b Harrisville rd. Kuhn Teresa (wid Adam), b 2404 Madison av. to Los Angeles, to Los Angeles, r 1939 Lake : | S| Kuhn Violet, moved Kulp Wm A, moved Co, ee — & Bro, b 2404 Madison S P a ® ee “= Kuhn Joseph, slsman, b 2357 Adams av. Kuhn Myrtle, b 2357 Adams av. Kuhn Nathan, trav agt A Kuhn & Bro, r 2367 Adams av. Kuhn Oscar, v-pres A Kuhn & Bro, b 2404 Madison av. Kuhn Paul, clk A Kuhn clk ‘ Laird Rosamond O, student, b 2346 Quincy av. Kuhn, sec, treas and mgr, clothing, 2365 Washington Kuhn Herman, fireman U P R R, b Pacific Hotel. © Kuhn C, Laible Wanda B, opr, b 1938 Laine, see Lane and Layne. = Kuhn ington av. nreniens Samuel Laible John, brewer Becker B & M Co, r 1938 * Kuhn Abraham, pres A Kuhn & Bro, r 2404 Madison av. Kuhn La . = 2478 r Parlors), "4 Wash OE sold clk, b 2802 Freniere : Dressing Hair (American Irene Le 253 1912. DIRECTORY, CITY OGDEN O rear 8 L, 2322 av. . av Re poei bi George, 18h, Tie eet a same. c cae Hiuan), 1 204 26th, peneevin Mrs Anns paneevin son niet, Se Sons Co, Langevin Katherine, Langley James, emp clk M § John T & Ronee T Co, r &508 plat . b | 204 25th. | Onecon SwonT LINE RAILROAD eee RE Ajluue4 Lydia, a aE opesy Kuhlmann | | — Kucos Christopher, waiter Paul Kucos, rms 133 25th. Kucos Paul, rest, 137 25th, rms 133 same. Kuhlmann Louise (wid Casper), r 2802 Monroe a PAPER, AF101 “0 SWWOHL 4 Herman, wool grower, 653 21st, r same. Rudolph, rms Arlington Hotel. Theodore, livestock, 2138 Jefferson av, r same. Kuchler Kuchler Kuchler . : WALL anuaAy “YSeM OIVC a 4 - CO’S & POLK L. R. AVENUE COMPANY RANGES E FURNITUR DRAPERIES, CARPETS, SEE PAGE 3 ‘Auanijaqg ALO 9844 uue}seq pue $je799eq JO} 4O0}NA!4}S!Iq sugeg lleyay pues syesajOuUM 12 SHONOI GNV SANIM sc NGTON wal WASHI 2566 eae BOYLE FURNITURE. =e le peyoijog 29 De i) or Nh OGDEN. UTAH © Phone OF DEALERS IN AND IMPORTERS JAPANESE PROVISIONS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE © TELEPHONE = : SATISFACTION FURNITURE OF STORE THE | a CO RY E | V [_ EY re ‘oO ( |