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Show Christian, Schmalz Schmalz Edwin L, student Weber Academy. Eva, student, b 354 27th. livestock, JOGALONG 2220 Jefferson School for the D and Schwab Thomas SCHWARTZ CO. MOVING VANS TELEPHONE 283 © P, hipr O S L, b 2329 Lincoln DAVID Closely connected with Tanners and Pullers both East O §, Mgr a MI Boston 8 R Store, U N rms YA av. Marion N Hotel. Always in the mara. De ae: Com’! Nat. Bank, and West Dealer in HIDES, PELTS, TAL= __ Ogden, Utah Office & Warehouse TELEPHONE -- 781 LOW, BEESWAX AND FURS 2263-69 Wall Ave. A1VSSTOHM I LAC TI CA LS .wb2 V9I-~9SI qu Jawne1s22 ae B, b same. PY suood 4d Roig! Utah 4 baker Gerritt, Schreven Gradus B, baker, r 3436 Adams av. Schrieber Herman, mach O S L, b Farr West. Schultz Bertha, b 477 22d. Schultz Emil, lab, r W Weber. Schultz Lillian, r Burch Creek. Schultz Margaret, r Burch Creek. Schultz Max, boilermkr O S L, b Burch Creek. Schultz Oscar, instr Utah Industrial School, r same. Schultz Robert J, chiropractor, 2756 Adams av, r Burch Creek. Schultz Stanley, eng, r 446 W 24th. Schulz Ella, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, b 2810 Washington av. Schulz Henry, laund Ogden Stm Ldry, r 2810 Washington ay. Schutte Antonia G (wid Andrew), r 750 Monroe av. Schutte John, painter, b 105 33d. Schutte Wm, lab, r 2866 Monroe av. r Schmalz Jennie, smtrs S J Burt & Bros, b 354 27th. Schmidt, see also Smith. Schmidt Elmer, mach O S L, b 2865 Washington av. Schmidt John W, cond, r 2865 Washington av. Schmidt Wm, hlpr O S L, b 2865 Washington av. Schneider, see also Snider and Snyder. Schneider Otto C, grocer, 2786 Washington av, r 2790 same. Schoenfeld Abraham, clk, rms 2539 Grant av. Schoer George, eng S P Co, b 429 Herrick av. Schoer Lottie, b 429 Herrick av. Schofield Milon M, barber, 307 24th, r 1028 Capitol av. Schofield Parley. E, clk, rms Arlington Hotel. Schofield Wm, mach, r 2926 King’s av. Scholtz Bertha, b 477 22d. Schon Nicholas W, mach, r 949 22d. Schonin Ernest, emp Eccles Lbr Co, r 478 22d. Schooff Marinus, carp, r 2415 D av. Schoonmaker Charles, farmer, r Plain City. Schoonmaker C Frederick, b Plain City. Schoonmaker Frank M, r Plain City. Schotts John, eng U P RR, r 102 W 30th. Schotts Minnie M, matron Utah School for the D and B. Schouten Hangs D, baker Hess B & B Co, r 761 29th. Schouten H Reindert, baker Hess B & B Co, b 458 16th. “Schouten John, baker Dalebout Baking Co, r 290 W 20th. Schouten John jr, foreman, b 761 29th. Schouten Marie J, bkpr, b 290 W 20th. Schouten Reindert, baker Hess B & B Co, r 754 29th. Schouten Reindert jr, baker Hess B & B Co, r 458 16th. Schreiner James J, rms 2560 Washington av. Schreven av, r same. TRANSFER EXPRESS anpD BAGGAGE 3283 25TH STREET 25th. 1912. org | Schmalz 507 ee TPT IMES yer TDS aah Far- : Schaerger Carrie (wid Frederick), r 3058 Ogden av. Schaffer Fred, cigarmkr Max Davidson, rms Bennett BIk. Schainck James, r 3305 Wall av. Schakowsky Mary (wid August L), r 3303 Wall av. Schalicke Mrs Rose, cashr Ogden Theatre, r 1153 24th. Schansenbach Theodore, sec and treas Fred J Kiesel Co, b Schansenbach Wm, v-pres Fred.J Kiesel Co, b 743 25th. Schat Carl, elev opr Boyle Furn Co, b 836 21st. Schat Mrs Jane, r 836 21st. Schat John, lather, b 836 21st. Schattille John, painter O S L, rms 204 23d. Schelin David W, clk T B Evans & Co, b 2919 Grant av. Schelin John A, blksmith O S L, r 2919 Grant av. Schelin Louise T, student, b 2919 Grant av. Schelin Wilford N, wtchmkr H F Upp, b 2919 Grant av, Schenault Thomas, r 1036 22d. Scheppers Catherine, b 180 W 20th. Scherer, see also Sharer and Sherer. Scherer Amiel, brkman D & R G, rms 2781 Grant av. Scherer Charles J, lab O S L, b 2155 Adams av. Scherer John, herder, rms 155 25th. Scherer Preston H, mach, r 2155 Adams av. Scherer Mrs Rose, dressmkr, r 2336 Quincy av. Scheufele Leonard, shoemkr, 286 23d, r same. Schiess Bertha, cook, Utah School for the D and B. Schiferli Mrs Dottie E, b 3256 Adams av. Schilling Carl G, clk, r 465 20th. Schillo Jacob, lab, r 621 Maryland ay. Schillo Martin, uphlstr, rms 2303 Lincoln av. Schindler Oscar H, motorman, b 227 Healy av. Schipper Adrian, clk S P Co, b 3253 Stephens av. Schipper Klaas, lab S P Co, r 3253 Stephens av. Schipper Wm, helpr S P Co, b 3253 Stephens. av. Schmalle, see Small. Schmalz Annie G, dressmkr, b 354 27th. Schmalz Charles, livestock, 354 27th, r same. DIRECTORY, ae aah PER ts » WS Reh Hyg 244 CITY CO. PM av. 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET OGDEN Saxey Alfred jr, clk R M S, r 752 23d. e Saxey Claude M, clk R M §, r 548 25th. SAY CLARENCE H, Propr Western Heating & Ventilating Co, Washington ay, Tel 693, r 204 23d, Tel 779-R. Sayles Louis, waiter, b 2922 Wall av. Sayles Marshall, actor, rms European Hotel. Saylor, see Sailor. Schaefer, see Shafer. Schaer Mary A (wid Wm), clk W H Wright & Sons Co, r 935 ley LAUNDRY STEAM OGDEN UN e UE Rae Ua CO’S pen & a ae L. POLK 236 25th St. Bie af R. 370 hae Ce _ eel eg Oh EC CoO. ie beh eee Seip aad AVENUE WALL 2538-2540 = «60 es ee ae THE TROY WAY :: RIGHT WAY OGDEN SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Se | ee HN S. H. HENDERSHOT, Manager TROY LAUNDRY at | ith O. N. ayy i Dalit | mh |