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Show HOW IT ALL | Weber BEGAN received trapper. nane, its mame frem He was first as feund an scalped Weaver's Ferk, of the prenunciatien ef early near and French-Canadian a river later as fur that alse Wever the French-Canadians received River. his Because it became the Weber River. Weber State Cellege had its beginning as a privately endowed high scheel feunded by the Church ef Jesus Christ ef Latter-day Saints in 1889, and was first knewn as the Weber Stake Academy. Levis F. Meench, fameus Utah educater, whe had received training in German Universities, was its first principal. The school centinued under Church centrel until July I, 1933, when it was transferred by gift te the state ef Utah. Frem that date until July 1, 1962, Weber eperated as a state junier cellege. In March 1959, Geverner Weber College With the advancement school's During Geerge D. Clyde te become a four-year, present name the years ef frem was junier signed to senier established as its existence, the fer Tabernacie a year and ae cena Fer 60 served as a a half while In 1891 years scheel the State home, but In 1954, campus," #¢%in 1922 was closed was eriginally the Beard ef Contrel named was registration. the Meench as the and college moved | to its in 1900 when fer royalty and purity. (yearbeek) campus. as many for “eethe present celers ef the cellege were oe the scheel was still an acadeay~--purple standing seethe Acorn en the lewer the Collegs. has had building was open there. — Secend Ward, which still Avenue, Ogden. The Ogden temperary new was held representing autherizing institutien. the histeric Meench Building ether buildings becane “lewer present 500 acre Campus. white bill cellegs status, Webws cellege homés as names, The first was the LDS stands en the cerner of 26th and Grant Pioneer the dégrec-granting after the oak trees (replaced by the medern senate) veted te have a hike to the tep ef Mt. Ogden te erect the Weber flag. The entire faculty and student body participated. This event marked the erigin ef the traditional Flaming "W" Hike. etethe Victery eriginalay Ogden ee¢the the City Hall. Bell, which curfew bell is used at all which first serorities en Rese Bud Seciety. Both the were rested | athletic in Weber campus fer girls the were debating events, tower ef the HCP was the and old the groups. ACCREDITATION The cellege received accreditation at the annual meeting of the Higher Cemmission ef the Nerthwest Asseciatien ef Secendary and Higher Scheels in December, 1963, Acereditatien means that a degree freg the college is recegnized anywhere in the United States. |