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Show presenter. When used, the speaking sounds conversational, looks spontaneous, and appears effortless. However, extemporaneous speaking requires considerable effort. a) The speaker selects a topic appropriate for the audience b) Completes research on the topic c) Organizes the main points and supporting materials d) Practices the presentation with a working or key word outline e) Finally, delivers the presentation with maximum eye contact, appropriate gestures, and motivated movement. Memorized The memorized mode of delivery is one in which a presenter has committed a presentation to memory. This mode entails more than just knowing all the words; the presenter also rehearses gestures, eye contact, and movement, practicing a presentation repeatedly in much the same way that an actor masters a dramatic script; oratory contests, the lecture circuit, banquet speeches. Ceremonial occasions, where little audience or topic adaptation is expected or needed, invite memorization. Manuscript The manuscript mode of delivering a presentation is when a presenter writes out the complete presentation in advance and then uses that manuscript to deliver the speech but without memorizing it. It is most useful when a presenter has to be precise, must avoid error, and must defend every word. Impromptu The impromptu mode entails giving a presentation without advance preparation. Unlike the extemporaneous mode, the impromptu method uses minimal planning and presentation, and usually no practice. You may be ready for an impromptu presentation because of your knowledge, experience, and background, but you do not have any other aids to help you know what to say. The key to effective impromptu speaking is to take a moment to compose your thoughts and to identify important points instead of figuring out what you are going to say as you speak. |