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Show Parts of Speech Traditional English grammar classes words into eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Parts of Speech: Nouns e Nouns name persons, places, things, conditions, ideas, or qualities. Some nouns, called proper nouns, identify one-of-a-kind items like: Germany, Christmas, New Zion Baptist Church Abstract nouns name a condition, idea, or quality—something we e cannot see, feel, or otherwise experience with our five senses: harmony, understanding. Concrete nouns identify something that we can experience with e one or more of our senses: desk, pencil, paper. e Collective nouns singular in form but stands for a group of collection of items: assembly, congregation, committee. Good writing demands precise, potent nouns. If you carefully select your nouns, you can help sharpen your message. Ill-chosen nouns, on the other hand, suggest poor thinking. Parts of Speech: Pronouns Pronouns, which take the place of nouns in sentences, help you avoid the awkward repetition of nouns. There are eight categories of pronouns: personal, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, reflexive, intensive, indefinite, and reciprocal. e Personal Pronouns refer to one or more clearly identified persons, places, or things. Such as: I, he, she, it, we, you, they |