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Show Projects Completed During this Period were: Bonny Dam - Located on the Republican River near the city of Hale in the State of Colorado, being completed in 1951. It is a major rolled-earth structure with a height of 158 feet and a crest length of 9, 200 feet. The volume content of the dam is 8,853,000 cubic yards. The name of the reservoir is also Bonny and has a capacity of 170,200 acre-feet. The dam was built to provide irrigation and flood control benefits to an area frequen- ted by severe droughts and devastating floods. Other benefits include fish and wildlife preservation, abatement of stream pollution, stream regula- tion, and the creation of facilities for recreation. Utah Construction Company had full responsibility for all work performed under the contract. Utah concerned itself previously with excavation of borrow and placement of embankment. In addition it accomplished: Diversion and care of the river; unwatering the dam foundation; building dikes and providing water for consolidation of dam foundation; placing backfill and compacting backfill behind spillway walls and under spillway inlet slabs; excavation of spillway and inlet channel and portion of outlet works; placing topsoil on downstream slope between elevation 3710 and top of dam; seeding and watering down stream slopes of dam; constructing 12 and 18-inch toe drains; and placing gravel surfacing on roadway across dam. The following is a breakdown of Contractors under Utah and their function on this project: Colorado Construction Inc. - Denver, Colorado: This firm accomplished the construction of the access road to the north abutment of the dam and approximately 2/3 of the stripping of the south borrow area. Horner and Switzer - Denver, Colorado: Horner and Switze-r accomplished all concrete work; electrical, metalwork, and machinery installation, excavation and backfill for structures; and placing of pipe bases and pervious blanket in spillway. Cass Construction Company - Ogallala, Nebraska: The Cass Construction Company accomplished the placement of the riprap and ground blanket materials on the dam. Bailey, Inc. - Salt Lake City, Utah: Bailey, Inc. maintained and repaired tires for Utah Construction Company vehicles and equipment. Fred DeBetz - Brighton, Colorado: DeBetz accomplished the stripping of the dam foundation and excavation of south end of the core trench (from station 30 + 00 to station 70 + 00), stripping of approximately 1/3 of the south borrow area, placing of topsoil up to the hem at elevation 3710, and excavation of a portion of the spillway approach channel. |