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Show 70 Morgan County is situated in the northeastern part of Utah, its greatest length is about 45 miles, its greatest width is about 20 miles. Weber valley is located in Morgan County. This valley is in the heart of the Wasatch range. High mountains, covered with pines and quaking aspins, tower on either side. The Weber river flows down through the valley and empties into the Great Salt Lake. Cotton woods and mountain willows grow along the banks of the river. Plenty of sunshine and fresh air are to be found here. Beautiful streams flow down the canyons fed by the winter's snow and summer's rain of higher altitudes. The valleys are small and very fertile. The average summer temperature is 90 degrees and the average winter temperature is 10 degrees. The average yearly rainfall is 20 inches. The average elevation is 4500 feet above sea level. The climate is heathful and delightful. The mountains ward off the keen winter winds, while the rarity of high atmosphere modi¬fies the summer heat. Among the indusrties of the county are dairying, poultry raising, livestock breeding, truck farming, canning, milking, farming and cement manufacturing. According to an official report of D. R. Roberts, census supervisor for District No. 1, April 1, 1950, Morgan County had a population of 2531. Morgan County has an area of 302,682 acres of which 15,000 acres are tillable. There are 284,181 acres of grasing land. During the summer months thousands of sheep and cattle are pastured in the county, poultry raising is carried on to quite an extent. White leghorns being the standard breed. The dairy cattle here are of a superior breed with high butter fat records. The cattle of Morgan county are free from tuberculosos. The Mutual Creamery Company has a factory here, but much of the milk and cream is hauled to Ogden every day by auto truck. While the greater part of the farming is done through irri¬gation there are some 3000 acres under dry farm cultivation. Very successful efforts have been made to improve the grain and potatoes here. 71 The Portland Cement Company operates a cement plant at Devils in Morgan County. The factory has a capacity of 2000 barrels daily and 150 men are employed there. The factory is located in a section where the materials for cement manufacture are practically inexhaustable. The kraut factory here is owned by the Utah Packing Corp¬oration and many thousands of cases of kraut are canned here each year. SCHOOLS The Morgan school district is one of the smaller districts of the state and has less than 1000 students of school age. All of the school buildings are modernly equiped plants with every educational facility needed and all the schools have gymnasiums. Better than 98 per cent of the children of school age are enrolled in the Morgan County schools. The school conducts atheletics, particularly foot ball and basket ball and conducts contests with neighborly towns. The school also conducts contests each spring in music, atheletics, dramas, band, etc. Morgan County has a library with more than 7000 books in circulation. The county also has an annual fair where exhibits of all kinds are made, jlhe fair grounds are located on the Lincoln Highway in the southeastern part of the city. Mear the county fair grounds is Morgan County's famous resort, Como Springs. During the summer months visitors from many places seek rest and recreation here. The bathing, boating and dancing are delightful and the coolness of the air and odor of the mineral water makes it an ideal place for people to spend their holidays and vacations. |