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Show TITLE PAGE PIONEER (full name) BIR TH (date and pla ce) DEA TH (date and pla ce) PARENTS . MARRIED (who and date) ARRIVAL IN UTAH (date) (Company arrived with) HISTORY (who wrot e) (date written) (who s ubmitted) (address) -·· CAMP & COUNTY SUBMITTIN G Peter Roberts 5 Ma r ch 1830 N ewm ark e t , Flin tshire. North Wales 4April 19 13 - Goshen, Utah Peter John Robe r ts Ann Pool Harriet Jones -· 1848 Phoebe Ann R i chardson - 1860 Sara Pri ce - 15 A p ril 1870 20 S eptember 1864 Josep h S. Rawlins Company Eva Jensen - great granddaughter 1296 North Morgan Valley Drive Morgan, Utah 84050 _ M_ t _._ J_o y ___________ Camp _ M_ o_r_g_a_n_ ___________ Cou nty (Camp Historian & addre s s)_ ___L_ a _r _e_n_e_P r_e_e_c_e_ ___________ R t 2 Box 1 00, Morgan, Utah 84050 Count y Historian & address )_ ___v_ e_lo_y_ T_o_n_k_s_D_i_c_k_s_o_n_ ________ PO Box 203, Morgan, Utah 840 50 SO URCE OF INFORMATION & PAGE NUMBERS: • PETER ROBERTS Pet er R o berts was born on 5 March 1830 a t Newmar k et, Flints h ire, North Wales, to Pet er John Roberts and Ann Pool. He married Harriet Jon es in 1848 at the a g e of 28. They had a daughter named Ann, who was born in 1849 . S h e died as an infant. Their son, John, was born on 20 May 1850. Peter married Phoebe Ann Richardson in England in 1860. They had six children. A daughter, Jane, was born in 1861 and died that same year. Their daughter, Mary Ann, who is my Grandmother, was born on 15 September 18 6 2 in Northshields, Durham, England. About this time Peter and Phoebe joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and decided to come to Utah. They crossed the Atlantic on the ship 1 1 General McLellen1 1 with a g roup of Latter-day S a ints. When they reach ed the United States they traveled across the plains with the Joseph S. Rawlins Company. They left for Utah in July of 18 6 4. This group was made up wit h about 400 emmigrating saints. The wagons were drawn by ox. They arrived in Sal t Lake City on 20 September 1864. Soon after their arrival in Salt Lake City they were asked to move t o Coalv ille, Utah. It was here that their first son, Peter, was born. He f3.rrived in Jan uary of 1865 and died shortly after. Their son, Nicholas, was born on Christmas E v e 18 65 in Coalville, Utah. They moved from Coalville, Utah, to Goshen, Utah, in 18 6 9. Two more children were born to this union while they lived in Goshen- - Ann and Phoebe Harriet. They were both born in 1870 and died in infanc y. Pe t er ' s wife, P h oeb e, died 1 M arch 1870 and her ba b y da ught er. Pho e b e Harriet , who was born in Februar y 187 0, died shortl y after. •• - 2 - Peter married his third wife, Sara Price, on 15 April 1870. one daughter named Sara. The date of her birth is not known . They ha d They were active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Peter was a High Priest in the Nebo Stake (Gos hen, Utah) for many years. He was also a Patriarch. He had a total of nine (9) children. Three (3) lived to be adults and six (6 ) died as children. He was left handed and had blue eyes. He was said to have a temper. Peter died on 4 April 1913 in Goshen, Utah. He and his third wife, Sara, are buried side by side in the Gos hen cemetery. Hie first wife, Harriet, died in England, and his second wife, Phoebe, is buried elsewher e in the Goshen cemetery. |