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Show 20 The Acorn every day with his master, and he began to seem himself again. It was over a month before Teddy was out of bed, and allowed to go out and play with Billy, but when the little boy was able to sit upon a chair, Billy never left his side. It seemed as though he wanted to do something to show his gratitude for the kindness of his new friends. Every glance of his eye, seemed to express thankfulness. As time went on Billy did many little things that gained their love and showed his love for them. We should profit by this little example and be kind to animals; it does not cost us anything and it makes even these dumb brutes happier. In doing an act of kindness we shall always be repaid, especially by a dog, for he is a noble animal that will always befriend his master. Ellis E. Barlow ' 11. Ideal Conditions in Society If this saying of the Savior's, "Do unto others, as ye would have others do unto you," were lived up to, this would be an ideal world. There would be no graft, deception, or cheating, for no man wishes anyone to deceive or cheat him. Merchants would charge prices they would like to pay, and men would respect each other as they would like to be respected. If we, the human race, would only love our neighbors as ourselves, we should be much happier. How happy a person feels when he has helped another in need. It is often said, "that charity covereth a multitude of sins." If we would only be more charitable to those who make mistakes, it would be a step toward ideal society. When men think of benifiting others rather than making money, then they will be nearer the ideal. So many men work only for money, when they should spend part of their time in the work of the Lord, and in cultivating a love for good Books. Many a man, after spending the greater part of his life making money, thinks he will then settle down, and try the other life; but it is too late; his habits are formed and he cannot get in touch with this other way of thinking. He often remembers instances, when he could have furthered God's work. In several communities the Latter Day Saints have carried out the plan of helping others. Not long ago a man became ill just as his crops were ready to be planted, and his neighbors met together and did the work for him. This may seem an insignificant thing, but it The Acorn 21 is a step towards the ideal condition of Society. Therefore, it would be a good thing, if we the Students of the Weber Academy would help in bettering society. We have had the opportunity of listening to men and women, whose moral side as well as the mental side has been developed, and we are better prepared than others less fortunate. Beatrice Barnes '08 What We Owe If we could only realize What we receive each day From parents, loving, true and kind, We'd pay it back someiway. But oh, we do not understand, Until it is too late, The many little deeds of love They do to shape our fate. We take each one and give them what? Do they expect it back? They give it all so cheerfully, No matter what we lack. But let us each and every one, Try with our might and mind To pay the debt we owe to them By doing all thats kind. W.M. 08 |