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Show School Supplies "Everything you need" Call and see us Utah Stationery Co. W. L. PORTER, Florist Cut Flowers Floral Designs a Specialty Opposite City Cemetery F.C.Woods & Co. Architects Ind. Phone 310 Bell 310-K Now is the time to get plans for spring building special rates. Come early LOUIS WEBER MANAGER THE MODEL STUDIO Photographer and Portrait Artist Ogden. Utah 2434 Washington Avenue Opposite old stand Culley says There's a big difference in Prescription work. There is a mighty big difference. All the Doctors say and they know the best results come from the medicine when the prescription is put up at Culley's Drug Store ROCK SPRINGS CASTLE GATE DIAMOND AND Kenilworth Coal PHONE 27- JOHN FARR You may not need any tin work done now but you may at another time just keep us in mind. REMEMBER THE UNDERFEED FURNACE W. E. Newman 2530 Washington Avenue BOTH PHONES Professional A. D. BARBER, D. D. S. Dentist 2449 Washington Ave. Over The Toggery W. A. HICKENLOOPER, Real Estate General Agent Irrigated Land Company of California 209 Eccles Building DR. EZRA T. CLARK Dentist Suite 219 First National Bank Building Phone. Bell 157-Y DRS. RICH & OSGOOD DR. EDWARD I. RICH First National Bank Building Phones, Bell 609-K, Ind. 600 DR. A. W. JOHNSTON, Dentist 2469 Washington Ave. Over Paine & Hurst DR. F. C OSGOOD, Dentist 410 25th Street H. H. GODDARD Commercial Stock, Real Estate and High Grade Investments 310 Eccles Building DR. JOS. R. MORRELL 205-206 First National Bank Building S. W. WHERRY Dentist J. F. SNEDAKER, Dentist 2468 Washington Ave. Boyle Block HUNTER & KENNEDY Loans on Farm and City Property Room 6. First National Bank Building B. H. GODDARD Agent Home Fire Insurance Co. of Utah 412 Eccles Building N. J. HARRIS, Attorney at Law First National Bank Building Room 34 DR. G. W. GREEN Physician and Surgeon, 2451 Wash. Ave. (over Driver & Son's Drug Store) |