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Show 24 ACORN "Were you ever in love?" "Oh, yes," replied the confirmed bachelor. "I once fell in love with a girl at first sight." "Well, why didn't you marry her?" "I took a. second look." Golda E. (drawing a potato) "Say, Milton, how do you make eyes?" McKay (in physiography) "How can you tell how fast a glacier moves?" Chancier "Hook a speedometer to the tail of it." Eva Browning "Are we going to have another test today?" Miss Cragun "Yes." Eva "I've run out of news, Miss Cragun. Lioyd "Pool is cheap. It only costs two and a half cents a cue and any bum can pay a nickel for a game." Senior Girl "Is that the reason so many Weber boys play pool?" "Ever Had A Fit" BOYS! Have you noticed our Spring and Summer Samples. "Call at the Principal's Office and see them". 5% discount on all suits for Students. Prices $15.00 and up. NYLANDER BROS. 368 Twenty-fourth Street Upstairs After the Game Drop Down and have a Bowl of GOOD Chili Best Candies in City Delicious Punches Greenwell's "Just Around the Corner" ACORN 25 The best way to reach a man's heart is to give him good things to eat. (Why doesn't Miss Jensen get married?) Note books come and go, But Lind's tongue goes on forever. McEntire "When I have the sore throat and gargle whiskey and coal oil I always swallow the gargle." Read in a Senior's theme "In a few minutes he was kissing his aunt on her porch." Mrs. Shurtliff (in English) "Love is bought by the weight." Victor C. "Well, you ought to get a husband." Violet A. "Does Hubert Hall like Verna Malan?" Ruth B. "Oh, no; he likes the young girls." Dr. Lind "What are the most common lead ores?" Violet Cragun "Copper, iron and silver." More than 1000 PATTERNS AND YOUR FIT IN EVERY ONE! Call and see our $18, $20 and $25 Patterns. Why go to the "ready-made" clothing store and be limited to a choice of only three or four different patterns, the few styles that are "made up" in your size? We can show you over one thousand patterns and give you your fit in every one. M. H. VAN DYKE ON THE HUDSON |