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Show 12 THE ACORN man, and young woman may see and hear this superb man in his superb lecture, on the superb subject. It is so full of interest in every sentence, so fascinating in its portrayal of facts that we had never dreamed of, so wonderful in its demonstrations of phenomena we would not believe, but that we see it with our eyes and hear it with our ears, and must be convinced. So entertaining from the first utterance to last, so instructive to every mind of whatever vocation, that it is perfectly safe to say that no lecture on any subject, given to day, on the lecture platform, is so full of vital interest, fascinating subject matter, and elevating tendencies as John B. De Mott in "Harp of the Senses." "The Dunbars:" Here are four young men, whom to meet is to make you better, and when they begin to give you one of the most versatile, clean, elevating, artistic, and interesting performances, your audience will settle down to that satisfied position which says: "This is worth the money." The Dun-bars will disappoint in only one thing; when they finish their hour and half program, the audience will say, "They haven't given us over thirty minutes." To hear the Dun-bars is to live longer and feel better while you are living; so guarantee the Dunbars to your people. Some people may say to you in speaking of Rogers and Grilley "There are only two people," but you must say; "There was but one of David when he slew Goliath." Your audience will be glad that there were but two, both are artists, and will make the evening full of artistic surprises. Bank on Rogers and Grilley, they will deliver the goods in neat, tidy packages, and in such profusion that each one in the audience will be abundantly satisfied. Maro, whose performance alone is worth the complete price you are charging for the whole ten. Nothing but an earthquake will prevent an overflow of all classes of people. Maro mystifies and delights people of either sex, rich or poor, old or young, learned or ignorant, it is all the same, everybody will exclaim, "I have had the worth of my money." Maro is rightly named The Prince of Magic. Maro and his company will pack your hall without much advertising. Now, my dear Mr. McKendrick, I have interest in but one company on the road, but I have an interest in every man, woman or child, and my anxiety that all should hear these splendid feasts for the mind causes me to write you. These great men will, in too short a time, pass from our sight, and we will be deprived of hearing their utterances which have done so much for the elevation of humanity; so that the opportunity you are now presenting to the good people of Ogden, should be seized with avidity, and it will if there is any truth in the "survival of the fittest." Wishing satisfactory success to you and your good work, I am yours for the best in life, Chas. W. Gamble, Manager Ernest Gamble Concert Party. THE ACORN 13 Miscellaneous A German physiologist, Dr. Foisterling, while applying the x-rays to some small plants and animals, discovered that the x-ray stopped their growth, and this, too, after an exposure of only ten minutes. He then tested its effect on the buds of different trees and found that in every case the same effect was produced. The length of time these plants and animals were exposed to the x-ray is less than the time used by physicians for treating some diseases, yet there was a very marked effect on the plant or animal. This being true, it is thought that physicians will necessarily have to be very careful in the use of the x-ray, and make the exposures limited and not very frequent. A bridge, now under construction, across the famous Royal Gorge, Colorado, is said to be the highest bridge in the world. It is only 230 feet long, but it is being built at the height of 2,627 feet above the river. The Zanbesi bridge which has recently been completed in Africa is 450 feet high, and is the next highest. The building of a bridge over Royal Gorge is one of the most dangerous undertakings yet attempted by engineers. For several years it was thought that to build this bridge was utterly impracticable, and much experimenting with surveyors was done before it was finally decided upon. The bridge is to be only 22 feet wide. The material used is flat steel and steel cables such as are used for suspension bridges. The floor is to be of plate glass, one and a half inches thick, set in a framework of steel. The object of having the floor of glass is to enable people to see the river and the canyon below without becoming dizzy. The cost of the bridge is estimated to be one million dollars. Dispatches from Commander E. Peary tell us that he is now on his way home from the north where he, as leader of an exhibition, has been exploring. He left fully determined to reach the north pole, but the messages received from him say that he did not reach the point for which he started. He did however, go about thirty miles past the farthurest point heretofore reached, and the U. S. flag waves further north than any other. A late movement in France has resulted in the long sought for separation of the church and state. This means that the Catholics will no longer be favored and all religions will have equal rights. This action is of particular interest to us because it opens up a new field for our missionaries. |