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Show New Stock 1913 Pennsylvania and Great American LAWN MOWERS From $4.00 to $13.50 Bull Dog and Non-Kink RUBBER HOSE WATSON-FLYGARE HARDWARE CO. C. FLYGARE, Mgr. 2414 Washing-ton Ave. Telephone 90 CARPETS AT A SAVING Might as well have a New Carpet or Rug. Spring housecleaning time is a good time to change. We are showing some Specials that are worth while all shades and patterns at an easy price. Ogden Furniture and Carpet Co. Hyrum Pingree, Mgr Columbia Records Trade Mark CLASSIC VOCAL COMIC INSTRUMENTAL Perhaps you are studying- music. If so, you will find instruction as well as entertainment in COLUMBIA RECORDS Come in any time Store on Hudson BROWNING BROS. CO. Garage on Grant DRY CLEANING We say we can satisfy you with our work and our prices. Give us a trial and you'll be convinced. We clean any kind of material. Ogden Steam Laundry PHONE 174 Launderers and Dry Cleaners. When buying from advertisers mention the "ACORN" ORACLE ISIS GLOBE THE BEST PICTURES MADE IN THE WORLD TO DAY SPEND A PLEASANT HOUR WITH US ASK TO SEE THE NEW SPRING LINE OF SHOES FOR MEN, AT THESE POPULAR PRICES $3.50, $4.00 AND $5.00. HORROCKS BROS. WHO IS GALCO WASHINGTON MARKET A. M. MILLER, Prop. Choicest Meats of all kinds. Family trade our specialty. 2458 Washington Ave. BOTH PHONES 73 Ogden Paint, Oil and Glass Co. WASHINGTON AVE. 2440 Jap-a-lac, Window Glass, Wallpaper Cleaner, in fact everything that goes on with a brush When buying from advertisers mention the "ACORN" |