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Show 20 The Acorn LOCALS The ones who think our jokes are poor Would straightway change their views Could they compare the jokes we print To those that we refuse. Ex. Spend a pleasant evening with the Juniors Jan. 21, 1909. In a recent game with the deaf mutes a Freshman was heard to say, "Why don't the deaf 'mutts' run with the ball?" "I am soitenyl gloid thot some of the Acorn folks woir soi kind as tu publish me doin's in Africa. I am still alive Thois." We would like to inform Ella Mittchell and Heber Scowcroft, Jr., that the halls are not a courthouse. Did you know that the Council and Amusement Committee had scheduled but six dances for the entire school year? Three of them have passed. Soph "That 'Acorn Morning' was fine." Junior "Yes, I enjoyed it immensely I got out of an exam." Christmas, 1909. 21 What makes the boys love Lelia so? The jealous girls did cry; 'Cause Lelia loves the boys, you know, The wise ones did reply. Torgy, get your hair cut, hair cut, hair cut. The Freshmen are ardent believers that "love is blind" since they saw Maroni Olsen stumble out of the typewriting room. Be a hero, write something for the "Acorn." Have you noticed the Seniors parading around school with expanded chests? Those little gold badges are class pins. The Freshman class being unable to defray expenses of their class party, have adopted the Relief Society plan, and are sending their bills to private individuals of other classes. Dear Santa Claus: As we don't need much this year, all we're going to ask for is a pair of nose glasses to make me beautiful just like Celia and Fawn. Your little friends, EDITH AND JOSEPHINE. Prof. Porter "What has electricity done for the world?" Hinchcliff "Shocked more people than anything else." Thad Stevens is attending the Los Angeles High School. Critchlow "Listen to Jeddy laugh." Keith "Yes, it sounds like a rippling water." Basket ball game with Brigham in our own hall Jan. 7. Come and root for old Weber. "Oh, ma, come quick, I have caught a Senior," is the cry of the little Junior. (Do not put my name to this) |