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Show 26 The Acorn The composition of Joss sticks which are used in all the religious ceremonies of Buddahism has long remained a great mystery But it is now known that a stem of bamboo is rolled in a preparation containing 14 odoriferous drugs. Aconito is one of them, and it protects the sticks from mice and rats. Camphor is used also because it causes them to burn steadily without being periodically extinguished. One of the queerest organisms of nature is blind fish. They cannot see at all in any degree of light. Most of them live in caves or in submarine rivers. Some have thin skins over their eyes, and when brought into the light, they soon die. One variety, the Amblyopsis, have fully developed eyes, yet sightless. They have white bodies with a pinkish tinge in some places. They live on small cray-fish which are also blind. This variety was once in abundance at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, but for some unknown reason, they are very scarce. Scientific American. The fact that the Americans allowed the saloon to flourish in the Phillipines, has hurt Americans more than anything else. We suppressed the cock fight there, and permitted the taverns to flourish. One emphasized the Filipino frailty, and the other the American-vice. The Acorn 27 When is a joke not a joke? When it is told to Prof. Richards. Prof. McKendrick (to Student Body) "There was a lady's satchel, or I guess that is what you call it, anyway it had some money, a handkerchief and well you know the rest." Prof. Jensen "Are all the students cold?" Chorus " Yes." Edyth (who was sitting with Victor) "Not in the least." Prof. Bailey (Translating Spanish.) "I have not seen nobody yet so soon already." Freshmen Don't get weary your English is not quite so poor as that. Prof. Richards "You cannot laugh and concentrate your mind on anything. I have demonstrated that to my entire satisfaction." Oh, what power of concentration he must have! The Students thoroughly enjoy-Prof. Bradford's talk Tuesday morning January twenty first. May we ever profit by the advice given in our Devotional Exercises. Prof. Jensen "The next will be a mixed quartette by (pause) some one." |