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Show SECRET 42 Wilson Ward D & RG Meeting AND Tracks. 1144 Lane miles west FRATERNAL of ORDER FRATERNAL RAILROADS. Classified EAGLES. at Eagle Hall, Sec; Dr Claude Meets every Wednesday evening _Aerie No. 118. Thomas Leslie, W Pres; ER Geiger, 9445 Hudson av. Wardleigh. Physician. 24th. See SOCIETIES. BENEVOLENT AND SECRET SOCIETIES. § Wilson’s House—w Block—368 Woodmansee BENEVOLENT Sego Section. Lodge Mrs Treas; No 138. P UNION A Sec. Clara E Cook, OF Cook, AMERICA. Fraternal Master; er, Moyes, A R TQ, 0 fF. SOCIETIES. | SECRET ANCIENT Masonic FREE Temple, AND 2550 ACCEPTED MASONS. Washington Avenue. , Salt Grand: Lodge of Utah for 1911-12—G M, P P Christensen Salt Snyder, L Lake; Deputy G M, W H Bereton, Provo; G W, W Lewis, Garfield. Lake; G Sec, P A Simpkin, Salt Lake; G Treas, Guy 1874, ReegM—Charter dated Nov. 12, Weber Lodge No. 6, F & A H J Craven, Officers: in each month. days Thurs first ngs meeti ular osh, Treas; J N Spargo, J WwW: J V Mcint W M; Geo A Graves, Sw; Easton, S 8; , sD; A R Ward, J D; F W I’ B Nichols, Sec; J E Carver Tyler. t, Barret i wy Hutton J 8; G’W 1912. ResgM—Charter dated Jan 16th, Unity Lodge No 18, F & A H L Herrington, W M. . month each of sday Wedne ular meeting first 15th, 1883. M—Charter dated August Ogden Chapter ‘No g, R A J S Officers: ay in each month. Tuesd first ns catio convo Regular W Epperson, Ss: A V McIntosh, Pb H-P: CF Dinsmore, K; J Lewis, W G DalD Ives, © of H;)S Bowen, PS; Treas; F E Nichols, Sec; C dy, M 2d V7; AM Kenne A v; 3d M rson, Sande rymple, R A C; W E Sentinel. Miller, Mist V; GS Bartlett, 23, 1887. 2, K T—Charter dated Sept. No ndery El Monte Comma Officers: Frank Pareach month. in ys Monda second ves Stated concla Gen; Rev J E ’mo; Geo A Graves, Capt ker, E C; H J Craven, Ger’ls der; B G Treasurer, F E Nichols, Recor Carver, Prelate; A R Haywood, , Std Br; C F DinsAdams A J W; J erby, Weath Blackman, S W; AE el. Warder; G H Bartlett, Sentin more, Swd Br; W E Sanderson, Jan. 22, dated ter (Hastern Star)—Char Queen Esther Chapter No 4 Ofmonth. and third Fridays of each first ngs meeti ar Regul 1900. Fannie WitteM:;: HL Griffin, Wi P; Mrs Mary ficers: Mrs L V Halsted, W Mrs Sec; Miss Cora Vicks, Treas; more, A M; Mrs Collie Cave, Eastman, Sentinel. Christensen Grand Encampment of Utah for 1911-12—G P, P P G Johnson, Park Salt Lake; G H P, J C Smith, Salt Lake; G S W, J Salt Lake City; City; G J W, Jos Hughes, Stockton; G S, W J Moore, GT ,A J Whitehead, Eureka; GR, PA Simpkin, Salt Lake. Oct. 14, Ogden Lodge No. 5—Instituted by Grand Lodge of Utah, Tuesday 1874; charter restored November 14, 1890. Regular meetings N G, LH Candland; Paul Ingebretsen V. of each week, 10 OF Hall. G; Henry Kissel, Sec. Meets 1890. Queen City Rebekah Lodge No 4—Instituted Nov. 19, Mrs Emma Holtgren, 29d and 4th Fridays in each month,IO OF Hall. Perry N G; Mrs Annie Kissel, V G; Mrs Kate Howe, Sec; Mrs Marie Treas. IMPROVED ‘ eo ie KNIGHTS KNIGHTS Ogden of P Halt. Tues- B—Meets Ist and Ogden Lodge No 3871, T F den Hartog, Sec. Hall, L F Boyle, Pres; Marie 3d Fridays Silver Hive Thursdays 2:30 : gleston, ays at K Meets the 2d and 4th Tuesd Homestead No 1505. ams, Correspondent. Willi E O an; Forem n, W S O’Brie FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. IO OF OF L C; OF THE OF No J 1—Meets m, Eagle p m, Jennie Prout, . 2 ee ae; 0 Lodge e No 2—Meets | THE Kink Gc odge, at a io . A; 2 2416 p m, Wash- MACCABEES. R K. OF in K , MACCABEES. 3d Monda ys at 8 R K, Paul Lee. 1st and 3d Thursdays Hall, ; 2445 H udson av.a KNIGHTS : Ogden MEN. COLUMBUS. = Silver Tent No 1—Meets ist and ington av. Commander, L J Griffin; LADIES. every RED ’ re Bro Meetings ngton av. Ogden Lodge No 719—2416 Washi Wolf, Sec. John Culley, E R; C O De day evening. OF AMERICAN YEOMEN. BROTHERHOOD ORDER No. 3—Meets ist and 3d Mondays at Hagle Hall, Auth, Sachem; E R Geiger, K of Rea & Wrignt Hiawatha Tribe av. Ed es 8 ae Mrs 2d 4tat and De- t oe PYTHIAS. of P Hall ev ery Monday GB Pratt, Hart, V C; M W; W W j evening at E Sanderson, Pre- K of R L Underwood, |