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Show TITLE PAGE PION EER (full name) BIR TH (date and pla ce) · DEA TH (date and place) PARENTS . MARRIED (who and date) ARRIVAL IN UTAH (date) (Company arrived with) HISTORY (who wrot e) (date written) (who submitted) (address) - · Sariah R awson Owen 1 5 March 1834 - Layfatti County, Misso u ri D ecember 1 914 Horace Strong Rawson E li zabeth Pat r ick James Owen - 18 5 1 ' 1850 Sar iah Raws on Owen 1901 Oles Smith 2 98 East 300 North Morgan, Utah 84050 CAMP & COUNTY SUBMITTING M_ t _. _J_o....<y, __________ Camp M_ o_r-"g'-a_n_ ___________ County (Camp Historian & address)_ __L ar _en_e_P_ r _e_ec _e ____________ Rt 2 Box 1 00, Morgan, Utah 8405 0 County Historian & address) --------------------- Veloy Tonks Dick son PO Box 203, Mor gan, Utah 840 50 SO URCE OF INFORMATION & PAGE N UMBERS: SARIAH RAWSON OWEN Sariah Rawson OWen was born March 15, 1834 in Layfatti County, Missouri to Horace Strong Rawson and Elizal.::eth Patrick, their fifth child. She had a twin brother Oriah, he died. Sariah · s parents joined the church in 1831. Her father· s father was a Baptist Minister. He and his wife died and left six children. Her father was the oldest, so he cared for the younger ones until they ~re grown. They ~e force to move fran county to county t:ecause of persecution. Her nother suffered for the necessities of life when she was born. After rrovi:1g several times they settled in Nauvoo, where she was baptized. They lived in peace for t~ years. After the Prophet was murdered the rrob rroved · in and they ~e forcedto flee for their lives leaving everything. Fran that time they rroved several times before they ware able to cross the plains. They arrived in Utah in 1850 settling in Ogden. Her father planted a peach orchard, arout 22nd Jefferson avenue. Her father brought a friend home, Jam:s O',.ien, from the Monnan Battalion. Sariah married him in 1851. He was chiet of Police in Ogden. They built a hotel near the Union I:epot. They lived in Ogden 40 years . Then they sold the hotel and rroved to Farr West on a fann. They l ived there for thirteen years • Then built a l:xlm: on Cross Street in Ogden. Sarish died in J:ecember 1914. Jaxre.s died in. January 1914. They had six ooys and tw::::> girls. On Sariah's 50th Anniversary they asked her to give her history. She said, "I remanber going to Sunday School in Nauvoo in a grove near the terrple. I remember the Prophet speaking. He stcx:xi on a platfonn. He said, when the Savior comes he will com:? in a cloud. I remember the Prophet passing our place dressed his unifonn riding a horse. He was Major General of the Nauvoo Legion." When I was about twelve, the Prophet was jailed, the men prepare5 to fight. They ran rullets at our place. Then the news cax~ that our Prophet had been killed. It was a sad time. The mob J:egan to burn and kill, so we had to flee for our lives, leaving everything. In 1850 ~ started across the plains. I walked rrost of the way barefoot. Cracks cam: in my feet . I sewed them up with needle and thread. On our way~ ran out ot foo:i. There was me.ch sickness. Brigham Young sent provisions to us. I a.>n gratefull to my fa>nily for the lovely presents and wedding cake given to m: by Aunt Jane Rawscn" It was a t:eautitul cake. She locked it in her china cupboard. It was still there when she died, thirteen years later. When they opened the cupboard and touched it, it disintegrated. It was tull of ·~ms and yet the frosting held until the a.1pooard was opened" • |