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Show 28 STREETS AND AVENUES. ENDION AV—runs north from 25th to 22d, bet Jackson and Van Buren avs. EUCLID—runs west from Nebraska av, bet Tremont and Brook-line avs. EUCLID AV—runs north and south from 31st, bet Union and Stephens avs. EUCLID PLACE—runs east from Jackson av, bet 31st and 32d. FARLEY'S LANE—runs north from 12th, east of Washington av. FARR'S ALLEY—runs north and south from 7th to 12th, bet Madison and Monroe avs. FARR'S AV—runs north and south, first east of Washington av, bet 20th and 21st. FIFTEENTH—runs east and west, bet 14th and Canyon Road. FIFTH—runs east and west, bet 4th and 6th. FIFTH AV—University Place. FILLMORE AV—runs north and south, bet Taylor and Pierce avs. FIRST—runs east and west, bet 2d and Harrisville line. FIRST AV—University Place. FISK AV—runs north from 32d, bet Madison and Monroe avs. FLORENCE AV—runs north from 36th, bet Monroe and Quincy avs. FOURTH—runs east and west, bet 3d and 5th. FOURTH AV—University Place. FOWLER AV—runs south from 25th to 26th, bet Quincy and Jackson avs. FRANKLIN—runs west from Washington av, bet 34th and 35th, and east from Washington av, bet 33d and 34th. GARFIELD AV—City View. GEDDES AV—runs east from Taylor av to Pierce av, bet 25th and 26th, Denver Place. GIBSON AV—runs from 17th to 19th, five blocks west of Washington av. GLASGOW'S ADDITION—runs from 18th to 17th, bet Wall av and Weber River. GLEN—runs east from Washington av, first north of Birch, Otto Berger's add. GRACE AV—Washington av add. GRAHAM AV—a continuation of Colorado av, south of 39th, Linwood Place. GRAMERCY AV—runs south from 25th to 26th, bet Monroe and Quincy avs. GRAND AV—runs north from 288 33d. GRANT AV—runs north and south, first west of Washington av. GRANT AV—runs east from Brinker av to Harrison av, bet 5th and 6th. 2 29 STREETS AND AVENUES. HARLEIGH AV—runs south from Chatelain, bet Jackson and Van Buren avs. HARRIS—runs west from County Road, bet 35th and 36th. HARRISON AV—runs north and south, bet Van Buren and Tyler avs. HARRISVILLE AV—runs northwest from Five Points, first west of Washington av. HAYS AV—City View. HEALEY AV—runs west from Washington av, bet 31st and 32d. HENNINGER AV—runs south from 12th to 13th, Virginia add. HERRICK'S COURT—runs north from 350 28th. HOLLINGWOOD AV—Prospect Heights add. HOUCK AV—Washington av add. HOWARD—runs west from Nebraska av, bet Curtis av and Tremont, Fairmount Park add. HOWARD—runs east from Washington av, bet Southwell and Newell, Academy Heights. HUDSON AV—runs south from 25th, bet Grant and Washington avs. HUDSON AV—runs north and south from 4th, bet Washington and Grant avs. INDIAN AV—see Endion av. INDIANA AV—runs south from Howard to city limits, bet Tennessee and Michigan avs, Fairmount Park add. INDIANA AV—runs north and south, bet Montana and Pennsylvania avs, Lawndale. IOWA AV—runs south from 25th, bet Harrison and Tyler avs. JACKSON AV—runs north and south, bet Quincy and Van Buren avs. JEFFERSON AV—runs north and south, bet Adams and Madison avs. JOHNSON AV—City View. JUDGE AV—runs north from 7th, bet Washington and Adams avs. JULIA AV—runs south from 7th, bet Washington and Adams avs. JUNCTION AV—runs west from A av, bet 24th and 25th, West Ogden. KANSAS AV—runs south from 25th, east of Nebraska av, River Park add. KERSHAW—runs east from Taylor av, bet 28th and 29th. KERSHAW AV—see Capitol av. KINGSFORD AV—runs north from 640 24th. LAFAYETTE AV—runs south from 26th to 27th, bet Jackson and Van Buren avs. LAKE—runs east from Grant av to Washington av, bet 25th and 26th. |