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Show Allen Transfer Co. Albern Allen, Propr. Office 412 25th St. Telephone 22 200 R. L. POLK & CO'S Grace John B, trucker Union Depot, res 2656 Adams av. Grace Thomas F, rms 1601/2 25th. Grady Frank M, moved to Salt Lake City. Graff, see also Van de Graaff. Graff Albert B, blksmith Utah Construction Co, bds 2759 Grant av. Graff Fred, mach S P Co, bds 2409 Lincoln av. Graham Mrs Edith B, bds 263 28th. Graham George H, brkman U P R R, res 1245 26th. Graham George W, painter, res 2246 Madison av. Graham J Howard, mach S P Co, bds 1245 26th. Graham Whitney M, emp Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, res 224 W Patterson av. GAR Hall, 11 City Hall. Grand Opera House, R A Grant mgr, 2520 Washington av. Grand Opera House Block, 2514-2524 Washington av. Grand Opera House Co, David Eccles pres, Joseph Clark sec and treas, proprs Grand Opera House, 2520 Washington av. Grandin Carl J, trucker D & R G R R, res 500 E 7th. Grandin Hilda, emp Ogden Steam Laundry, bds 500 E 7th. Grandin John, res 1757 Gibson av. Grandin John J, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 1757 Gibson av. Grange Joseph D, repr L H Becraft, res 2140 Stuart's la. Grange Lucy, emp Troy Steam Laundry, bds 2140 Stuart's la. Grange Ralph M, mach L H Becraft, res 2236 Lincoln av. Grange Sarah (wid Joseph), bds 2140 Stuart's la. Granholm Charles A, bartndr, res 2369 Grant av. Grant A S, moved to San Francisco, Cal. Grant Eliza (wid Duncan W), grocer, 872 26th, res same. Grant Frank E, sec and treas Richardson & Grant, res 2325 Adams av. Grant Gordon, chf clk Reed Hotel. Grant John W, moved to San Francisco, Cal. Grant Joshua F Jr, bkpr Geo A Lowe Co, bds 566 24th. Grant Robert A, mgr Grand Opera House, 2520 Washington av. mgr Utahna Theater, 420 25th, bds Reed Hotel. Grant School, 2259 Grant av. Grant Wm B, clk, rms 2629 Grant av. Gras Peter, clk Ed Williams & Sons, bds 2938 Child's av. THE CRYSTAL 2477 WASHINGTON AVE. Wines, Liquors and Cigars Volker=Scowcroft Lumber Co. 237=245 Twenty Fourth Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers... 2 B. H. GODDARD TELEPHONE 534-Z 412 Eccles Bldg. Real Estate and Loans OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY 201 Graven Peter J, lab UPRR, res 988 23d. Graves Albert, brkman S P Co, res 134 28th. Graves George A, chief Fire Dept, Central Station, res 422 28th. Graves Marcus M, bds 857 26th. Graves Orsemus, flagman Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, rms 262 24th. Gravitt Harry T, printer The Standard, res 564 25th. Gravitt Virginia B, student, bds 564 25th. Gray Alice M, student High School, bds rear 2627 Washington av. Gray Ernest, mach Browning Bros Co, res 2545 Quincy av. Gray E F, chef Hotel Ogden. Gray George, treas Geo A Lowe Co, res 2223 Jefferson av. Gray Mrs Harriet, clk Lamoni Grix, res 2550 Quincy av. Gray John, janitor High School, res 725 24th. Gray Leta, bds 2730 Washington av. Gray Mrs Martha, nurse, rear 2627 Washington av, res same. Gray Michael, fireman S P Co, res 2330 Adams av. Gray Wm B, moved to Salt Lake City. Great American Imp Tea Co, Annie White mgr, 340 25th. Great Salt Lake & Promontory Oil & Asphalt Co, W B Wilson sec, 220 Eccles Bldg. Great Western Salt & Soda Co, U V Withee mgr, 3 First Natl Bank Bldg. Green Alexander A, opr W U Tel Co, res 426 17th. Green Alice, student, bds 426 17th. Green Alma L, solr Beneficial Life Ins Co, res Burch Creek. Green Eugene, res 227 27th. Green George C, janitor, res 2028 Adams av. Green John C, brkman D & R G R R, res 129 Shorten's av. Green Lillian G, student High School, bds 2028 Adams av. Green Lizzie A, bds 2028 Adams av. Green Martha, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, 261 25th. Green Nels F, junk, 610 30th, res same. Greenberg George, porter The Senate, res 244 18th. Greene Elsa, bds 2771 Washington av. Greenhalgh Ernest A, clk J J Driver, res 2361 Washington av. Greeno Edna, bds 2350 Grant av. Greeno Ethel L. tchr Pingree School, bds 2350 Grant av. Greenwell Adaline (wid Ambrose), res 2422 Monroe av. WILSON & WHEATLEY, 219-220 ECCLES BLDG. INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE AND MINING. All kinds of Cement Construction done by Wheelwright Construction Co. 2476 Washington Avenue. |