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Show THE WESTERN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Everything in Foundry. Machine, Boiler and Structural Steel Work TELEPHONE 647 2257 LINCOLN AVE. OGDEN, UTAH 80 R. L. POLK & Co’S Brown Minnie M, steno, b 2865 Wash av. Brown Moroni, r 2920 Hudson av. Brown Moroni E, hosemn Fire Dept, r 371 28th. Brown Myrtle, nurse Dee Hosp, b 1990 Gibson av. Brown Naomi, student, b 356 Brown. Brown Nathan L, carp, r 249 34th. Brown Nephi J, chf elk Utah P & L Co, r N Ogden. Brown N Peter, carp, r 3185 Grant av. Brown Ora D, whsemn Scowcroft's, r 361 28th. Brown Pearl (wid Thos H), r 734 23d. Brown Phyllis, student, b 709 22d. Brown Ralph H, farmer, r w end 24th. Brown Randolph, lab, r 221 W 2d. Brown Reuben, burner O P B & T Co, r 515 Chester. Brown Richd, bishop and slsmn, r Harrisville. Brown Richd D, r 2032 Jefferson av. Brown Robt A, survr U S Forest Service, rms Hotel Marion. Brown Roy E, b 1790 Gibson av. Brown Roy R, slsmn Burton Imp Co, r Harrisville. Brown Ruby C, b Roy. Brown Ruth (wid Wm S), r 2609 Lincoln av. Brown Sarah L, b Roy. Brown Sarah M, b H T Brown. Brown Singleton, porter, rms 111 W 27th. Brown S Elton, lab, b 249 34th. Brown S R, cond S P, rms Creston Hotel. Brown Thos, hlpr S P. Brown Thos I, farmer, b N Ogden. Brown T L, brkmn S P, rms Hudson Hotel. Brown T S, rms 368 24th. Brown Wallace, elk O S L, r 335 18th. Brown Wallace M, farmer, r Roy Brown Walter J, electn Elec Service Co, b 948 22d. Brown Walter R, wchmkr J S Lewis & Co, r 2368 Monroe av. Brown Mrs Walter R, cashr Oracle Theatre, r 2365 Monroe av. Brown Wesley D, pres W D Brown Co, r 709 22d.. Brown Wilford, farmer, r Roy. Brown Wm, farmer b Roy. Brown Wm, mach J M Larsen, r rear 488 16th. Brown Wm, patrol Police Dept, r 1586 Wash av. Brown Wm, porter, rms 2639 Lincoln av. Brown Wm A, expmn, 2472 Hudson av, r 2869 Adams av. Brown Wm L, pipeftr S P, r 3042 Adams av. BROWN WM R, Physician and Surgeon, 205-206 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 48, r 2257 Mofflt av, Tel 1747-R. Brown Wm W, clk r 425 32d. Brown W D Co, W D Brown pres, E J Rowett sec-treas, whol grain, 2255 Wall av. BROWN'S ICE CREAM CO (INC), J E Brown Pres and Treas, Frank W Hotaling V-Pres, W W Davis Sec, the Only Exclusive Mfrs of Pure Ice Cream, Wholesale and Retail, Caterers, Extracts, Ice Cream Supplies, 2456 Lincoln av, Tels 315 and 316. (See adv under classified Ice Cream Mfrs). The Deseret News SALT LAKE Is delivered in Ogden at the same Hour and at the time as in Salt Lake. TROY LAUNDRY S.H. HENDERSHOT, Mgr. 2538-40 Wall Ave. The Troy Way is the Right Way BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS CO. FINE FURNISHINGS Clothiers and Furnishers 2425 Washington Ave. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 81 Brown Iron & Brass Works 136 21st St. Ogden, Utah Manufacturers and Dealers In BRASS AND BRONZE WORK ORNAMENTAL IRON, STEEL AND WIRE WORK IRON STAIRS FIRE ESCAPES IRON FENCES WIRE AND ORNAMENTAL WORK OF ALL KINDS BROWN'S IRON & BRASS WORKS, A W Brown Propr, Brass Founders, Mfrs of Fencing, Wire Work, Bank and Counter Railings, Vaults and Jail Doors, Fire Escapes, Etc, 136 21st. (See adv). Browning Ann, student, b 473 27th. Browning Ardell A, tchr Mound Fort Schl, b 2747 Adams av. BROWNING AUTO & SUPPLY CO, J E Browning Jr Mgr, Dis¬- tributors for Overland Autos, Garage, Supplies and Re¬- pairs, 2450 Grant av, Tel 2281. BROWNING BROS CO, J M Browning Pres, M S Browning V- Pres, G E Browning Sec and Treas, T S and J E Browning Directors, Guns, Sporting Goods, Bicycles, Barbers' Sup¬ plies, Talking Machines, Etc, 2451 Hudson av, Tel 45. Browning Carrie, tchr Conserv of Music, b 505 27th. Browning Charilla, b 205 W 29th. Browning Clara M, tchr Pingree Schl, b 667 26th. Browning Clarence, brtndr, b 2718 Grant av. Browning David E, lab S P, r 3262 Stephens av. Browning Dorothea E, student, b 2700 Wash av. Browning Effie, b 3262 Stephens av. Browning Eliz (wid J A), r Tyler av bet 33d and 34th. Browning Elnora, student, b 667 26th. Browning Eva R, student, b 667 26th. Browning Florence, student, b 121 26th. Browning Fostner, cond, b 205 W 29th. Browning Frank M, student, b 473 27th. Browning Franklin M, cond O L & I, r 3128 Adams av. Browning F Earl, b 2718 Grant av. Browning Gene E, student, b 2700 Wash av. Browning Geo E, sec-treas Browning Bros Co, r 2723 Wash av. Browning Geo L, student, b 559 27th. Browning Hannah E (wid Oscar), grocer, 3161 Adams av, r same. Browning Harold L, student, b 2723 Wash av. Browning Hazel, student, b 473 27th. Browning Helen M, tchr Grant Schl, rms 2622 Madison av. Browning John, r 2720 Adams av. BROWNING JOHN M, Pres Browning Bros Co, V-Pres Ogden State Bank, r 505 27th, Tel 1812. Browning John W, brtndr, r 121 26th. HARPER BROTHERS LEGAL PRINTERS 41-3 Richards St. Phone Wasatch 1840 salt lake city |