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Show D U N LA P HATS 84 R. L. POLK & CO'S BUCHMILLER LEROY, Pres and Mgr Buchmiller & Flowers Co, r 2261 Jefferson av, Tel 1382-J. BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS CO, Leroy Buchmiller Pres and Mgr, G M Flowers Sec and Treas, Dressers of Men, 2425 Washington av, Tel 714. (See right top lines and p 83). Buck Chas H, b Taylor. Buck Edith, b W Weber. Buck Jas, farmer, r W Weber. Buck Jas jr, farmer, b W Weber. Buck Luther, farmer, r Marriott. Buck Wm H, farmer, r Taylor. Buckles John H, tinr Newman & Stuart Co, r 1020 Utah pl. Buckley Chas J, hlpr S P, r 1016 Sullivan. Buckway, see also Boekway. Buckway Geo, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 3303 Stephens av. Buckway Renske, rms 3303 Stephens av. Buckway Thos, r 3264 Stephens av. Buddell Jas, solr Metro Life Ins Co, rms 648 24th. Budge Louis E, mach S P, rms 567 1/2 27th. Budge Thos, r View. Budge Wallace R, farmer, b View. Budge W Arthur, tchr Central Jr High Schl, r 437 13th. Budlong Gladys T, nurse, b 638 27th. Budlong Marguerite, b 638 27th. BUDLONG WILLIS A, Mgr Eastern Painless Dentists, 2469 Washington av, Tel 41-W, r 638 27th, Tel 2347-W. Budlong W Arthur, steno S P. b 638 27th. Buehler John A (Seppich & Buehler), r 261 33d. Buffet Bar (J T Gaines), 132 25th. Buist Jas, firmn O S L, rms The Helena. Buker Hazel A, clk Wright's, b 2266 Wash av. Bullock Brigham M, farmer, r Warren. Bullock Chas R, b Warren. Bullock Electa, clk Last & Thomas, b rear 540 28th. Bullock Jane, r Warren. Bullock Mary A (wid Wm S), rms 457 Canyon rd. Bullock Margette, b Warren. Bullock Ruth E, b Warren. Bullough Elsie, emp Shupe-Williams, b 2140 Reeve av. Bullough E Roy, mach S P, r 200 Tracy av. Bullough Fannie, emp Shupe-Williams, b 2140 Reeve av. Bullough Jos, mach Browning Bros Co, r 355 28th. Bullough Saml, mach S P, r 2140 Reeve av. Bullough Saml jr, appr S P, b 2140 Reeve av. Bullough Vera, mach Browning Bros Co, b 355 28th. Bult Sarah E (wid Ernest), r 2758 Adams av. BUNDY EDWARD A, Veterinarian, Graduate Kansas City Vet¬- erinary College, Office and Hospital 2346 Hudson av, Tel 828 r 527 17th Tel 82. Bundy Mrs Emily A,'steno U S Forest Service, r 527 17th. Bune C Leslie, moved to Elko, Nev. Bune Florence, bkpr Wheelwright Lbr Co, b 2060 Jefferson av. Bune Jas A, shoer Peter Ernstrom, b 2260 Jefferson av. Bune Josie, tchr Pingree Schl, b 2060 Jefferson av. Salt Lake Tribune PRICE Prints the News of the World 75c per Mo. B.H.GODDARD Fire, Life, Accident and INSURANCE Health, Plate, Glass, Tornado, Burglary, 429 24th Street Postal, Automobile Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 85 Bune Violet J, student, b 2060 Jefferson av. Bunker Jos J, tuner Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co, r 1108 22d. Bunno Jos, linmn, rms 449 26th. Burbidge Jas W, elk S P, b 465 Rose ct. Bureh Cecil, emp Troy Lndry, b 2374 Wash av. Burch Creek School, Adams*av sw cor 40th. Bureh Danl, tchr, r 251 Healey av. Burch Geo B, moved to Burley, Ida. Bureh Geo M, tmstr, b Riverdale rd. Burch Heber, farmer, r Riverdale rd. Bureh Henry, electn, r 3450 Adams av. Burch Jas, farmer, r Riverdale rd. Burch Jos, driver J S Carver & Sons, b 2376 Wash av. Burch Louis M, farmer, b Riverdale rd. Burch Mrs Nellie, b 2376 Wash av. Burch Robt M, farmer, r 326 29th. Burch Saml C, student, b 3610 Riverdale rd. Burch Saml F, linemn, r 3610 Riverdale rd. Burch Wm, farmer, r Riverdale rd. Burdett Alfd J, brkmn, r 2616 Monroe av. Burdett Arthur J, r 960 28th. Burdett Thos, died Apr 3, '15, aged 88. Burdick Paul C, painter, r 3271 Grant av. Bureau of Animal Industry, see U S Forest Service. Burg, see Berg. Burgess Chas B, emp Burgess & McCamant, rms 2336 Wash av. Burgess Frank L (Burgess & McCamant), r 2338 1/2 Wash av. Burgess & McCamant (F L Burgess, J M McCamant), barbers, 2336 Wash av. Burgi Fred (Seibold & Burgi), r 665 22d. Burgh Roy L, hlpr S P, rms Van Ness Hotel. Burk Bernice H, student, b 440 2d. Burk Blaine B, student, b 440 2d. Burk Dallas M, elk Wm A Stickney Co, b 3049 Adams av. Burk Darrell W, barber A J Farber, r 2984 Adams av. Burk Florence, student, b 309 Adams av. Burk Robt, capt Police Dept, r 309 Adams av. Burk Mrs Sadie E, r 3049 Adams av. Burk Thos B, detective, r 440 2d. Burke Mrs Daisy, moved to Willard, U. Burke Edna M, student, b 468 28th. Burke Ellen J, tchr Washington Schl, rms 640 12th. Burke E D, hostler S P. Burke Frank K, mach S P. Burke Henry, carp, r 950 Wash av. Burke John T, eng U P, r 133 27th. Burke Rein, eng U P, r 468 28th. Burklund Edwd E, firmn, b 170 27th. Burklund Ivar L, plmbr, r 170 27th. Burklund Mildred M, student, b 170 27th. Burklund Ruth M, b 170 27th. Burley Wm, lab, rms 549 21st. Burlin Julia M, elk Ogden Com Co, rms 821 25th. Burlingham John G, mach S P, rms Creston Hotel. Closely Connected with TANNERS AND PULLERS both East and West O.M.RUNYAN Dealer in HIDES, PELTS, TAL- Telephone 781-W LOW, BEESWAX AND FURS Always in the market at top market prices Reference: Com'l National Bank Ogden, Utah 2263-69 Wall Avenue We Believe UTAH PEOPLE Should WEAR UTAH Clothes EAT UTAH Foods USE UTAH Mfrd. Products Mfrs. Assn. of Utah |