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Show NYE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL IN THE ECCLES BUILDING MANHATTAN SHIRTS 212 R. L. POLK & CO'S Hutchens Harold, b 230 W 2d. Hutchens John A, patrol Police Dept, r 230 W 2d. Hutchens Jos A, insp S P, r 124 27th. Hutchens Normand, b 230 W 2d. Hutchens Wm, hlpr, b 230 W 2d. Hutchings Alice E, b 3037 Lincoln av. Hutchings Wm E, opr O U R & D Co, r 3037 Lincoln av. Hutchins Delwin, driver Burton Imp Co, r 657 20th. Hutchins Eliz, clk Wright's, rms 3158 Grant av. Hutchins John J, farmer, r Slaterville. Hutchinson Wm B, carp, r 529 35th. Hutchison Bernard G, student, b 2545 Fowler av. Hutchison Richd H, clk Shoemart, b 529 35th. HUTCHISON THOMAS S, Bicycles and Supplies, Sporting Goods, "Victor Talking Machines and Records, Kodaks and Supplies, 306 25th, Tel 1123-W, r 2545 Fowler av, Tel 2491-R. Hutchison Winnie, mus tchr, b 2545 Fowler av. Huth Eliz, mgr The Flower Shop, b 3119 Jefferson av. Hutzly John J, lab, r Harrisville. Hvizdalek Frank, carp, r 2621 Van Buren av. Hvizdalek Mrs Mamie, tchr Quincy Schl, r 2621 Van Buren av. Hyland Francis, rancher, r 2946 Grant av. Hyland Frank D, eng S P, r 2912 Grant av. Hyland Harry J, steno Amer Exp Co, r 570 25th. I Iannone Alfonso, mach S P, r rear 150 W 2d. Ichimura Rev Manzoe, r 2848 Wash av. Idaho Tungsten Co, F L Woods sec, 2408 Wash av. Idan-Ha Hotel (Mary Butterfield), 2474 1/2 Wash av. Ideal Lunch Room (Azeez Malouf), 180 25th. Idlewild The (Simon Bamberger), rest, Ogden Canyon. Idsenga Eberta (wid Henry), r 846 22d. Idsenga Sadie, emp Ogden Steam Lndry, rms 846 22d. Igarashi Fred, farmer, r N Ogden. Ihk Chas A, clk Culley Drug Co, r 245 W Patterson av. Ikeda K, lab O S L, r 252 W 22d. Ikigami Kay, mgr Trout House, r 227 25th. ILLINOIS SURETY CO, Mathews-McCulloch Co Agts, under First Nat Bank. Ilium Christina (wid Peter), r Plain City. Ilium Edgar, farmer, b Plain City. Ilium Olevius, farmer, r Plain City. Imler Wm E, electn Redfield Elec & Mach Co, b 2960 Ogden av. Inabnit Frank, buyer Wright's, r 2670 Quincy av. Inami Y, lab S P. Independence Coal & Ice Co (G L Crocker, Clayburn White), 2230 Wall av. INDEPENDENT MEAT CO (C H Larned), Fresh and Cured Meats, Fish, Game, Poultry and Groceries, 2418 Wash¬- ington av, Tels 390 and 391. SUITS CLOTHING MENS FURNISHINGS OVERCOATS THE R. & O. QUALITY SHOP 352-25TH PHONE 631 Salt Lake Tribune PRICE Prints in the News of the World 75c per Mo. B.H. GODDARD Fire, Life, Accident and INSURANCE Health, Plate Glass, Tornado, Burglary 429 24th Street Postal, Automobile Telephone 500-W OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 213 I O O F Hall, 2320 Wash av. Industrial Pub Co, B F Thomas mgr, pubs Industrial Utah, 2476 Wash av. Industrial School, see Utah Industrial School. Industrial Utah, Industrial Pub Co pubs, 2476 Wash av. Ingalls Mrs Maude, r 2228 Read av. Ingebretsen Benj, carp, b 338 28th. Ingebretsen Bertha (wid Christopher), r 338 28th. Ingebretsen Edgar J, r 768 20th. Ingebretsen Eggert, lab. rms 2238 Moffit av. Ingebretsen Inez M, steno City Eng, b 338 28th. Ingebretsen John, painter, r 1978 Steele av. Ingebretsen Leola M, steno Walker Agency, b 1978 Steele av. Ingebretsen Mary (wid Enoch), r 2238 Moffit av. Ingebretsen Ole C, stoker Utah P & L Co, b 2238 Moffit av. Ingebretsen Paul, phys, 3 Peery-Hudson Bldg, r 7 Stevens Apts. Ingebretsen Peter, died Oct 8, '15, age 33. Ingebretsen Roy, painter, b 2238 Moffit av. Ingebretsen Mrs Sarah, r 5 Stephens Apts. Ingles, see also Ingalls. Ingles Inez M, clk Ogden State Bank, b 2462 Jackson av. Ingram John E, emp U S Forest Service, rms 2560 Orchard av. Ingram Walter J, blrmkr S P, r 2646 Grant av. Inland Grain Co, J L Taylor pres, H G Doon v-pres, C J Doon sec-treas, whol grain, 2225 Wall av. INSURANCE CO OF NORTH AMERICA (of Phila), J M Forrist¬- all Agt, 2438 Washington av. Inter-Mtn Concrete Constn Co, R E Bristol see, 521 Eccles Bldg. Inter-Mtn Demurrage Bureau, T F Collins insp, S P Frt Depot. Inter-Mtn Land & Live Stock Co, Frank Smyth sec and treas, 242 25th. INTER-MOUNTAIN PRODUCE CO (J G Teuscher, John Doxey), Hay, Grain, High Grade Flour, Poultry, Eggs and Cheese, 2214 Washington av, Tel 583. Inler-Mtn Rural Credit Assn, Albt Moyes rep, 2260 Wash av. INTER-MOUNTAIN VULCANIZING WORKS (John Long, Bert Homer), Everything in Automobile Tire Repairing, 2466 Grant av, Tel 333-J. (See adv under classified Auto Tire Repairing) INTER-MOUNTAIN WHOLESALE GROCERY CO, Aaron Jack¬- son Pres, J M Scanlon V-Pres, Veda Johnson Sec-Treas, N A Hawkes Mgr, Wholesale Direct to the Consumer, Importers and Packers of Fine Groceries, 2460 Grant av, Tel 660. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS OF SCRAN- TON, PA, Boyd W Venable Local Mgr, "The World's Greatest University," So Says Elbert Hubbard, 215 Eccles Bldg, Tel 270. Inter-Urban Terminal Depot, 258 24th. Ipsen John, farmer, r Plain City. Ipsen Peter, farmer, r 576 7th. Ipsen Wm, lab, b Plain City. We Believe UTAH PEOPLE Should WEAR UTAH Clothes EAT UTAH Foods USE UTAH Mfrd. Products Mfrs. Assn. of Utah Closely Connected with TANNERS AND PULLERS both East and West O.M.RUNYAN Dealer in HIDES, PELTS, TAL- Telephone 781-W LOW, BEESWAX AND FURS Always In tho market at top market prices Reference: Com'l National Bank Ogden, Utah 2263-69 Wall Avenue |