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Show KING COAL SOLD BY ALL DEALERS UTAH COAL SALES AGENCY SALT LAKE CITY 226 R. L. POLK & CO'S Jorgensen Sophia (wid Hans), r 3d cor Monroe av. Jorgensen Yetta, emp Troy Lndry, b 2547 Lincoln av. Jorgenson Ludwig, mach S P. Jorklund, see Bjorklund. Jory Stephen E, rms 1822 Grant av. Joseph Edwd E, r rear 3017 Wall av. Joseph John B, painter S P. Josephs Clementine C, died Dec 7, '15, age 82. Josephs John, wchmn, r 554 W 24th. Jost Andw J, carp, r 2150 Monroe av. Jost A Leland, comp Ogden Examiner, r 478 22d. Jost Bros (G D and T A), auto repairs, 2093 Wash av. Jost G Delbert (Jost Bros), r 429 Herrick av. Jost Lila, tchr Ogden Conserv of Music, rms 561 22d. Jost Saml E, contr, 569 22d, r same. Jost Saml E jr, blksmith Geo Huss, r 666 22d. Jost Thos A (Jost Bros), r Moore la bet 11th and 12th. JOYCE ROBERT S, Physician and Surgeon, Suite 220-222 Eccles Bldg, Tel 305, Hoars 2 to 4 p m, r The Virginia, Tel 745-J. Jude Agnes, basketmkr E C Olsen, b 3205 Wall av. Jude Catherine, opr Scowcroft's, b 2621 Lincoln av. Judge Frank E, clk T C Foley Go, b 2621 Lincoln av. Jude Fred W, wchmn, r 3205 Wall av. Jude Jane (wid Edwd J), r 2621 Lincoln av. Jude Marion, truckmn S P, b 3205 Wall av. Jude Walter R, eng S P, r 682 Sullivan. Judkins Adelbert F, pdlr, r 801 Canyon rd. Judkins Chas E, farmer, r Warren. Judkins David F, cook, r 2567 Grant av. Judkins Ella, opr Scowcroft's, b Warren. Judkins Eugene, carp, r N Ogden. Judkins Hyrum, carp, b Eugene Judkins. Judkins Mabel, student, b 801 Canyon rd. Judkins Mary A, r Warren. Judkins Parley B, farmer, b Warren. Judkins Richd B, farmer, r Warren. Judkins Verna, emp Shupe-Williams, b Warren. Junk Eliz, student, b 3202 Wash av. Junk John A, prin Washington Schl, r 3202 Wash av. Junk Ruth C, student, b 3202 Wash av. Jurden Andw R, civ eng, r 860 27th. Justi Chas L, clk G A Lowe Co, rms 2054 Adams av. Jutrosinski Newton I, clk, b 2963 Lincoln av. Jutrosinski Tessie I, r 2963 Lincoln av. Juvenile Court, Volney C Gunnell judge, City Hall. K K C K Club, B L Whittemore sec, 403 Col Hudson Bldg. Kado Thos, interpreter, r 244 21st. Kaffman Herman W, farmer, r 32d and Taylor av. EASTERN PAINLESS DENTISTS OUR MINIMUM PRICES Set of Teeth $5. Crowns $5. Bridge Work $5 Fillings $1 and up Extractions 50c PAINLESS EXTRACTION EXAMINATION FREE 2469 Washington Ave., Over Paine & Hurst, Tel. 41-W THE SALT LAKE HERALD-REPUBLICAN Utah's Greatest Newspaper and Adv. Medium-15c a week Ensign Drug Co. Nyal's Remedies, Ansco Cameras, Photographic 325 24th St. COL, HUDSON BLDG. Finishing and Supplies OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY-1916 227 Kagiaras Konstan, hlpr S P. Kagihara Saml, lab S P. Kahn, see Cohen and Kohn. Kaiser, see also Keyser. KAISER CHARLES E, Live Stock and Investments, Pres Mon¬- itor Valley Land & Cattle Co, 807 Eccles Bldg, Tel 67, r 663 25th, Tel 1962. Kaiser Sadie, rms 668 24th. Kaiser & Balan (C E Kaiser, John Balan), wool growers, 807 Eccles Bldg. Kaji K (Japanese Amer Ind Corp), rms 2424 Grant av. Kalalas Geo, coffee house, 141 25th, r same. Kallas Geo, lab S P. Kallas Gust, emp O S L. Kallas Jas A, emp O S L. Kallas Peter, emp Ogden P & P Co. Kalney John, tailor H A Anderson, r 769 20th. Kam Lee Yuen Co, Chinese gds, 2460 Lincoln av. Kameyama T, mgr Japanese Daily News, rms Creston Hotel. Kammeyer Ernest, plmbr, r 39th nr Adams av. Kammeyer Harry, hrnsmkr J G Read & Bros Co, r 3341 Wood¬- land av. Kammeyer John M, porter Poulsen & Blosser, r 2874 Monroe av Kammeyer Mary, b 3341 Woodland av. Kammeyer Paul J, gdnr, 2604 Jefferson av, r 2868 Monroe av. Kamp John, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 160 1/2 25th. Kane, see also Cain. Kane Jas, swchmn, r 116 23d. Kaneko Bert Y (Tai Sho Co), r Kanesville. Kanesville School, Kanesville. Kanno Henry, farmer, r City Limits rd. Kanno S, noodles, r City Limits rd. Kansky Saml T, clk, rms 2683 Lincoln av. Kanzler Harriet, tchr Mound Fort Schl, b 570 25th. KANZLER REINHOLD, Physician and Surgeon, Stomach and Intestines a Specialty, 2465 Washington av, Hours 11 to 12 a m, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p m, r 570 25th, Tel 1063. Kap Geo, lab, r 3299 Stephens av. Kap Hano, farmer, r Riverdale rd nr 37th. Kap Harm, lab, b 3119 Union av. Kap Ino, repr S P, b 3119 Union av. Kap Jacob, emp Amal Sugar Co, r 3119 Union av. Kap Jacob jr, emp Amal Sugar Co, r 325 Healy av. Kap Jacob H, tmstr Parker Coal Co, r 3138 Euclid av. Kap John, r Kanesville. Kap Richd, b 3119 Union av. Kap Ulrich, emp Amal Sugar Co, b 3119 Union av. Kaper Damas, farmer, r 212 N Wash av. Kaplan Jay A (Kaplan & Bosse), rms 6 Corey Apts. Kaplan Solomon J, clk Buchmiller & Flowers, b 2684 Wash av. Kaplan & Bosse (J A Kaplan, J G Bosse), mdse brokers, 2562 Wash av. Kaprin Jay, slsmn, rms 6 Corey Apts. Karas Geo, emp O S L. J. P. O'NEILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTORS, STREET PAVING, SEWERS AND WALKS 423 Twenty-fifth Street Phone 621 KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS MAKE OUR FACTORIES LARGER Increase Our PAY ROLLS BUY UTAH MADE GOODS |