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Show The Eccles Lumber Co. WHOLESLAE & RETAIL BUILDING MATERIAL and MILL WORK 156-164 24th St. Tel. 128 332 R. L. POLK & CO'S Putnam Esther, emp Shupe-Williams. Putnam Glen, student, b 3214 Wyoming av. Putnam Jennie A (wid Amos W), r 469 13th. Putnam Mattie, opr Scowcroft's, b 427 24th. Pyle Lawrence C, clk R M S, rms 428 20th. Pyper, see also Piper. Pyper Robt A, pkr Boyle Furn Co, rms 2769 Grant av. Q Quaintance Sherman, v-pres Kern's Go, r Denver. Quant Kerstin, adjutant Salvation Army, rms 444 27th. QUEEN INS CO OF AMERICA (of New York), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Quibell Mrs Jane, r Hooper. Quillinan Madeline K, b 2264 Lincoln av. Quillinan Wm E, eng S P, r 2264 Lincoln av. Quincey Robt E, rms 2769 Grant av. Quincy School, Quincy av s e cor 26th. Quinn Edwd N, spcl agt U S Land Office, r 335 28th. Quinn John, porter Healy Hotel, rms 137 Tracy av. Quinn John, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Quinn J R, clk O S L, rms Arlington Hotel. Quinn Thos, barber, r 2867 Lincoln av. Quinney Claude, motrmn O L & I, r Logan. Quirk Catherine (wid Nicholas), rms 2746 Wall av. Quirk Prudence, tchr Riverdale Schl, r 352 4th. Quong Ghong (Quong Chong Go), r 2473 Grant av. Quong Chong Co (Quong Chong), Chinese mdse, 2473 Grant av. Quong, Duck, Chong & Co, Chinese gds, 251 25th. Quong Lee, laundry, 229 25th. R & O QUALITY SHOP, Benjamin Oppman Pres, Henry Rosen- R & O QUALITY SHOP, Benjamin Oppman Pres, Henry Rosen- bluth Sec and Treas, Clothiers, Haberdashers, Etc, 352 25th, Tel 631. (See left side lines). Raat Dirk, mason, r 2030 Ballantyne av. Ratt Henry, pkr G A Lowe Co, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Raat Minnie, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Raat Richd, driver Griffin Paint Co, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Raat Rudolph, plmbr, b 2030 Ballantyne av. Rabe Augusta, opr Utah Knitting Co, b 2030 Douglas av. Rabe Fred C, asst Ford's Studio, b 2030 Douglas av. Rabe Hannah, opr Utah Knitting Co, b 2030 Douglas av. Race Bertha, maid The Carlyle. Rackham Albt, tmstr, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Alfred, whsemn Boyle Furn Co, r 2722 Williams av. Rackham Arthur, clk Wright's, r 845 20th. Rackham Chas G, tmstr, r 2751 Quincy av. KELLY & HERRICK 2500 WASHINGTON AVENUE Fire and Accident Insurance Real Estate and Loans TELEPHONE 76 VOLKER LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 237-245 24th ST. PHONE 612 WRIGHT'S STORE GENERAL DEP'T STORE LINES Cor. Washington Ave. and 24th OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1916. 333 BENJAMIN OPPMAN, President THE R. & O. Quality Shop Incorporated HENRY ROSENBLUTH, Sec. and Treas. Clothiers MODERN DRESSERS OF MEN AND YOUNG MEN Exclusive and Up-to-Date Ideas at Handy Prices, Ranging from $15 to $35 Agency for Kuppenheimer Guaranteed Clothes Everything in MEN'S APPAREL at 352 25th Street Phone 631 Rackham Clara R, bkpr, b 743 27th. Rackham Fannie (wid Claude S), b 2740 Jefferson av. Rackham Fred, driver, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Geo E, emp R L Crosbie, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Geo W, clk Walk-Over Boot Shop, b 651 26th. Rackham Henry, lab, r 924 Rushton. Rackham John, tmstr Smith Bedding Co, r e end Canyon rd. Rackham Jos P, driver, b Saml Rackham. Rackham Laura E, student, b 743 27th. Rackham Leonard, clk Wright's, b 2722 Williams av. Rackham Mary (wid Joshua T), r 651 26th . Rackham Mary J (wid Thos J), b 763 27th. Rackham Rachel R, clk J B Magruder, b 2722 Williams av. Rackham Saml, tmstr, r Lafayette av nr 28th. Rackham Theresa (wid John), r 3187 Grant av. Rackham T Jas, musn Alhambra Theatre, r 763 27th. Rackham Vernie, b 924 Rushton. Rackham Wm G, lab, Amer Can Co, r 743 27th. Rackham Wm J, clk Ogden Whol Gro Co, r 330 Patterson av. Raddon Fritz B, blrmkr, r 2550 Lincoln av. Raddon John, electn, rms 2049 Adams av. Raethel August H, barber A J Farber, r 2658 Adams av. Ragan Cecilia L, b 2323 Monroe av. Ragan Danl, r 2323 Monroe av. Ragan Michl, brkmn S P, r 2335 Monroe av. Ragan Patrick, lab, rms 413 W 21st. Ragan Ruth M, bkpr Ogden Steam Lndry, b 2323 Monroe av. Railway Mail Service, W J Carr chf clk, 302 Federal Bldg. Raine Terrace, 2610-2620 Monroe av. Rainey Albt C, carp, r 3210 Jefferson av. Rainey Geo A, driver, b 3210 Jefferson av. Raistrick Leonard, lab, rms 1079 22d. Rail Jos W, wchmn S P, r 2637 Van Buren av. Ramey Chas M, clk Ogden Com Co, rms 2104 Jefferson av. Ramey Elisha H, porter Seppich & Buehler, rms 2409 Hud¬- son av. Ramey John W, farmer, r Wilson la. Ramsden Arthur, motrmn O L & I, r 502 Chester. Lambert Paper Co. THE PAPER HOUSE We carry the Largest Line of Stationery in the West Oldest and Most Reliable Paper House in the State Wall Ave. & 24th St. Phone 151 We Believe UTAH PEOPLE Should WEAR UTAH Clothes EAT UTAH Foods USE UTAH Mfrd. Products mfrs. Assn. of Utah |