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Show J.M. FORRISTALL 2438 WASHINGTON AVE TELEPHONE 425 surety bonds, fire, accident, liability and burglary . . . . INSURANCE 334 R.L. POLK & CO'S Ramsden Eliz (wid Peter), r 1060 Capitol av. Ramsden John, r 339 Parry av. Ramsden John E, Clk Browning Bros co, r 532 30th. Ramsden Leila M, elk Wright's, b 532 30th. Ramsden Ruth S, b 532 30th. Ramsey Wm, porter, rms 357 24th. Ramsperger Albt G, b 2531 Fillmore av. Ramsperger Augusta L (wid Gustave), r 2531 Fillmore av. Ramsperger Herman c, student, b 2531 Fillmore av. Ranases Mark, confr, 225 25th, rms Belmont House. RANCH THE, BAUMEISTER BROS Proprs, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 365 24th, Tel 1887-W. Randall Auto Livery (O P Randall), 370 24th. Randall Bertha C, opr Scowcroft's, b G E Randall. Randall David E, treas-mgr N Ogden Cang Co, r N Ogden. Randall Earl A, b E J Randall. Randall Ellen, b 320 2d. Randall Emma B, died Aug 27, '15, age 53. Randall Enoch J, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Ethel, student, b H J Randall. Randall E Laura, tchr Lorin Farr Schl, b 320 2d. Randall Geo E, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Gilbert, b D E Randall. Randall Harvey P, pres and mgr Pioneer C & L Co, r 300 2d. Randall Heber J, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Jas E, pres N Ogden Canning Co, r N Ogden. Randall John A, v-pres Pioneer C & L Co, r 320 2d. Randall John W, bkpr Pioneer C & L Co, b 320 2d. Randall Jos H, lino Ogden Trade Linotype, rms 468 23d. Randall Lewis A, farmer, b E J Randall. Randall Luetta M, b E J Randall. Randall Olive M, student, b D E Randall. Randall. Oscar P (Randall Auto Livery), r 723 Adams av. Randall Reta M, b G E Randall. Randall Saml M, farmer, r N Ogden. Randall Sarah E, b E J Randall. Randolph Mrs Laura M, b 2756 Adams av. Rands Geo H, opr U P & L Co, r 1037 12th. Rands Hazel L, died Feb 13, '15, age 22. Rands Jos L, hlpr S P, rms rear 528 24th. Raney, see Rainey and Ramey. Rankin Colin W, cook, r 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Eliz M (wid Alex W), r 2777 Grant av. Rankin John E, whsmn W D Brown Co, b 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Jos P, mail contr, r 3135 Wash av. Rankin Mary W, opr Scowcroft's, b 2127 Reeve av. ( Rankin Robt E, emp W D Brown Co, b 2127 Reeve av. Rankin Roy A, poultry brdr, 37th and Pacific av, r same. Ransom John, cook, rms 2922 Wall av. Ransome Mrs Nellie, rms 2255 Moffit av. Ranson Clarence, flrmn U P, b 2612 Adams av. Ranson Cleve, flrmn U P, b 2612 Adams av. Ranson Dewey, appr S P, b 145 W Patterson av. Ranson Geo, emp Ogden P & P Co, r 2612 Adams av. Ranson Geo jr, firmn U P, r 2240 Monroe av. Mathews-McCulloch Company, Inc. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE & LOANS Office Under First National Bank Tels. Office 301-W, Residence 1497-M PRESCRIPTION ACCURACY A.R. McINTYRE DRUG CO. WASHINGTON AT 24TH ST. BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOUSE OF GOOD VALUES PHONE 2777 ogden city directory—1916. 336 Ranson Ida M, b 145 W Patterson av. Ranson Mary, student, b 2612 Adams av. Ranson Wilson H, cond U P, r 145 W Patterson av. RAPID MESSENGER SERVICE, Farley & Brostrom Proprs, Live Wire Messenger Service, Night and Day, We are Bonded, Under First Nat Bank, Tel 395. (See adv under classified Messenger Service). Rapp Chas W, chfr Fire Dept, r 349 31st. Rapp Clinton B, clk J W Griffin, b 2629 Monroe av. Rapp Lillian, b 2376 Wash av. Rapp Mrs Mary E, furn rms, 2376 Wash av. Rash Chas H, farmer, r Riverdale. Rash Chas W, miller Riverdale Flour Mill, r Riverdale. Rash Leona R, b Riverdale. Rash Maud L, b Riverdale. Rasmussen Andw C, driver Hess Bakery, r 329 32d. Rasmussen Anna N, housekpr Reed Hotel. Rasmussen Clarence A, driver, r 479 30th. Rasmussen Henrietta (wid Wilhelm), rms 827 26th. Rasmussen John, brkmn O S L, r 2957 Lincoln av. Rasmussen Jorgen P, driver Blackman & Griffin Co, r 656 28th. Rasmussen Marie, nurse Utah Schl D and B. Rasmussen Mary, smstrs Leader, rms 2111 Grant av. Rasmussen Otto D, r 1550 Robinson av. Rasmussen Robt E, moved to Los Angeles. Rasmussen Royal M, insp, r N Ogden. Rasmussen Soren M, mach S P, r rear 2111 Grant av. RASMUSSON CARL C, Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and Home Builder, 2428 Hudson av, Tel 115, r Weber Club, Tel 11. Rassweiler Clifford F, student, b 454 24th. RASSWEILER REV GEORGE F, Pastor First Methodist Epis¬- copal Church, r 454 24th, Tel 1816. Raty Angus, lab, r 2138 Lincoln av. Raty C R, farmer, r Marriott. Ravenburg Albt, farmer, r Wilson la. Rawe, see also Rowe. Rawe Joel, carp S P, r 279 34th. Rawson Alta M, b 1727 Gibson av. Rawson Arthur, messr Rapid Messr Ser, b 950 7th. Rawson Arthur M, r 244 W 31st. RAWSON BROS COAL & COMMISSION CO (W W and S D Rawson), 2270 Wall av, Tel 484. : Rawson Cyrus E, farmer, r Plain City. Rawson Danl B, formn Mutual Creamery, r Farr West. Rawson Danl J, farmer, b Farr West. Rawson David W, ydmn Rawson Bros, r 1018 Wash av. Rawson Dorothy, opr Scowcroft's, b 2112 Lincoln av. Rawson Eliz J (wid Wm), r Farr West. Rawson Mrs E B, opr Scowcroft's, r 1018 Wash av. Rawson E Dean, hlpr Scowcroft's, b 1727 Gibson av. Rawson Frank D, b 1727 Gibson av. Rawson Gertrude, opr Scowcroft's, b 1018 Wash av. Rawson Hugh, 'farmer, r Farr West. CIRCULARS ADDRESSED R.L. POLK & CO. Write SALT LAKE CITY MAILING LISTS OF ALL KINDS KEEP THE $ AT HOME BUY UTAH MADE GOODS MAKE OUR FACTORIES LARGER Increase Our PAY ROLLS BUY UTAH MADE GOODS |