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Show title Weber College was chosen because it seemed to allow for future college development. The 1922-1923 school year was opened with a good deal of enthusiasm by the Tracy administration. Teachers from the previous year included William Z. Terry, John G. Lind, Christian J. Jensen, John C. Blaylock, Andrew L. Winsor, Eli Holton (who also served as Secretary to the Board of Trustees), Wilford O. Ridges, Betty Noble, Blanche K. McKey, Lavinia Maughan, Malcolm Watson, William H. Manning, Harvey Taylor, Merlon Stevenson, Pearl Oberhansley, Edith Austin, Edith Kohler, P. A. Nielson, Ellen W. Hamer, and Mary Storey. To this group, Tracy and the Board had added Ruby Osmond, Caroline Parry, Ernest W. Wilkinson, Louisa Thurgood, Ernest Nichols, and Eva Browning. The course offerings in the College division included two years of work in pre-law, pre-medicine, engineering, business, education, and the arts and sciences. Courses in modern languages were given for the first time on the college level in elementary French, German, and Spanish. The college enrollment had more than tripled over the previous year with 160 college students and 530 high school students. At the Commencement exercises held on May 17, 1923, eleven students graduated with the degree of Associate of Arts, the first to receive this degree from Weber. These students were Alice Condie, Etta Lavina Fuller, Kenneth Farley, Ellen Hornsby, Joseph Edwin Nelson, Alton Franklin Richards, Annie Rogers, Berna Sandstrom, Thomas O. Smith, Louisa Thurgood, and Miriam Woodbury. As students enrolled during this and other years, Tracy and other college presidents were forced tobalance faculty. During the 1922-1923 year, Tracy hired three returned missionaries to teach theology. This was done in part to lower costs and cover classes even though such teachers were not fully qualified. Tracy noted that brothers Willard Marriott and Lewis L. Blake will teach through the year for their tuition. So Blake, Marriott, and others both taught at the school as well as attended classes toward their own graduation. J. Willard Marriotts family beginnings and education at Weber were very similar to his classmates. Later he founded such Marriott establishments as the Hot Shop-pes, Big Boy Coffee Shops, Roy Rogers Restaurants, and Marriott Hotels. Marriott attended Weber with his brothers and sisters traveling the five miles to the school and back to Slaterville and Marriott each school day by horse and buggy. Marriott later remembered that studying was crowded into a busy schedule of work on the family farm, selling advertisements for the Weber Herald and the Acorn, and working in the college bookstore. During the 1922-1923 school year in which Marriott both taught and was a student, he was elected student body president of the college. The Acorn had begun to differentiate between the college students and the high school students, and the 1923 edition was dedicated to President Aaron Tracy whose clear thinking and executive ability have made possible a successful junior college at Weber. A major event during the fall of 1922 was the effort by students, faculty, and trustees to erect a flagpole at the summit of Mt. Ogden. During September, the effort was organized with Harvey L. Taylor of the faculty placed in charge. He was assistedby Willard Marriott, college student body president, and Llewelyn McKay, president of the high school student body. The first stage toward erecting the flagpole took place on Saturday, September 30, when six pioneers traveled by horseback to the peak, clearing the trail along the way, and sledge-hammering a hole at Mt. Ogdens peak deep enough to bury a charge of dynamite. The charge was exploded leaving a hole three feet deep serving as a base for the flag pole. Included with Harvey Taylor and Llewelyn McKay on this first expedition were Thomas Woods, athletic manager, and students Ted Woods, Ted McGregor, and Floyd Barnett. On Tuesday afternoon, October 3, a rally was held in the school assembly hall to generate enthusiasm for the hike. The well-known rock at the mouth of Taylors Canyon was the appointed gathering place for the hikers on October 4 at 5:00 a.m. At the appointed hour the school band played several lively tunes and the hikers sang The Star Spangled Banner and the school song Purple and White. Each class was given an assignment: the sophomores were to carry the sand, cement, and water; the juniors were to arrange to have the 300 pound flagpole carried in sections to the top; the seniors were to set the pole; the faculty and student body officers were to splice the pole; and the college students were to procure and raise the flag. Six horses were taken to carry the pole, the flags, the cement, sand, and water. The faculty led the parade of hikers followed in order by the sophomores, juniors, seniors, and college students up the well-worn trail up Taylors Canyon to the Basin. The group ate breakfast at Malans Basin and then moved to assault the rocky ridge leading to Mt. Ogden. As the trail became steeper and more rugged, travel with the horses became almost impossible, and the burdens carried by the horses were transferred to the hikers. By two oclock in the afternoon the last hiker and equipment reached the top. The group rested and ate lunch, and then proceeded to raise the flagpole to its twenty foot height, placed it into the prepared three foot hole and packed it tightly with concrete mixed on the spot. The names of those reaching the peak were written on a scroll, placed in a glass bottle, and cemented beneath the pole. As the hikers gazed on their finished product, enjoyed the view, and the beautiful fall day, David O. McKay, president of the Board of Trustees, spoke from the summit and complimented them on their accomplishment and offered a dedicatory prayer. The 365 Weber students also listened to speeches by President Tracy, and student body presidents Willard Marriott and Llewlyn McKay, and then as the bugle sounded and the American flag was raised along with the schools purple and white banner, all joined to sing The Star Spangled Banner and the recently composed Purple and White. The inscription placed at the base of the flag pole read Presented by the Associated Students of Weber College, 1922. The weary group descended to Malans Basin where supper was enjoyed at about 5:00 p.m., and then down the canyon where the last hiker reached the bottom about 9:00 p.m. For many the trail through Taylors Canyon and Malans Basin and to the summit of Mt. Ogden after this eventful day was called the Weber Trail. The hike was eventful and evidenced the cooperation among students and faculty. It was remembered particularly because |