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Show Kansas on March 22, 1958. Webers team was defeated in the final game by Kilgore Junior College from Kilgore, Texas; in order to reach the finals the Wildcats had defeated teams from Ely Junior College from Minnesota, Greenville Junior College from South Carolina, and Cameron State College from Oklahoma. This was the most success that a Weber team had enjoyed in terms of national competition to that date. During the next year, the Weber basketball team won the National Junior College Basketball Championship. In the final game of the tournament on March 21, 1959, the Weber team defeated Bethany Lutheran of Mankato, Minnesota, and the championship trophy was accepted by President Miller and Weber State student body president James Hurst. The team had defeated in earlier games in the tournament Lindsay-Wilson College of Columbia, Kentucky; Pratt Junior College of Pratt, Kansas; and Cameron State College of Lawton, Oklahoma. The basketball team usually traveled in a 1953 Cadillac limousine which had formerly been owned by a mortuary and used as a pall-bearer car and a 1957 Ford station wagon. Athletic teams and other student activity groups had often traveled by automobile as the most economical means of transportation. Although Weber College had received permission from the 1955 State Legislature to establish a campus police department and the State Board of Education also gave its approval in 1958 because of financial constraints, a permanent campus police staff was not appointed until 1964. In the intervening period of time, parking regulations were established which imposed fines for illegal parking with members of the campus maintenance department authorized to issue parking tickets. Problems of theft and or other crimes were handled through the student personnel department or referred to the Ogden City Police Department. For over a decade the question of four year college status for Weber had been raised with the state legislature. During the fall of 1958 agreement was reached with the faculty, the administration, and the Weber College Advisory Board that the case for Weber College becoming a four-year institution should again be raised with the legislature. On December 9, 1958, the Advisory Committee met with members of the Utah Legislature from Weber, Davis, Morgan, and Box Elder Counties and the conclusion of the meeting was that the request to change Webers status should be placed before the 1959 Legislature. At the January 9, 1959 meeting of the State Board of Education, President Miller reported the results of the fall meetings and received permission to present the request to the legislature. Surveys and other studies presented to all of the groups suggested that Ogdens population would increase by 108 by 1975, and that there would be an increase of 121 in the number of eighteen year olds during the same period of time. It was noted that during the Autumn Quarter of 1958 Weber enrolled over 1,600 full-time students and it was forecast that the number would be 4,000 by 1973. The surveys suggested, as well, that 82 of the current day students and 90 of the 1958 evening students said they would enroll in upper division courses at Weber if such courses were available. During 1956-1957, 660 students were enrolled in upper division extension courses in the Ogden area, and of the 1,576 teachers, principals, and supervisors employed in elementary and secondary schools in the college area, 223 or 14.8 were serving without proper certification. It was also noted that Weber as a junior college enrolled more students than seventy-one of the four-year colleges in the Western states. A higher education study in California was cited which recommended that a minimum of 2,000 students, including all four years, be available before a four year college could be organized, and Weber College almost exceeded the specified number with its two-year enrollment. The report prepared by the College and approved by the Advisory Board advocated four-year status for Weber and suggested that by approving the measure, opportunity for higher education would be provided to the Weber College area which was the second most densely populated area in the state with 21 of the states citizens. In the 1959 Utah State Legislature Senate Bill 132 was co-sponsored by Senators J. Francis Fowles, Frank M. Browning, and Haven J. Barlow. The bill provided that Weber College would become a four-year institution offering four years of college work in the fields of arts and sciences, business, and education as well as being authorized and directed to offer four years of college work in vocational and technical training and industrial technology. The bill provided that the College was authorized to confer bachelor degrees in all of the listed fields and to offer all necessary courses of study upon which such degrees are based. The bill further stipulated that the first year of upper division work for the College would be the 1962-1963 school year and the second year of upper division work would be the 1963-1964 school year, and that the College shall be maintained by the state. The bill passed the State Senate by a vote of 16 to 8 on February 27, and the House of Representatives by a vote of 53 to 7 on March 10. President Miller had appeared before both houses to present the report from the College and the Advisory Board recommending passage of the bill. On March 19, 1959, the bill was signed into law by Governor George D. Clyde which recognized the new four-year role for Weber. An amendment added to the bill during debate in the Senate placed the college under the umbrella of control of the newly created Coordinating Council for Higher Education. With the passage of the bill allowing Weber to become a senior college, President Miller responded by saying: With all its glorious past, Weber College is merely on the threshold of its possibilities. The faculty and staff of Weber College pledge to the state, and especially to the people of the Ogden area, that we accept the challenge seriously and humbly, and further pledge to carry out this mandate from the Legislature to the best of our abilities. Three years later the 1961 Legislature passed Senate Bill 145 giving Weber College its own twelve person Board of Trustees. As Governor Clyde signed this bill on March 8, 1961, he was joined by four men who had played significant roles in the growth of the school David O. McKay, Aaron W. Tracy, H. Aldous Dixon, and William P. Miller. McKay, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and former student, teacher, and principal, and long-time supporter of the school said, This is a great moment in the history of Weber, and the citizens of Ogden are justified in their pride in the growth and |