OCR Text |
Show 'B. H. GODDARD Building Material | Mill Work wroursae seen (MANTELS, GRATES 156-164 284 Ogden Transfer & Storage Co. 25th AND St. INSURANCE, Tl LE | Telephone 128 | R. L. POLK & CO.’s Lindsay John C slsmn r 466 Canyon OGDEN rd. Lindsay Lindsay Land & Live Maret steno Lindsay Lindsay b 2621 Madison av. Thos H eng 8 Pr 312 Plaza Apts. Walter A lab r N Ogden. Stk Co Sperr M 8 Browning pres a 4413 24th. ae Apts Flour Co rms 42 Claremont Lindsay Melba clk Kern’s yGater ing Go b 2128 Adams av. Lindsay Ray T student Lindsay Walter J r 2621 Madison ay. Lindsey Walter clk Hotel Nat. Lindstrom Amy L bkpr Blackman & Griffin Co b 758 26th. Lindstrom Axel dept mgr Paine & Hurst r 847 23d. Lindstrom Edna L steno Sterling Whol Co b 758 26th. Lindstrom Emma J (wid John W) r 758 26th. Lindstrom Ethel died Oct 28 ‘22 a Linford Linford Geo L Jas J appr’ H farmer Frank S 235 Linford Wm W farmer r N Commercial 898-W. | Linley Fred T Photography, swchmn OU R & 2457 r 20 Barna D Co Linsley Laura Roy CG cond (wid Ray § P r 307 A) emp U 324. QUALITY Washington rms Helena av, 7 Lndry ; 20¢m Quality J. A. McCULLOCH REAL ESTATE. OFFICE TEL. 301 Office Under First INSURANCE National r 2113 Reeves § P. av. jan Eccles Bldg r 957 21st. & Dept A! Silo ittle hittic Little Little Little Little Little Ibt C st. eS oriha smstrs ee 3212 Adams av. Calvin D carp b 3258 Fowler av. | Dorothea E (wid Wm EH!) r 2740 Liberty av. Edna smstrs Scowcroft’s rms 330 23d. Elsie L student b 3258 Fowler av. : Georgina smstrs Scowcroft’s b 2055 hs en av. Jas A swchtndr O UR &D Cor ae 6th. John eng Globe ihe M Co r 268 31st. see Little John * H A b 268 Malachi é |] 850 Dau: L | 31st. contr 3258 Fowler ey t av eae, ‘Ow OY ) 2 Be susce Gos THE 206 25th. . (See adv). r same. = Queen Cafe & Cigar Store foi17° Wash avy. | eee U rms perce (C » THE ONE-PRICE | STORE : O Folkman T R 4 (John | Allen) : Beckos), Confectioners, Phone 860 The LITTLE SWEET SHOP JOHN BOCKOS, Manufacturing Eccles’ Offices LIGHT Building 815 - 816 yi _ 406 AGENCY | AND LOANS RES. TEL. 2814-J Bank lab hipr Oswald Coal General Phones pe (See SERVICE 7 Company °* David Saml Little Mrs Mary Er Little Melvin S carp ‘LION ” Rock Springs | os 285 he Litas Little PREPARATION ‘We ‘Tek Hotel. r 427 ; ee also Lester. Howat W sec to mgr DC Louis hlpr Marion Cafe. Little “WATTIS” Utah’s Cleanest Coal ! a 427 20th: P DIRECTORY—1923 CO, Joseph Scowcroft Pres, Marriner A Browning Mer, Lionel B Farr Gen Aud-Asst “4 Secc-Treas Wm Lithgow Ogden. Linsley Frank W lab b 427 20th. Linsley Helen M b 427 20th. Linsley Howard D clk OUR & D Corb Linton i Patterson. Lingeor Eskel baker Ogden Bkg Co rms LINK STUDIO (Walter A Hoenes), High 2268 Eccles av. Class Portraits 197 Lipari Chas lab b 2113 Reeves av. Lipari Jas lab b 2113 Reeves av. Lipari Kate b 2113 Reeves av. Liptrot °P rv §568-22d. r CITY LOANS Telephone Be sencott Chas’ W advance sagt 1 °33526th. Lippincott Emmett student b 302 Plaza Apts. ne ak Be incott Wm L bkpr J & W nl Service r 302 Plaza Apts. i b Fern student’ b 227. 23d. Beecomb Naoma (wid Wm 0) smstrs Scowcroft’s r 227 23d. b Eliza Linford. Carp ESTATE, Ecaee 7 al Mer of Sales, Patrick H Burnell Gen Wholesale Coal, 321 Eccles Bldg, Tel 815 and 816. adv). Liotta Lorenzo lab r 145 W Oak. i age Linford Orson P farmer r rear 339 Ath. Linford Preston eng U § Bureau of Public Rds Apts. LION COAL Lipari 16. Lindstrom Geo carp r 3536 Ogden Lindstrom Ina student b 847 23d: av. Lindstrom Orpha CG steno US Fores t Serv b 847 234d. Line Chas D mach r 230 Ww Zed. ie Line Verna E steno A R McIntyre Drug Co b 230 W 224. Lines Chas W carp r 1050 7th. Linford Eliza W (wid Geo J) r N Ogden . Linford REAL Street Twenty-Fourth 429 “ALWAYS FRESH, 25th Street AND Confectioners FOUNTAIN PURE AND SPECIALTIES WHOLESOME Ogden, Utah — LOWERS RESH | || ROM THE GREENHOUSES Building RECTAN LUNCHES PROPR.. ————— DUMKE Cor. 24th FLORAL and CO., Inc. Hudson Av. STORE TEL. 52 Greenhouse Tel 125 | |