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Show “amm J _ Building Material lg. worsen (MANTELS, | GRATES AND Tite | ; ~~ 4 25th _St.__Telophone 128m teta ee ln egeen sett 492 Ogden L. POLK & Transfer g Ure Ure Ure Urry Hazel phe toik Federal oe b ae CS Jas W slsmu Scowero "s r 660 26th. Murl farmer r Roy. 4 . OGDEN Telephone a , Gum, Etc, (CT McDonough) CANNERS ASSN, 2668 Joseph Grant av, 206 25th. Apts. ay oe) ie Tel 418. fi . | Wash av. | , . Tel | I A Turner = 3 gf. an Car Barns 17th w of Fineoln av, Utah-Idaho Viavi ee Utah UTAH U rE sicuisirial K tarmer Co Mrs School § H Ballantyne see r 7 aylor State dist mgr Industrial 3374 KNITTING CO, See Ogden-Utah Knitti Co. alt pese Mfg Co (Saml Polidoro F A ngRober ts) J.A.McCullochAgency] : OFFICE TEL. 301 Office Under RES. TEL. 2814-3) Building a First National Bank & He | d g in » Uiah || Uteh-Pe na ae Rooms Rie aaah ey Work Mission aan ea in All Branches 0. Ans coltists rg Avent of Seventh RATIONS 2344 BANK o OGDEN, OF Viah Nat Guard Remount wheel Utah Oil Refining Rev Washington veilse J A Neils err. suptp rant av. ee snare eee. Hil ote av. Pres, R JR ae B Dawson E WadsUTAH PACKING CORPOR Barrett Sec-Treas, Office and worth V-Pres-Mgr, W_ W Barre lants at Warehouse LBD AR, an Hoope r. ee ob OOD E , ‘Hiver’ . dale, Roy, W an i UTAH PLUM lane): BING Ogden & HEAT ING CO (CG. H ane : me, ari een Plumbers wi Pee Tel 2570. (See right nea an Soars bo Ogden 773, coln av, Tel 833. Utah Rapid Transit Co W A trainmstr, SALES Eccles GO, HE cae il Div Pose ake a vi ui Diy Mgr, Mine, r av, Tel rola B Gas ares 8. + Plant eas Bae Eccles Bldg, Tel] nee 20th cor Lin- 7 Bee ell eae mer O B Gilson V-Pres.e|| Brist ONE-PRICE sot. ee Agents Ogden Sec, W G Gilson Cemenolt gh Engine er, t, . Nep Portl and and Union Portland ephi Plaste 513 Cemen : as r," ee 016 Eccles Bldg, Tel 271. (See right side lines c = Sat ; : : , AG ENTS , 44 Ogden Portland Cement Union Portland Cement mn : G a FOR | (S) S15 TORE stg an 3 : SALES | av. ; h National See First Utah N r ank. , ; C ti and Guaranteed y im t i | j 7 1950 — | in Contractors Vash School. Um UTAH sec-trégeuaae = UTAH HOME FIRE INS CO, B H Godda rd Agt, 429 24th. : ie Utah Hot: Springs 9 min of Ogden on OSL andu ICO Rae Utah Ice & Storage (Co Treas, W A Whitney Gen Mgr, 415 Eccles Bldg, ‘Tel 342, Depot 258 24th, Tel’ 490, r b 415 2 Wm Prakw UTAH-IDAHO CENTRAL RAIL inkle, mgr 2230 Wall ay. 7am ROAD CO,MS Browning Pres, F Fickett and Joseph Scowcroft V-Pre s, Royal Eecles Se a] Co j av. Eogles Bldg. 6014 Eccles 493 C. H. Blaes, Manager ; tis Pres V-Pres, W L Wattis am Treas, L § Corey Asst Sec-Treas, Railroad Contractors, — Be Eccles Bldg, Tel 491, Shops Pacific ay cor (J E Letz) DIRECTORY—1923 Plumbing | 30th, CITY A UTAH CONSTRUCTION Co. Utah Elec Wks Cc comemunerion Telephone 197 2570 h ta F Barkep Sec-Treas, Geo Shorten Asst Sec, 303-305 Fred J Kiesel Bldg, Tel 44 UTAH CANNING CO THE, H Pres-Gen Mar, Porter V-Pres, J O Leavi L Herrington 8, Sie Sec ‘j av cor 29th, Tel 995. -(Se side l i Utah Cigar Co (GJ y Cobden Utah Finance cls oy Batis2124merWash 324 Utah Fish Canning Co W J Parke r mgr Utah Furn Co (Hyman Rosen thal) 2274 Utah Grain & Hlev Co H CG Farrell mer 1999: Wall’ ay.” o Tornado. Glass, a - Edwin Utah Cafe UTAH Che, | Y BONDS, WORKMEN'S es. Twonty-Fourth eirose } hipr 8 P p 1024 Patterson. Urry Richd J lab rms 50 a Wilson la. Urry Wm A chfr Ogden Whol Drug Co r ‘70 Adams ay. Ursetta Mich] lab § Pp. | UTAH ASSOCIATED 50d Praia ne; erson Sec-Mer, 503 Eccles B compen Branch), A CG Er i g, Tel 1068. UTAH BILLPOSTING CO, See Ogden Adver tising Go, 2434e Washington av, Tel 289, UTAH BOTTLING WORKS a (Angel Corol Mfrs of High Grade Boda Water, Syrups and Fountes) ain Supplies, Jopbers in Candy Storage Automobiie CO.’s Upton Thos J:steno Amal Sugar Co r 3222 Adams av. Ura Ira farmer r Roy. Uractta Michl lab r ‘249 W 21st. URBAINE FIRE INS co (Paris France), J A WicCulloch Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Ure Doris J opr Tel Cor6s CS Apts. | INSURANCE. Plate Health, and Accident Life, Burglary, —_ R. H. GODDARD, Fire, Werk Mill . Tels. 271 - 272 Co. OGDEN, Co. iu : UTAH | Dumke Floral Co., Inc.| ae eae is) || Weddin g Cor. 24th Decora tions, Ferns, Vases, Jardinieres Ete, ||. and Hudson Av. ees ane D! s gre ; 1784, pI eet a aad HT ey SR Te OR eS vETE ONES Gey Sale pee Phone | eer arate , rede ts 860 i |