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Show neers : yok oe aod HART SCHAFFNER “ ha ~A CLOTHES ENS AL DOS APPAREL BRAND CLOTHES age. , s, Bey tracey TH a Emma M (wid ; XCtisive Marriott, Martha Society Henry) ¢ AAIB rt. Laura B A (wid b Henry) r ; Oe Marriott. | racy Tracy Tracy Agnes wid Chas ‘A) Austin W r 56 Wilson A Elmer farmer b 56 HUDSON racy Chas A died June AVE. Tracy Chas B farmer tr va i] ee £100: W , - ay, Dorothy V b 56 Wilson SERVICE Tracy H Walter carp b 241 Tracy DIRECT Pree racy Advertising Marian ||'Tracy Multi- b 40 Wilson Scena (wid John av. Tracy Silas H stamstr M) la. ; Ce graphing Typewriter Supplies Promt. Efficient Te H. : N. 2374 and () QS Yoji Yamaguchi, Proprs. and in Importers ae STAPLE | AND , AND 2411 Grant Av. FANCY Dealers GROCERIES, () JAPANESE MERCHANDISE. Phone 1115 , Ogden, , Utah Merchants Credit Bureau ON | 202-203 Eccles Blag. Credit PROGRESSIVE Collects More Money and Emptoys More || INS CO hy a Monr nol Hi sheep Louis H r 590 brkmn § Chester. Mrs Laura ALBERT Pnones 691-838 414 25th, Tel C0 P smstrs r 227 Amer Sales Agents |} hh 0G PORTLAND 29th. Linen 6, Sec-Treas oe a oparlbeen 340 24¢h r = i : Brown-Carlson -Treseder | of 27th, Tel 1394-M. Chas S student b 2273 Jefferson av. 30th Erwin T wece be Drug Co b 749 30th. Geo EYr lab rear Ashton | rnc & e T Co r749 80th. : Geo F’B Malcolm carp r 2: Marcia clk First-@tah : Treseder Ralph B wire chf r 2 clk Stes co. UN ION Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Tribe | | ! | g | av. ie CEME b 2273 Ome ST aggla : av. 7 Jefferson av. r 2273 Jefferson av. RR) contrs Shoe Ore 2273 Jefferson ie eaar’ 21st. av.|) co ’ pyptpING Ps Specialties Athol D atdt Ind Gas & Oil Co, b 458 21st. Alvin M v-pres Geo H Tribe Inv Co r Hooper. Art G sec-treas Geo H Tribe Inv Co r 728 21st. 515 Chas B asst mgr Ogden Com Co r 827 20th. Chas J barber 458 21st. Tribe David W.r 548 r2Ath. Bk sei Tribe Tribe Doris Frank ME cashr Golden pres Geo Rule Inv H Tribe Mer Co Go r 3180 Tribe Frank | ffi Jefferson ams av. (R W_Treseder & Son) Treseder R Wi& Son (R W rt Tribe Art B sailor b 728 21st. Tribe Art G (Economy Sample CEMENT PORTLAND av. Nat Bank 3 L slsmn : Scowcroft’s | “9 © PUMPKIN FOR PIES—SOLD INCANS sihcvan-ie Vash av.av. ECCLES Wash r 429 Binford. STAOF TE. WTAN Fon sepals | : i (Hartford), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Marian | Bureau RELIABLE aes Pau Fruits,pie Ete, Fresh Treseder —— js fo| Merchants Py EFFICIENT The a St pa ae 670 2 | i RICE Co b ie Pea Groceries, and Wholesale, Manuel Treseder Treseder 7 : . Flour 1B De Treseder Jane E (wid Richd M) r 843 26th. (). : TEAS, Ae i av. Treseder R Wm ‘a rms Treseder Jane M b 2273 Jefferson Treseder Lloyd pipe b oan. 262 Se Ce | : | Y () Sperry J mach 8 Pr a r 480 Treseder Treseder Treseder Treseder : ot | Loren TRESEDER | Ce OUR Trapp Trappett Trenholm | opr 42th. (See Trapp Kate emp U P Lndry rms 2234 Tregaskis . Patterson. matron O elev oa Tremea Larrio student b W Warren. Tremea Peter farmer r W Warren. Tremea Petrina b W. Warren. Trenholm Claude A (Central Barber Shop) : oo Organizations Trapp Lavon student b 670 22d. Travino | b 244 rms21st.353 R supt ee rances student Monroe graphin student Jos - TRAVELER’S : 24st. Labor R52, : Tracy Jos M eng r 569 24th. BUREAU mab Retail 68. la. and appett John J farmer r a yolers Cafe (Spiros Desalernos) 170 Eckel and ae veLeRe Br te a aelty sti aie WideStaple (ines : 2th: DIRECTORY—1923 CITY Trakas Peter eee ey ra Florence studen Fancy Tracy Ensign Linsp OUR & D ‘Co r 274 28th. Tracy Eugene W student v 241 24st. oe nan ae eae Tracy Helen M steno 28th. A L Brewer D 8 Co b 1601 BUSINESS -9@DEN cy Vera N tchr b 241 24st. Bracy Warren W farmerr 1012 W | la. Tracy Karl T firmn § P r 2218 Read ‘av. | |™ | racy Chas B lab r 49 Wilson la. Tracy Chas E brkmn § P r 58 Argyle Apts. Tracy Danl farmer b W Warren. Tracy David § contr 241 21st r same, tracy sihaka 275 t a ; een 5 ’22 age r r Marriott. Tracy Bessie D b W Wied 275 aff’ a Trades Nursery. itacey Peter F cond U P r 1604 Grant ay. Tracey Thos A lab r Marriott. © , rae wenn a ae eres College r 2134 Adams y 2374 Jane Tracey | insurance Exclusi ’ TEL. i Tracey Florence E b Marriott. Tracey | i Staple C Sait Grantee 7 adv). Tracey Helon H carp r Marriott. AGENCY : Import: (See Adelia student b Mrs Dora matron Tracey SERVICE aay j ——_—_. P sU oe ; : — . | | & H F fy RY | wer , a THINK FURNITURE OF THINK YOU \Po wen SOCIETY — he eee TOMATO CATSUP SYRUP TRY IT! BLDG 1 |