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Show CLASS National Bank of Commerce MODERN i) UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS 449 27th Tel 1217-R R. INSURANCE L. POLK COMPANIES. Aetna L U Casualty & Surety Co, J E Storey Agt, 2373 Hudson ay. Aetna Ins Co (Hartford), Robt C Nys Agt, 602 Eccles Bldg’. Agricultural Ina Co (Watertown), H H Goddard Agt, 313 Fred J Kiesel Bide. American Alliance Ins Co (N Y), Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 Hudson av. American Eagle Fire Ins Co (N Y), J E storey Agt, 2373 Hudson av. American Surety Co (N Y ), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash. av. American Surety Co (N Y), Robt Cc Nye Agt, 602 Eccles Bidg. Boston Ins Co, J J Brummitt Agt, 2417 Hudson av. British American Assurance Co (Toronto), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. British Amedican Assurance Co (Toronto), Henry a $. H. HENDERSHOT Manager The Trey Way is the ee ee — Right Way Se Ss tadhpasieechaniatpeeshaangeseeseeeted treme ae ee ee a 2538-40 Wall Av. Tel. 2074 G Stein Agt, 2374 Hudson av. California Ins Co (San Francisco), J J Brummitt Agt, 2417 Hudson av. California Ins Ga (San Francisco), Henry G Stein Agt, 2374 Hudson av. Citizens Ins Co of Missouri (St Louis), E L Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. Commercial Union Assurance Co (London), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bidg. Commercial Union Assurance Co Ltd (London), Henry G Stein Agt, 2374 Hudson ay. Commercial Union Fire Ins Co (N Y), RP Hunter Agt, 431 24th. Commonwealth Ings Co (N Y), Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 Hudson ay. Constitution Underwriters (Springfield, Mass), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Continental Casualty Co, E W Cannady Agt, 2427 Hudson ay. Delaware Underwriters (N Y), Continental Bldg & Loan Assn Agts, 212 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. Delaware Underwriters (N Y), Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 Hudson av. Dubuque Fire & Marine Ins Co (Dubuque), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Dubugue Fire & Marine Ins Co (Dubuque), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Duquesne Underwriters (Fiittsburgh), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Employers Indemnity Corp (Kansas City), 4 L Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. Equitable Life Assurance Society (U S), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Equitable Life Ins Co, 305 Eccles Bldg. Fidelity-Phoenix Ing Co (N Y), E L Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. ROBE REAL 602 Eccles & CLASSIFIED CO.’S Fidelity & Deposit Co (Maryland), Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. Fidelity & Deposit Culloch Agcy Bank Bldg. Association Fire Agts, of 2409 Firemans Phila, Ins E W Cannady Franklin Fire Ins Focles Giens Globe Falls Agts, Froerer Hudson Fund Agts, Ins Ca 2500 E L Ford Noes Co (Maryiand), J A McAgts, Under First Nat av. Go (San coe Fowles & if Francisco), Agt, 2427 Hudson ay. Co (Phila), Froerep@ 2409 (N Hudson aye Y), Kelly & Wash Herriek av. Underwriters Agency (N Y), Froerer & Fowles Agts, 2409 Hudson ay. Globe & Rutger Fire Ins Co (N Y), E W Cannady Agt, 2427 wtudson ay. Hanover Fire Ings Co (N Y), Continental. Bldg- & Loan Assn Agts, 212 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co, Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. Hartford Fire Ins Co ((Hartford), Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. Hartford Fire Ins Co (Hartford), Live L L Dept,E L Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. Hartford Steam Boiler Insp & Ins Co, B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Home Ins Co (N Y), B H Goddard Agt, £O.9° OAT Hudson Ins Co (N Y), H H Goddard Agt, ; 313 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. (ong Imperial Assurance Co (N Y), JJ Brum= mitt Agt, 2417 Hudson ay, Liverpool & London & Globe Ins Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Lloyd’s Plate Glass Ins Co (N Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash London ‘Assurance Corp Co, pool), bert J J Brummitt Casualty E Smith Co Co & 1. (London), Agt, (Liver- 2417 son av. London & Scottish Ins Corp Continental Bldg & Loan 212 Fred J Kiesel Blidge. Maryland B H Y), Kelly av. Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg, Losdon & Lancashire Fire Ing Co Hud- (London), Assn Agts, (Baltimore), Her= Agits, 2374 Wash av. Wiassachusetts Bonding & Ins Go (Boston), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash avMassachusetts Bonding & Ins Co (Boston), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Massachusetts Bondisg & Ins Co (Boston); R A Saunders Co Agts, 2482 Wash avMetropolitan Life Ins Co 206 Fred J Kiesel Bldg Mutual Natiosal Life Ben burgh), Ins Co (N Y) Franklin J A 704 Fire Eccles Bldgs Ins McCulloch Co (Pitts- Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. : National Fire Ins Co (Hartford), J J Brum= mitt Agt, 2417 Hucson av. é TC. SURETY E me E ; Stock ee ESTATE Bldg. 2453 WASHINGTON MEMBER FEDERAL RES&RVE SYSTEM ELECTRIC RANGES IN EACH LOANS BONDS Prudential Ing Co 405 First Nat Bank Bldg Queen Ins Co of America (N Y), BH B Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Royal Exchange Assurance Co (London), Kelly & Herrick Agts,-2500 Wash av. - Royal Exchange Assurance Go (London), Robt C Nye Agt, 662 Eccles Bidg. Royal Indemnity Co (N Y), Robt C Nye Agt, 602 Eccles Bldg. Royal Ins Co (Livernvol), Robt C Nye Agt, 602 Eccles ‘Bldg. St Paul Fire & Marine Ins Co (St Paul), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Scottish Union & Nat Fire Ins Go Standard Accident Goddard Standard mitt Sterling’ Sun Ing Agt, 429 Fire Ins Co Agt, 2417 Fire Ing Co McCulloch Agey Bank Bldg. Ins Office Agts, Co Hudson Wash av. (Indianapolis), Agts, (London), 2500 (Detroit), H Under Kelly First & J Nat Gontinental 429 855 . on SUBSCRIBE FOR AND ADVERTISE & Loan Assn, 2375 av. Hud- * TRON Ogden Iron AND Works IRRIGATION Co, STEEL. 2257 Lincoln av. COMPANIES. Davis & Weber Counties Canal Co 602 Eccles Bldg. Gem State Water Co 421 Eccles Bldg. Ogden Bench Canal & Water Co First-Utah Nat Bank. av. See Kimono THOUSANDS * JAPANESE GOODS. Chinese and Japanese Goods. House, 3014-305 MAILING LISTS FURNISHED 613 = 616 DOOLY BLDG Salt Lake City 24th. —_. LEGAL INSURANCE SHOULD [RON FOUNDERS. Founders and Machinists. See Herrick 24th. Bidg son ay. Dee ‘Thos, D: Co) 425 ‘Eccles: Bldg ; Eccles David: Go 621 Eceles Bidg. Forristall J M, 507 Eccles Bidg. Froerer & Fowles, 2409 Hudson av. Goddard B H, 429 24th. Hogle J A & Go. 2405 Washington av. Hunter R P, 431 24th. Kelly & Herrick, 2500 Wash av. WicGulloch J A Agcy, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Patterson Adam Co 2422 Wash av. Spargo Jas H Co 2465 Wash av. Standard Inv Co 10 La Frantz Apts. Tribe Inv Co 2359 Wash av. Utah Finance Corp 324 Eccles Bldg. Traveler’s Ins Co (Hartford), H B Goddard Agt, MERCHANTS INVESTMENTS. Blair Inv! 'GO.589 123d. Browning JIM & MS Co 413 24th. Brummitt Investment Co, 2417 Hudson Brummitt J J, 2417 Hudson av. B A OGDEN INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. See Employment Agents. 24th. (Hartford), J J Brum= 583 DIRECTORY—1925 (Edin-~ burgh), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Security Ins Go (New Haven), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. AND United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co, J M Forristall Gen Agt, 501 Eccles Bldg. United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co (Baltimore); ‘Henry :G. Stem Act. 1.2374 Hudson av. United States Fire Ins Co (N Y), J E Storey Agt, .2373 Hudsonmay,. Urbaine Fire Ins Co (Paris, France), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Utah Home Fire Ins Co, B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Victory Ins Co (Phila), Continental Bldg & Loan Assn Agts, 212 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. West Coast Life Ins Co 609 Eccles Bldg. Westchester Fire Ins Co (N Y), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 WaSh av. Wisconsin Underwriters (Milwaukee), Continental Building & Loan Assn Agts, 212 Fred J Kiesel Bldg. HARPER BROTHERS NY@ Telephone BUSINESS National Life Ins Co 504 First Nat Bank Bldg. National Surety Co (N Y), B H Giddard AST 42972 47he National Union Fire Ins Co (Pittsburgh), J A McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. Jersey Fire Ins Go (Newark), J A New McCulloch Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg. New York Life Ins Co 45 Lewig BIk. New Plate Giass Ins Co, J J Brummitt Aat, 2417 Hudson av. New York Underwriters, R P Hunter Agt, 434. Vath Niagara-Detroit Underwriters (N Y), E L Ford Agt, 716 Eccles Bldg. North British & Merc tns Co (London), B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. North River Ins Co (N Y), Acts. .H95n Agcy Agts, Under First Nat Bank Bldg Northern Ins Co (N Y), RP Hunter Agt, 434504): Orient Ins Co (Hartford), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Palatine Ins Go (London), Henry @ Stein Agt, 2374 Hudson av. Pennsylvania Fire Ins Co (Phila), H B Goddard Agt, 429 24th. Phoenix Assurance Co Ltd (London), Robt C Nye Agt, 602 Eccles Bldg. Phoenix Ins Co (Hartford), Kelly & Herrick Agts, 2500 Wash av. Preferred Accident Ins Co 204 Eccles Bidg AVENUE COMMERCIAL SAVINGS SS SSNS FIRST | Phone PRINTERS Wasatch 1840 Ncecetetteeertatei ew ABSTRACTS AND BRIEFS PRINTED AT THE STATE CAPITOL ——__. __. |