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Show The Sait Lake Tribune| PRINTS CARRIES Phone 680 A SPECIAL *CEREAL Becker Co, Wash Albers Bros Milling Dealers in “COAL that SATISFIES” POLK and 29th ne CHEESE CHILDREN’S * CHILI Wistaria The, John rear 2354 Wash Wash av. Wash CHIMNEY Junkin Wash av. Becker Products BY Le av. Columbia Heitman av. & PAINTERS. Wessler Cigar AND Nat Bank Bldg CHINESE Lincoin AND av. JAPANESE GOODS. Read 252 2512 Wash AND Hemenway Little Co 451 Cigar Co 25th’ Co 2315 2375 Hudson ee Hudson av. — TOBACCO—RETAIL. & Moser Wash Queen av. Cigar Union News United & Cigar Co, 25th. 189 24th. Grant av. Cigar Stores Stone Co *CIRCULARS Business Service 2403 Stone 2317 Rounds F R 338 Russell-James Co, Toyo, & Co, 2411 2487 Wash av. ADDRESSED. Bureau. 2374 Lake av Hudson City. SALT LAKE CITY Sons Co 234 se cor { Wall Coal Co: 2069 Wash av. Lion Coal Co, 321 Eccles Bldg. Premier Coal Co, 528 Eccles Bldg. Royal Coal Sls Co 148 W 21st. Shaw & Stone Coal Co, 2065 Wash av. Superior Rock Springs Coal Co, 425 Eccles Bldg, Utah Fuel Co, 703 Judge Bidg, Salt Lake City | : CITY COAL YARD PHONE YARD: PROPRIETOR PARKER COAL CO. 1074 PHONE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS COKE AND KINDLING TWENTY-SEVENTH AND 2822 OF COAL Woop PACIFIC ee, PER WEEK BY CARRIER || at - 569 A. A. SHAW tea? City. THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM UTAH’S INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER ST. & Alpert Abraham 270 25th. BB Clothing Store 350 25th. av. CITY DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. | Polk R.L & Co, 613-616 Dooly Bldg. 52!t Lake John 25th. ——————— S. MAIN. Scowcroft ay. and 2483 188 175 DIRECTORY—1925 Lincoln-Kemmerer CLOTHING—WHOLESALE. de: av- PHONE | Brown-Carlson=Treseder, 2421 Wash av. Brunetti J V. 161. 25th; Central Tle & Clo Co 226 25th. *CLAY PRODUCTS. Cohen Benj 252 25th. Eller Jos 232: 225th Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co Pacific av Golden Rule Mer Co 2257 Wash av. cor 29th. } Gordon Louis 320 25th. Hoggan’s 335 24th. CLEANERS, DYERS AND PRESSERS. Kaplan S J Co, 2425 Wash av. Kimono House, 3041-305 24th. city Dry Clnrgs 2374 Wash av. Levy & Wolfe 256 25th. Gordon Tailoring Co, 2411 25th. MicClanahan Clothing Co, 2354 Wash av. Miller H L, 484 24th. Medoway Gershon 155 25th. Model Cieaners (Model Laundry of Ogden), Men’s Up Stairs Clo Shop 2359 Wash av. 2147-2153 Pingree av, Branch 2477 Miller Saml Clo Co 302 25th. Hudson av. National Outfitting Co, 2345 Wash av. Model Laundry, 2147-2153 Pingree av, New York Clo Store 160 25th. Branch 2477 Hudson av. Nye Fred M Co, 2409-2411 Wash av. Nye Fred M Co, 2409-2411 Wash av. Ogden N O Co 286 25th. Ogden Steam Laundry, 437 25th. Palace The 280 25th. Regal Clnrs 418 25th. Reliable Loan Office 370 25th. Royal Cling & Hand Lndry 423 24th. Rosenberg Morris 162 25th. Superior Cleaning & Dyeing Co and LaunRubin Isidore 183 25th. dry De Luxe, 2470 Grant av. Shultz 'B F 122 and 216 25th. Up-To-Date Cling Co 2616 Wash av. Star Clo Co 210 25th. Wilson E T 480 Chester. Wagner Benj 308 25th. Watson-Tanner Clothing Co, 372-376 24th. CLOAKS AND SUITS. Wax Harris 134 25th. Burt ‘S J & Bros 2431 Wash av. Wedgle Nathan 168 25th. Clark’s Fashion Shop, 2470 Wash av. Wright W H & Sons Co. Wash av nw cor Golden Rule Mer Go 2257 Wash av. 24th. Last & Thomas, 2441 Wash av. COAL MINING MACHINERY. Messenger’s, 2461 Wash av. National Outfitting Co, 2345 Wash av. Ogden Iron Works Co. 2257 Lincoln av. Paine & Hurst, 2467 Wash av. Taylor-Wright Co, 2355 Wash av. COAL—-WHOLESALE. pright ~ H & Sons Co. Wash av nw cor Jones M L Coal & Ice Co, 2379 Hudson ay 24th. CLOTHING—RETAIL . Wash BUSINESS Co. CLEANERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. See Engineers—Civil, Etc. Polk R L & Co, 613-616 Dooly Bidg. Salt CHIROPODISTS. Parlor and Lincoln “SRE. Bank Smokery 2313 Wash av’ Bovle D L 106% 25th. Cole C R 328! 25th. Commercial Cigar Store 200 25th. De Wit Bros 348 25th. Bow Lung & Co 2469 Grant av. Duck On & Co 2464 Lincoln av. Foo Lung Co 2463 Grant av. Hang Lung Co 2473 Grant av. JiHej Lung Co 2472 Lincoln av. Hop Y Co, 2471 Lincoln av. Kimono House, 301-305 24th. Miyagishima Eisaku 2453 Grant av. On Lee 2462 Lincoln av. Quong Hang Co 2468 Lincoln av. Sang Lung & Co 2466 Lincoln av. Toyo & Co, 2411 Grant av. Wah Chong & Co 2475 Grant av. Wing Hing Lung 2459 Grant av. Boston Hairdressing Bldg’ Co 19th MFRS. Cigar Thomas CIGARS HERBALISTS. Y Co, 2471 cor De’ Wit Bros 111 25th, Hemenway & Moser Co 2483 Wash ay. Lindquist Vicks & Go 281 2410) Stickney Wm A Cigar Co 2439 Hudson av. Utah Cigar Co 2475 Lincoln ay. GLASSWARE. *CHINESE J Kiesel Bide J Kiesel Bldg J Kiesel Bidg. Fred J Kiese ila; CIGARS AND TOBACCO—WHOL. and Boyle Furniture Co, 2329-2333 Wash av. Lewis J S & Co, 2449 Wash av. Richardson=Hunt Co Inc, 2419 Wash av. Hop Club 26th. First Go, CIGAR SWEEPS. 429 ciViL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONERS. Woods B B 1030 26th. , “CIDER MANUFACTURERS, av. PARLORS. 2437 CLASSIFIED McCune R H 214 Fred Nickell H J, 441 Fred WicKell I J, 4141 Fred McKell & McKell, 411 Peart C.H 726. Barlow Pacific Laundry rans fir ee Eccl Main sub Shop, Kerr D L 418 First Nat Bank Bldg.) cor FURNISHINGS. McClanahan Clothing Co, Taylor-Wright Co, 2355 & CO.’s Hart Martha 505 First Nat Bank Bldg. Johnson CB 412 Fred J Kiesel Bldg,_ MANUFACTURERS. 23d. 2264 OGDEN CHIROPRACTORS. ae Blair A F 419 First Nat Bank Bldg, Lincoln FOODS. Co FOR Steam LAUNDERERS AND DRY 437 TWENTY-FIFTH STREET WORLD Marinello Beauty Bldg’ 19th Mutual Creamery Co, 102 Nelson-Ricks Creamery Co. PHONE 666 L. THE DEPARTMENT ay. *CHINA Ave cor *CEREAL THE 3121 NEWS BEVERAGES. Products Herrick N M 514 422 25th. co OF CEMETERIES. See Page 16. CHINA ELLIS FUEL NEWS R. COMMERCIAL SERVICE CO. ‘The Letter WHinN?? DIRECT Advertising Multi‘graphing Mimeographing Sales Letters Stenography Printing Mailing Addressing Base 006 ECCLES BLDG. THE Ogden AVENUE Store 2422-2428 | Washington Avenue Ogden, Utah Phone T. W. Jensen, Pres-Mgp. Nirs. Annie Jensen, Sec-Treas Economy Butter Shop 2450 Wash 37 Av ‘‘ From Producer to Consumer” Tel 542 of | Satisfaction 2261 |