OCR Text |
Show -ALKIRE-SMITH AUTHORIZED AND SALES Ch==—— 4 and 26th THE Av Wash E. 0. WATTIS, Pres. W.R. KIMBALL, Secy and Mgr, |] 336 oP SERVICE Gh UNIVERSAL Roy POLK & Phone 3700 | CO.’S OGDEN K 4 ¢ ¢ e em & + Bi ei 4 ‘ PIES THE YEAR ‘ROUND Murphy Moses A b 313 Adams av. Murphy Norma steno b 1948 Eccles av. Murphy Patk brkmn § P rms 2570 Gramercy av. Murphy Richd T gro 1012 22d r 1948 Eccles av. Murphy Roland W chfr Eagle Gro b 570 29th. Murphy Rose (wid Danl F) r 268 29th. Murphy Whol Gro Co Adam Patterson pres A G Fella Patrick Healy jr v-pres A L Brewer sec C8 Murphy tre 320 24th, Murphy Wm Br 313 Adams av. | Murray Albt Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray A J brkmn § P rms 726 24th. Danl L repr Pac Fruit Exp r 2568 Lincoln Earl C student b 742 25th. Eliz (wid Danh) r:2721.-Grant.ay. E W firmn U P rms Fashion Rooms. ‘Murray Frank Lincoln A) av. b 1141 Murray Murray Murray Murray Jessie L clk Louise Shop rms 724 24th. Job student rms 724 24th. Kenneth M mech r 111 26th. Leon A hlpr E C Olsen b 111 26th. Murray Marcus Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Maret Fo clk UG b 2572 Quincy ay. Mrs Olive clk r 53 Argyle Apts. Patk mach r 2572 Quincy av. Raymond lab rms 2059 Jackson av. Richd J swchtndr O U R & D Co. Robt A clk The Crystal b 2721 Grant supt r 209 Plaza Apts. F lab Stephen § P r 2268 waiter rms Adams Weber r Wilson Fritz Musgrave Chas hlpr C H O Sangberg carp r Plain Ia. av. Jos firmn Musser Beatrix Mrs Musser CITY P Roscoe 410 S P r 410 clk b Delia DIRECTORY—1923 Or Freda b 2238 Mrs Ruth jan Musser Plaza Apts. r 2604 oer 2238 Doxey. Doxey. 8 electn Apts. Lincoln av. O UR & Dr 128 r 128 Plaza Adams Lincoln EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Unskilled Laborers 190, Residence Tel av. V E Carlson for All 466. asst mgr 28th and River ay. Myers see also Mayer, Meyer and Kinds of Adrian C died Myers Myers Aulden Benson F student:b 2352 D H r 68 Wilson la. av. (wid 8 ’22 age Skilled 153 25th. Caroline Cloyd David Myers Myers Myers Ellen student b 68 Wison la. Frank G slsmn r 519 Plaza Apts. Fred J mach Amal Sugar Co rms 529 E W Hilla (wid Thos r 540 (st. mach 8S P r 526 2d. insp r 9 La Frantz Apts. Chas) Myers Geo puller Pac Geo W Myers John Mrs C) 64. av. Myers Myers Myers City. May Myers Myers av. r 530 Fruit ecigar-mkr OUR Exp. r 2726 Iva clk Wright’s chkr Harrop. & D rms Madison 1100 Cor 17th. av. Sullivan 7-2054 Wash rd. av. Myers Mary (wid Fred) rms 2%¥49 Grant av. Myers Robt L blksmth r 2352 D\av. Myers Thos E electn Redfield Elec Co r 523 Cook. Myers Wim J electn rv 640 224d. Myszka Table Buffer Mrs Irma mlnr Dorothy Madson rms 425 O noodles Bessie M 2457 Grant av student b 2648 r same. Grant 31st. , . av. Waisbit: Byron W formn U P & L Co r 37th and Riverdale rd. Radehit oy. Nai. BUTTER — EGGS — CHEESE TELEPHONE 318 | Distinctive: : Mgr, Work, Mires. Myers een HONEST § () sHogs A av. Musser Mrs R § tchr No Ogden Schl rms 339 Patterson. .MUTUAL, CREAMERY CO, Einar Nielsen Mgr, We Make a Spectalty of Maid O’Clover Butter, Eggs and Cheese. 102 23d, Tel 318. (See adv). eta Highest Quality \_ Cclk Nacir Mrs Thelma E . asst R E Worrell: b 2.2466 Wall 3 as neocon Harold lab Westn Furn Co r 251 25th. Maid. HONEST ike Musgrave Musselman Musselman Myers Ogden CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO OF NEW YORK, J P Corry Dist Supt, 704 Eccles Bldg, Tel 441. Mutual Livestock Corp Lars Hansen pres-mgr Wm CG Medell Hotel. r 730 Harry and Tel Thelma hpr Utah Canning Co. T’Vernon hiprS Pb 111 26th. Wm P earp r 742 25th. Muschert Mugrave MUTUAL av. 26th. Francis R student b 2572 Quincy av. John formn Stk Growers M & F Yd Go Murray Murray 1Murray OGDEN (wid b 2568 Murray Murray Murray CANNING co. student Florence Murray John UTAH D AUTO ‘“ UTAH’S OLDEST LIGHT CAR > DEALERS ” 2550 Washington Av. Tel. 229 Kdwd J tinr RL Crosbie b 2648 Grant av. t Frank M (Naisbitt Motor Co) r 1848 Wash av. itt Fred C slsmn r 2648 Grant av. Novitt Ered P timekpr S Pr 28 C§ Apts. Naisbitt Helen ) een | —— fc MEN'S AND WOMEN'S ose — 3. WASH AW —24et CLarKs _y (wid Henry) ae r 225 30th. re ESSERS SMART DR TRADE “2470 Washington Av || Store of Satisfaction 2422-2428 | Washington _Avenue Ogden, Utah Phone 2261 |