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Show STUDENT CROWDINGDISTRIFACES CT | | ‘By Cliff Thompson and Washington Terrace-South Og- | before next May 1, When school opens in Septem- dena: | ca A bond issue laté this sum ber almost 12,000 Weber County mer Three schools in or these students will be crammed schools built for less than 10,000. —will To do this, Supt. T. H. Bell said year. “yesterday, students will have to attend classes in double sessions, in substantial basement rooms and on auditorium stages, A report released fall appears almost a cert ainty. - The district is now about $200,000 | areas— into 21 South, North Ogden and Park View have double sessions vat next below its bond limit and will pay ‘ ‘| of another $200,000 this year. The school students at- taxpayers could. okay a million tending morning sessions will begin dollar bond issue and the board classes at 7:10, elementary stu- could sell the bonds as it reduced. Junior high is ; dents at 7:45 (before daylight dur- the indebtedness below the indi- ing winter months). Afternoon ses- limit. Le today legal ‘eates that 17 of the 21 county Schools will start the 1959-60 school sions will dismiss at 6:15 for This would permit the junior sale high and 5:15 for elementary enough bonds to add classroomof stus year with an enrollment larger dents. to existing | 2 in schools: every few than they were built for, — months without separate bond The Board of. ation in elec-. “Gee, we're really getting in a March turned down Educ aa a preposal to tions. pe : mess,” Supt. Bell said. “I don’t give the taxpayers an opportun POSSIBLE ANSWER ity to choo se between the double ses_ know what we’re going to do.” Another possible answ _ The superintendent is doubtful -|Sions |and a 10-mill tax levy in- of the building deficit er to part crease. in the sec: | endary schools is Closed - the ‘county district will ever catch Had the taxpayers approved = circuit the tele visi on. — ee ay . ‘up with its building needs without tax hike before May 1, , the district Supt. Bell said that if the could have raised an additional sysstate or federal aid. tem “To handle next year’s increased $300,000 for school building this scho to be installed at the high ol prov es succ essful next year 0008 | noe we need to spend almost year, {it poss one million dollars,” he said. “But The board can still offer this ber of ibly could double the numstudents that can be sucthe most we can expect to have Solution to the taxpayers for next ‘ : spend is about $400,000 and half year by holding a Special election cessfully taught in the Secondary schools. issue.’ t is dependent on a bond | Supt. Bell expects 11,909 students Supt. Bell released the followin g chart to show the conditions pected at the 21 schools: School | n School opens Sept. 3. They| Weber MSD classes in will attend 21 schools built for 9,870 students. — a f The surplus stu- Bell Raid four schools that. will not be overloaded next Junior, Roy duntor of. 2,039 Valley, velt elementary The most year Hooper are and schools. severe enrollment sure is occurring in the a ing are ee ; ey, Nee Roy Roose- cn Valley Burch OG eels Club Heights CHOCO DCO re ceeeses ° eee Lakeview Municipal pres- nil North AOMRUY esc sce: tee eeecenns sees eceee sees Riverdale 390: 390 360 360 Ce ee eere eeeeeasncee 040 ...00,.. web ieso. 3... (0.0.3. Ee WHSOR ose Pleasant View 690° | 240 270 > — «96 439 70 406 46 330 ; * 630 30 786 320 ...6.060.00000 ‘30. 486 240 240 a A003 b SPV Mahe kbeve North Park ...., pescae ~ $00 770 an , Roy Elementary ......./...... Washington Terrace ......... -- 180 780 West Wobeh 0. ee «180 350 (33,080 360 600 NN Oe eR bie e866 see | ex- Excess 2.900" FOO sle ood ole vs » es CPt eee eeeneee sens . | Roosevelt. 660 ceecesee teaChe DM Ogden bint en ae =) .. 00.05.55... eden CRE ewiae 660s 6.66 Pee erccees Hooper Enrollment i ched dass casas e , 1,350 ....., Cevecrecees | 700 _ | Wahlquist Junior ...0.......... SURPLUS OF 2,039 “That’s dents,” Supt. South Junior Capacity (246. eee ‘ — 420 220 802 220 250 316 270 s | 80 Bs — 40 es 40 eo Aaa 46 30 | | | |