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Show bai ot . “: mt 2 .* “ .* la EEN te ‘dl 9 *«tie Os , a “ at's fan ae o s Ba) > ae OD, SCRE. 25° veehl ee bc) ~ eotoen the Bom i. . ' « AN eaSER yg 3 een = eee a ¥ & r ee. AS SCHOOL HISTORIAN Fete aes Vande00 a ee AM ce EASE Oe OPA IEE Od de RN OP eet eS a Ogien Standard-Examiner OGDEN, UTAH THURSDAY EVENING 4% APRIL 22, 1965 :0 g. add adae ad Jgden .; who ! vith hit, ‘e to blow out. | ¥4- the car went; ' valt | two , radio} — , Hewsp lon stati . have aj-/frer WHY. aan + the car anu He out that tchers hie th him. red with pos.sed have Ce beene his dis-|. instructed|in mero «. Horsley, Monday as admit "6she| Wahlquist Junior |hospital ‘allen Elects Officers the ma aén to the oe .| FARR WEST—Val Markos is loss Ambu new student body president of Retired fe mantment of 4! Wahlquist Junior uition today. sone High School. | His election and results of bal-| To Meet oo s THoting for other officers were announced today. : Group apt G _ F, Ogden chapter 320 o1 Robert Buswell is vice presi-itional Association dent, Cathy Etherington is new|Civil Emploves wi? Parker sjsecretary and Joan of isiday a {| historian. Power & Si. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. | be} 4 the| James Markos and Dr. andirecreation dire Mrs. Don Buswell all of North! featured er. «aries will|Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. John E.| Caleb Shreeve Sr., an, Etherington of Plain City, and|president of the natic. -.30 and $1. The|Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Parker oficiation, will cor onit iat ion ition: ka ling. | | Wilson. staeeeanintene tiene eadae ieee Sed 8 EN ime a eal pan Mii! RS nila tected ship tnhvida amu |