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Show Ogden Standard-Examiner, Thursday, 8 ae ceca —— “8B ee : LOL Se: PRES JB IRR. AINE te ek mo : grotesque. hed mi Wahlquist for all gra di H§ levels. comical to serious, some primis}, Students are also engaged & tive, none scary like the tradi) sculpturing, making mobilé tional Halloween masks, he saids i light-weight, decorative Janar Miss Afton Forsgren, coordina: I ese type trinkets that hang fre case, | iCU , en TU IST ' S Top tyre Artists. nd tae Ss.i, 6, SURG ‘ oii OUGHT sk Hancock. tor. of secondary education from Bee ORs PR ER said Mr. The faces run the gamut from# }eeilings. the Stat School Board office if mae : i Li ae ie t e bt kop Bait ection on her last vis-| ancock said ‘ ‘High School have been make if he Believed this was the first ney the ities 4 het good use of old trinkets and) | time such a tough assignment |; the masks are now _ her disposed items from the | eh on students wenn Students and ninth grade students be-| paint, Bon creallve| art Ph maior ear used their ingenuity Bit eae Bey raring hard, out to Junior jsved in the school Hosta ae ae Sf : nee Rapier rise: to display them at ay ‘et umber of places, lo glass, old and broken jewelry, ene Or another Mr. head wood, also comple ete scuptures wax and Hancock said. = A commercial out s0ap,)) an Ww line of ar ‘also introduced at Wahiqu ‘his year and students witl use of pen and brush are ie q | ing lettering and have co with attractive "yy, ‘Hancock said he has bead a "aod | CaN “hvited plastic, have rte ome. And the results have won Maem and their instructors r praise. f= About a month ago, eighth Thev primitive oa : oe 1 | : : * BANE oeBad Not so inthi r xe i Ai one5 ne H a 2 =. RRB te ia fat soe Ng Fae al_ by it ee “i some ee feathers, yarn and burlap.a eae SO a ere Bae GE LI January 7, 1965 ig some attractive designs real boxes. Har and record a if |