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Show 9A 5 County Junior High Schools To Participate in Choral Fete Selections performed by the Things.” Choral music students from Wahlquist selections, directed five Weber County schools. will Roy group, under the direction by Eldon Curtis and Robert perform Wednesday in the an- of Sterling Morris, will be ' Johnson, will be “God So Loved nual district junior high choral ‘Without a Song,’ ‘‘My Heart ithe World,” “Sing, My Soul, festival at 8 p.m. in the Bonne- Is Offered Still to You” and |His Wonderous Love” and ville High School auditorium. “The Sound of Music.” “Eternal Father.” The public is invited. Rosemary Small and Gordon Henry Mofitt will direct the Lyneer Smith, vocal music Jessop, directors at Bell Junior singers from South Junior in director at Weber State School, High School, will direct. vocal- ‘Kicho Song,” “Sometimes Feel will be concert adjudicator. ists in ‘“‘Cherubim Song” “‘Were Like A Motherless Child” and Arch Stokes is festival chair- You There?” and ‘‘My Favorite “Q Domine Jesu Christe.” man. | SCHOOLS LISTED Participating will be students from Valley Concert Choir at Valley School in Huntsville; Roy Junior Girls Glee from Roy Junior High School in Roy and Deputy Sheriff Charles M. Johnson, of 136. 30th, jailer the Bell Concert Choir from at the Weber County Jail, has received a certificate of T. H. Bell Junior High School. graduation from the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau Also performing will be the of Prisons, for completion of a correspondence course in jail Wahlquist Concert Choir of management. Wahiquist Junior High School The 21-month course, conducted by the Federal Jail Inand South Concert Choir from spection Service, included instruction in maintenance, suSouth Junior High School. pervision, cleanliness of the jail and all procedures from Edward J. Schaffer, director acceptance of prisoners to feeding, clothing, upkeep of the of the Valley Concert Choir, inmates and their release. will lead his group in “Bless Deputy Johnson completed the course with an average the Lord,‘* “Halls of Ivy’’ and grade of 86 per cent. “The Sound of Music.” JAIL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE PRESENTED TO COUNTY TURNKEY 'SEASCAPE FUN—Jeannie Voight, Bonneville High EVERYBODY LEARNS—Classes back-to-back would look strange in a conventional classroom but in this team teaching situation at H. Guy Child Elementary School it is normal and even routine. Carpets and sound proofing reduce noise _ to a minimum. student, the tutelage department. of theart artunder headlearns Hancock. 7School | of J. |