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Show Flower Arrangements This course is designed to give instruction in home beautification through artistic, correct, floral arrangement. The following units will be considered: 1. Bouquet Arrangement, Vases, Baskets, Bowls. 2. All Foliage Arrangements. 3. Fruits and Berries. 4. Dried Arrangements. 5. Corsage Treatment. 6. Wreaths and Christmas Decoration. 7. Table Decoration. 8. Correct Wedding Customs and Proced- ures. 9. Ribbon Usage. Gift Wrapping, etc. Foods It is easy to prepare food when one knows the principles of cookery, but it is even easier to spoil good food in the cooking when one does not know them. The tenderest beef steak can be toughened by improper cooking. It is with this thought in mind that the first course in food preparation was developed. The lessons are concerned with the principles of cookery and the reasons for failures. The pupil also learns the routine of work in the laboratory, the value of good work habits in the kitchen, the sanitary handling of food, and the laying of the table for serving the food prepared. Empsasis is laid on the development and recognition of good standards of the products. Advanced Meal Planning and Preparation This course is a course in food preparation for those who understand food principles and preparation. It includes menu planning, table setting, and serving. The practical work will include preparation of typical foods for a breakfast, dinner, luncheon, buffet meal, and tea; setting the table; preparing and serving meals; using an approved method of service. Furniture Refinishing Complete instruction in applying all types of finish, paints, varnishes, and others, in the rehabilitation of furniture and woodwork. An important class in the face of furniture shortages sand shortage of service workers. Fits in also, with woodworking. Garden Clinic This class will consist of lectures during the first part of the course with demonstrations in the gardens of members of the class, in which the principles taught will be applied, following in the last half of the course. The course will cover both flower and vegetable gardens. 18 Lanndscape Gardening and Floriculture A study of (1) landscaping principles by means of lectures, pictures, and field trips; (2) flowers adapted to the Ogden area and the culture of them; (3) commercial opportunities for growing trees, shrubs, and cut flowers. Home Planning This class will be held weekly and will consist of a forty-five minute lecture followed by a forty-five minute forum. Appropriate literature will be supplied and you will be shown how to plan and what is best in design and material. The following discussions are planned: 1. Selecting the Home Site. 2. Designing the House. 3. The Selection of Materials. 4. Contractor and Construction. 5. Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning. 6. Interior Decoration and Furnishing. 7. Landscaping. 8. Financing of the Building of a Home. If you are planning a new home, you should not fail to avail yourself of this opportunity. Interior Decoration This is a practical course in home furnishing for those who wish to make new selections or revamp old, and deals with the fundamentals of the subject. Practical demonstrations in class and on field trips will supplement class lectures whenever practicable. Lectures and discussions wil include the principles of art and their application to home furnishing; backgrounds as walls; floors, curtains, and draperies; furniture construction, pictures, floor and wall composition. Recreational Leadership This course is designed to teach the principles, methods, techniques, and materials essential to leadership in recreational activities. It will appeal to leaders in organized recreational groups as well as the occasional leaders in the home, club, church, school, or neighborhood. The following units will be considered: Principles and methods, community singing and music, story telling and dramatics, physical activities, arts and crafts, dancing, parties and icebreakers, and recreation and the community. Plastics A course designed to acquaint the student with the new and important groups of plastic materials now being produced and to teach him the fundamentals necessary to work with plastics, using hand and machine operations. 19 |