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Show climate of gentle rain and breadfruit, coconut and palm trees. She had fond memories of sitting on the ground with her parents and dipping baked fish into a pot of poi. Her first school was in Hawaii, where she was taught by one of the sister missionaries, Mildred Randall. She learned the native language by playing with the children. When the Boydens returned to Utah, they arrived in Salt Lake City on August 16,1868. They didn't go directly to their home in Peterson, but traveled up Parleys Canyon to Coalville to visit with John and his wife, Jessie, for a few weeks. They then returned to their home in Peterson. Charles now built a small frame home for his family. This home was much more comfortable than their log cabin. Charles continued to farm and develop their homestead. Mary's brother, Edward Horsefield, who still lived in England, had two sons. In 1875 Charles and Mary sent money to pay for emigration expenses and these two sons, nephews of Mary, came to live with the Boydens and help with the farming. Their names were Samuel and William Henry Horsefield. Charles' daughter, Fanny, and her husband, James Whitehead Jr., had moved to Peterson after their marriage and they took care of the Boyden farm while Charles and his family were in Hawaii. James was a weaver and he used wool that had been carded in Ogden. Weaving and farming provided for his family. Later they moved back to Salt Lake. After the birth of Fanny's fourth child, a daughter who lived only three weeks, Fanny never regained her health. The family moved back to Peterson where Fanny could be cared for by Charles and Mary. James was working first at Deseret Woolen Mills located at the mouth of Parleys Canyon. Later he worked for Abraham Smoot, who was building the Wasatch Woolen Mills, one mile west of the Deseret Woolen Mills. James traveled the trail from Peterson to the south end of Morgan Valley, up Hardscrabble Canyon and down City Creek Canyon to work at the mill and stayed in Salt Lake City while he worked during the week. He would walk back home to his family in Peterson on Saturday to be with them until Sunday, when he would walk back to his work in the city. Fanny was an invalid for the next three years and died at age twenty-seven, in 1871. Charles and Mary helped care for the three children until Morgan Pioneer History Hinds Us Together James, their father, remarried a few months later. Charles was seventy-one in 1888 when he became ill. He succumbed to pneumonia on November 20, 1888, and was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Mary, age sixty-six, and Alice, age twenty-three, continued to live in Peterson. After the Salt Lake Temple was completed, Mary spent time in Salt Lake City doing temple work. She died on November 11,1904, at age eighty, and was buried in the Salt Lake Cemetery. When Alice was in her teens, she left home to live in Ogden and to learn to be a seamstress. When she finished her training, she returned to Peterson and sewed for the residents of Morgan County. On June 28, 1893, Alice married Eli Frank Whitear, a farmer and widower whose wife had died in childbirth fourteen years earlier. Alice was thirty-one and Eli Frank was thirty-six. After their marriage, they made their home with Mary, to look after her and take over the farming responsibilities. They had three sons, Charles Brooks, Frank Leslie, and Robert Earl. They started to build a larger house, but before it was completed, Eli Frank contracted typhoid fever and died October 28,1900. He was forty-three years old. Alice was expecting her fourth child when Eli died. Mary Josephine was born five months after Eli's death. Alice was left to care for her mother who was seventy-eight, and her children, ages six, three, two and the new baby. She supported her family by working as a seamstress and leased the farm land until sons were old enough to do the farm work. She always helped them milk the cows. In 1914 she and her sons moved to Logan where the sons attended the Agricultural College. While they were attending school there, one of the professors questioned the spelling of the last name. It was spelled "Whitear." The professor said it looks like it should be pronounced "White ear." Alice changed the spelling for her family to "Whittier." Poor health made it necessary for Alice to return to Peterson. She kept busy raising her family, serving as a counselor in the Primary, and as President of the Relief Society for ten years., She was known for her kindness and the fun family gatherings for the Boyden clan at her home in Peterson to celebrate the Fourth of July. She died in Peterson at age seventy on September 9,1932. Both she and her husband are buried in the Peterson Cemetery. ©19 • 21 |