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Show came during early pioneer years in Utah, when many privations and poverty were endured by most people. They made their home in Croydon, Morgan County, Utah, asked to go there by the leaders of the Church to help settle that area. There was no home so a little log cabin was erected with a dirt floor and dirt roof. The first child was born July 9, 1866, and the last on August 30,1889. In the twenty-five years they became the parents of twelve children (Sarah Emma, Jessica Georgiana, Hannah Elizabeth, William Henry, Charles Jabez, Nette, John Wilford, George Ernest, Lydia Maude, Ida May, James Melvin and Lawrence Webb). At the birth of each of her children, there was no doctor in attendance. Mother was always rather frail and not very strong. Father was a sturdy pioneer and could stand the rigors of pioneer life. He made friends with the Indians as they traveled from Wyoming to southern Utah and Arizona in the fall and returned in the spring. Father made friends with Chief Walker who was of the tribe that went on these migratory trips and entertained him in his home, so the Indians would not molest the rest of the community or damage their property or their livers. While Chief Walker was in the home Mother was always frightened, which made the Chief angry and he would pull out his knife as though going to injure her. This never alarmed Father as he knew the Chief would not injure his wife as heand the Chief were great friends, but he would take hold of the Chief and set him down on a chair and take his knife away from him. Father was more than their equal physically and was greatly blessed with the powers of discernment to know the intent and desires of most people. I tell this to indicate the timidity and gentleness of my mother. As the family grew additions had to be made to the home, other rooms were added. It was only after the older children were married that a comfortable home was built. I quote from a patriarchal blessing given by Patriarch John Smith, "Thou shalt be strengthened in body and mind, the blessing of the Lord shall still thy labor and thou shalt have joy in thy daily avocation. Thy name shall be perpetuated upon the earth and handed down in honorable remembrance. Thy fame shall be known far and near for many riper in years shall honor thy judgments and listen to thy counsel." Mother all her life attended Relief Society and for many years was president and also many years active as a counselor. I remember going to those meetings many, many times with her, being her youngest living child. I remember the great number Morgan Pioneer History Binds Us Together of sisters who came to our home to talk with Mother and receive counsel and advice and to be comforted in mind and spirit pertaining to the difficulties they were enduring in those early days in Utah. It is only fair to say that she listened to everyone even though they talked and gossiped about other people, she would lend a listening ear but never was she known to indulge in saying anything that would in any way reflect on the character of other people. I've known Mother to be so tired and worn out that she would go to bed and a number of people would be sitting around her bed discussing their problems and they would leave seemingly comforted and sustained in their difficulties. One lady in particular, Sister Cotteral, had only one child, and would go to all church meetings which Mother could not attend because of her large family. This woman had a remarkable memory, better than anyone I have ever known, and she would sit by Mother's bed night after night telling almost verbatim what had transpired and what had been said. She was greatly appreciated in our home, although we younger children would make some light remarks about her. Mother's blessing also states she would have the power to hold the adversary at bay. We had one neighbor who at times was an enemy to Mother and would say very unjust things. Mother would go over to see her and invariably this woman would come to our home soon after and apologize for the evil things she had said. Just prior to Mother's last illness I noticed she was reading Church literature pertaining to the life hereafter, particularly things Apostle James E. Talmage had written and what she could find about the future life in the Book of Mormon, particularly as Alma explains the subject, and in the Doctrine and Covenants. So we discussed these things together and I explained to her all the things I knew pertaining to those who were privileged to obtain eternal life. We had always been particularly close in association since I had returned from England, and as a young boy growing up her favorite reference to me when we were alone was that I was her Prince. During the above conversation I asked her if she had some impressions that she was going to her eternal reward, she answered in the affirmative and a few days later she was taken ill. This was in June of 1919 and her illness lasted until the latter part of August. Her four living daughters all gave her very careful attention. Nettie and Emma came and stayed at the home. Georgia came frequently and Lizzie who lived close by took care 211 |